Box 248 '191 ManSi E M , Mlion. Ont L9T4N9 ( <95) 8782341 Fax:878-4943 *CIassified: 875-3300 Ian Oliver Publ'.çher' Neti (ailir AfvînPi/fi Karen Huks.m (" an',,Mnr cTnl Caiii ffiure Ma,.l'rr iin luCot Iir, r~,,qr.r,~ Obsessive-con pulsive people Anf ah'q."f. . fc'ip ff.ý difiirdfr Ut t)) c-nf hf. ditticul t ir tamily nfficierf fi cndfr'tandt A pf.rsun hai% thia.e Itfffugif tisar jcsf lîf.p ce,>9ce and fîfiiîl. the [s.rfifn dîI nîi lfqif utiN furff thin fflIf Thet'a thcughtý arc cucI?1 - cmpainied hy reptîiif. coumpculsive fichas inir. [lie pf. i, f' ioufV ahbouf 'inilhin. a leir * ,ho og of laciti inay Iad fi) et fciff. ulanflff whlein thJe 9L/S f ftar fi hen r% hhnd ni>, rouli in '-mei prf.ily hiare ifiti clahfirage nfIiafý -uhef.klcig multipleB I * I Ilift'w fhochf' id fila 1fcrîf no[ ie îc ise n belifraff.gieN 1for f. ifcffig theur ftiisghf' lightlIs a% ffff.' %fi mii iittrif.rtr mofre anminet~r Sortie arc' gis ot'cffl.'r cffre rk'asaet ilhicg% Ila a fhi dail> Iilt icd ffa> dle% a failtIl i hin abouct mfa> a fit ftipr.pare ti, If.'> thein hîîc'a. Ihey ay plac iheir doinner, hnici abouti pifi In ornett cas. kid,.can 't hase triccnds %e i ii tufefhîcg, cn fhtir lis '. plafi fi i hey arc acd piret'cs don' f fi.if/c af tirour hoct''e gitg Il dot Siaurday cigis or f iscaliie chicon f flic tliur odfier peouple %fil hncg hattena fini f.inf' a plfcacf thfie> had prei- fie, finie l~Fiil: lflf.'if.rf geltfrcftraft'd and îu'dy ecperrîecced] Ofher arc gisec a.ifffit'ef i, ifia' hecc ie> eic'I %enff il, refrain ilth le tii iii amy givn sifcatiro. aclfines bhac ire tith f if.loi difracttng and poifif. The~ ffrihlf.fin i. fifi a ratiiiff.i oue and the per'- Il iii> ffcfd icas>, but if% fif'l' liard woit Il soni f.annoilx hi aflkd uci ot f if rfianer il Na u faites li me. fraifg and loils f s0pptrt acd si>. Il offffer If.'Juf Ir, i lircti. iii fIt', liily. encouiragementc If offff.rt fakef cancul) f.inellmg Ifff if) aî foh. lifi i) ffl'ittfhipf and soctial .iv- ftif gf.l fie namls if, cn,'rtand fusl lise pervîn tiff., i, guiing trugh andt hoiw tfley can encf.ofrage llefp i% oc tif. fia>.tifi.'C A rf.fecln fcudy inf or her fff the nghî dfref.fion fi> Jet) Sf.%t/f, M 1). af I <'I A. reicateti tisai Dr Schviart, fifctd chit lx i flacîc patient, f.fgiififf.' hehasîîîcr flterapy tact priidcte dia fnîprîîned> stilh cougnitve trehavîiicr mafff effff %Miireowff.r, fise icrfliutc pridccd frf.atîîenî. and fhe PET ' %chftacftate is (Iheri chIe hîVloi'ifal tchange, nh areaf if fte claimt luI% sfudy cfft ifly ginefi moir. hope fli fric fitf.'I (XI) il kiiiiit fil resijec 0(1) patienfs andI liseir tanilief, fictif if h fi t This fitdy, rufifîhtd cn fie 1-'efircar f5 iffce slct.N shuîing specf.ît changcs In tise hraic oft Art tus tr i Cenraf l'sychfiair>. ran a 1f- reulling firuim fins treilmet. wiek peuigraini fIl f.