* IT'S lIME to rekindie the flame!- The colder weather is rollin in ad the is no better wa to keep the chili but, then by basking in the warmnth and glow of candleligh! Visit the Wizard forall of your candie needs. We have the area's targest selection of flamne-related products. Wizard of Wicks À 2448 Lakeshore Rd W Oakville, Ont. (Bronte Village) 905447-7208 C.43 Main Knt (Lumnberyard Complex) 905-845-1 83 Filmhouse Alice MUtrhed arranges two of her handcra-e woul and needlepoilos miniatre Engllsh house. She waa aelling them et a ordt and bitte sale put on by Seniors Club U et the Royal Caàlan Leglon Satrday. Free computer time for busines 's Businesses can now lxock a une hour sint ai a com- altigt pcilîerssteaune witit itecir puter workstagion iitrgh the Halton Region Business own Internet acccss can gel titis inf atton thruiugh Dýevelopmenl Centre. the Business Develt)pmeniý eswhe ail Business people ca research items uslng the www.halionhuires.coni. Internet. des'elop bustnes planis usîng software pack. Te woerkstation service is IrS. To bock a time con- ages asilnable front commercial hanks. use business tact Ircne*Zimmerman at 8425-6300. The Ifallon onented CD-ROMs and access Microsoft Office pro- Region administration centre is Iocated on Brunme gram'.The workstations arc organî,ed tn an easy to Rosit (Highway 25> just nortit of lthe Queen Éliahetih use way, Internet research cari ite speeded Up througit Way in.pakville. wntênO t- wUittî ai-Is ÇO laarSII w nt rne lia n S ex r 0 ^91 2 Producis Quaker State The Officiai Motor - 011 Sponsor of the NHL* à mmr CarsU $Wea !0 AutoM ftoed - O.tase In t4p.de a 1990 CiV TON HIC-U ____ ____ ____ _ Wle wm j s', gry inten io ~ dnee Mu s8 uomat c icait ondtittnqandnwy or oton. batg Sl2159.6 Hugo asa "LuM - - A dm, Na kW -Fn roliTMs L -