îgctie hehailur fhcrapy Motri patients sutis OCt) arc treafed Iitti meti ccd lookl poituronc enmifn limugraphy (PET) icafîion id fie reil %iiuld Sornne iedtf.attons (f lr ,,an f fhie fraîx htre acd aflter tise treatinen, exampfe Prffatf haie ut taf.t prifilced simular Fucr artis ol fie hraic murt. in ltif t.step ti f.hanfges initie firaîn. accîirdîni tif Dr Sf.hsiafi, hrng abut the îfh'effîfe lhucgIî and f.iic but fie> dnci teach 'lfunri sife he..'hiiîr fone area tortillai fronltal cuflexf Dir Schsnartn, i c hie octsa pattectf ref.euýig the def.t if i tirfuulg fifleni trr iht hrii Tsiî oh cogniif hiehavucr therapv had a treciecduc c'f, ir cudalatfit if u, an "t ilate g> ruf jfffeed fcrise oft af.ft)lpfufflelt. a mfajor cn, rvafe 111 >iir fii ti vît Iil )tffi fe'.1e t hfrieudffe 'left eeelî and cf.idece. i ush diefî't i i 'f i I filfiffoiiif Ic'o Liif iit-J" Ilf't if)> e fiffi hec cx:i,it i, the ohif <uit ~ ~ ~ ~ I ari ai').n 111 iff'liff Mi fifuii j X îect It'i)iasIfift l ti'fc Io et Ibf' locution \fu,'ffi.'l majori' a ltut i liu' the f fisc fi).'lfi apii. ~ ii,, liii jion d f mi) r, til.fîialî il.tu)c prlui i, ide,~ t,' tfiff.f<tf rfI, T a ii , lof fifif ' i oi,fi no lr ,f lh< 'Il fi fit,, lia a fff.rfiffl iti .iff. f ii tI fit- kiif,'f fIh-,,iiifui u th 'k- 'hî i,' îî tialfi I or ffhi% reaf'fu ftiiifi hchit moll 1,11ii1ptf i o f ffh "f l fl f, tf, h , hait mou l or ~ if ip i. f.'tcf. ff' S i, i, f tc it" I f it fi 1) ko , lhan1 di , fi titi.'ii' lt l'f f11- t 'f K 11of '(if V fff.til %It frffiin fi fil iiC io, p LoQkingBÉack.. an touta ut eteni mri atyiEnasi rata cef voai oir an uu wttey ourng ina enny Camivai et Rotary Partis In Augual, 1961. Walling thour Juiens %fers Monica Stephen (lait> and Nanscy Hayi.urd, playgroufld aupervisor, Who ficalu In charge of the fâchos tailluir. Somet,.,mes they get it right, (-kaîîinafy. (me t îcr mac> goîîrtmenîs dcies thse rigisi thicg. In f.arly Octouiir. Premier Mile Haîrris loui liiwed thrtigh uoc titi lecttiox pletige tuf reduce tise numiser oft MPPs sittlng un tise Onîianuî legî s- lare. 'Tie Tiunes have fintroticcai a fill. cntlîlei tise 'I'ewer Poitf.ans Ac'. winch i) pare dîîwn tise nuatiner of MPPt fnm t134 io 103. Tiscre tee tisose£ who wî l et'> hc mortier fîner thts 'isey think big gonemeninsei% gondu gusnm nient anti chat Ontio neetis mmt legusîaitirs ta reprefenti the Popclation, nuit les. TIley coîntrai tisai Mr. Harris' muantI lu a thé ncmfifr oîf MPP s simply* a cynical polituca plîy tuf sore cp sInter support. Bct macy tut lisec f.rtttf.ufm f.rime fronm ntire titer thant chose MPP4 whîî stand fInlo tiseirjis in tise priieuf, Taiktng a mutec ofijeune niew, taspayers anti efeicIor,. sisoul titrer tise mute Iut a %mallet leg- isiaicte Here's itis> e II Bfl iava mhonay - Dccaase tise new provin.ial hundate twill coirrespondt tii feuleraI electtiic diftnclor. laspayers si1I fane un MPP sualarie%. exnflcf staff, antio ui te enui ot plan- ning and rccnung ceeutiics Aftisugs tise %av- ingf are oc)> a fait droîp in a icry large bouetf ttiey lieferisceef at .aid up. Octanans %sil) reap a $2 I millo f)îc al ai cigs )cst iii NI PPf salines, Thaf* $11 fmillion chfat tari gu i, r ettc- fille tise rinf.ef detff.ît h Ifaili restora the peincîpla af ana pet'- sorn. one vote - \f tit'i flotf fai c. <uftf effl,'rî) itiîaru,% arc îîtt thucg fiut dciitsra if. Siifiri.u f o iir.ttsu Ipf re gfft cLider rc'rcctef f ici im,f' are rith lf, chi ffcrt lui ni ' r ruri) iurea.v lir ne c.t hoIiftuifir ,ill aufrtîiLe a inuf. piief.r i ffiui Ta/k, Taxes nu3tperfect) forir uit representaîifc fi: pula- tioin, a c eiNsoic of wencer dcccii ras> * l WBt pravafit garryemoridaang - Mattupu. fatîng f.tnstitency huidartes tuf the greatesi posstible atinantage for the gifiemucg Party is a welt-hutiet peactîce in pnovincial poi- tucs. Mr. I-ams his. isLqpet reduce tise likeftlci of gerrymandening tc Ontanii fi adiîpttcg the hocndarics set oct fi> tise impartial Feulera) filetu'alî 6undanes Comiscin. In atîgning tise liew fucndanes% hased oan tise siirt. dune lu> a body> uisîde tise )egisfatare's jundîettoc. tise cnfiher tif selfs heîd fi> catis, party shîîc)d more af.curatel> rcflef.î tise %oites si un an> giec etef.tifuu * ht amphaslzes the hoad for fiscal ras- ponsiblity - Oniari.Iiis titîf onff f.tcIpitîhe uuecd tir fpeiduug reitntion, is fuu, , ilufuttiltial 1), are îfi'aufuitef leffir l f ties arc app)ueît lai rfv ut rii, ftic huard '.Iiiitfisc L fcrtf. fui un,) iuli of rm! [nifuufialfi fi),' ie rt'st 'tîfu,' POPf cfitiu'ii i, h'itf.'d fo irgie r>, -Iffooi I'Cff ,ucd lx-ffheer flififfOfi> Sun,,' iilllcg offuc. %Ir Ifarri, chsu, n hICr ftuahi fl (Iiiiji'friru ft' fîri profs iditug )càcrýfirp fi s f.'fif) f ilfi Il, fi, tia thi fraifpuiigV ufe NIP f!fîd placer'i frififiaif plan initias lie uffIsI-unf.ef anitrui fis reite uuug th' iruicher uit NII't' I If. sfîiifld ciim tire iî gcun uin lise piltfa doinauturîis la reduifit is if ufedtl li %ucfisidue f.ouctry f.'tch ccr ipf. %utsf dry f.eaoing, and tter per li tir )>tti- cials and MPPs li's cnfaîr tisari anpasrSre fitg lifrf.ed ttc pa>. nui uic) fuic tise teenue- moaist anti guilfgames if fPartv nenifier,. liait alsry fuir puttincaf Iitens anti oiînionf tise> ouppoise. Tax Fort: Ontartio's proinf.ial aculîtir isa% gîven tise Milke Harrs govemment a 'tisamfs up' foîr umpisîvensenhu Io tise pmnince's aicuni- îng practief "Li't.railk fra' ta pricîîdî'd b5 If.. Ontario TecMpoyes Frerfeacron. NIO0N TIIs Caou"a cme. pcimmted onsi> awe&may ana F1148 ai 191 Main St E, Melon, Ont;. L9T 4ND fIlon 248). M ai.e of lThe Motntures Pfafemg.c Puluctiung à Oistibtutacg tif grcup et subufita cciparaht; wIiho lind Aiax 1 Picering News Adverucmf Battr. AdvicBamîipton Ouvafit. Burlington Posli Cftcy Prfen Cciifffgwccd i Wîsigi Çonnhction, East Yole Mifrr Eloticoke Guadian, Georgetown Independontl Accn Flot Press, ingston Tis *e.£ Lindsay Thi W.eeé Mokhain Eonoisf il Sun Mdtanf1 Peneingiscme nr MultMsscssacga News lewenurlet i SAmrfa Ena Bateer Norfhcmberlacdl Newi Soif h Yor k Mrif if Gakcuite Dejcar Orda TUdai /saa firb Claongfcc Tfns Week. Peferroufngh fis v1ià; lucinnced 'M14. Thrnfnilt I Vîaffhan liberaI Scafboicugh Mif rcf, Uîhfide 1 Stccfneti Tribune Total c Seff fas Aftcrfiug us accepte or cx ite cifflin tal, mffthe retara ofà typogrnefnCi eiff chic pcoftin cf fthe adverlcuug sbcae cccupied fn the ortfomus item. lc9efxer wff f a fieasccabe ailcac for signafufe. cuit ncfr fie Cffafgad tcf, bt the balacce of thfe advertisement cuff lie pald lcf il fhe ainclie raft pubt lisner îesernes fne openf for cafeftnfuze adeftisentsf cf dechn.