'876-7777 Attractiýe brick and wooo raised Truly breaurfiful backaplît boasta of buglwsot on on acre in a* comrfort and upgrades. Bright eqtin bunalo kitchen, renovated main bath with coupîtryivîiagd setting. Largo eat JacÙzz tuV, apacicous roc. room and in kitchen has walkout ta an elab- second waahroom, central air, con- orate two fier "lvated dock ovor- tral vac, elec. air cleaner andmuc.-h looking tho inground pool and moreo Prolessionady landaîdaped orn lenced yard.'Also a walkout fram a large pnivate eo on a quiet stroot. tee lower level recroation raom. *Voull b. impbesseâ& Cadi lqIkg . ...*225,000 Cmi MIkIll ....... 118900 I e.carpsnnei~t 0'0W I Cati Mli. - E- e.siswe "Mq M -M Esoal c6. b Ts 1 -Io., T,Mt, 5. beaireorço 311 0.trooo L*g 0.19 W-. à*ih. à O.nn 00 4005005Pol02. 9.,n. -h.ý poi, fd-.v efflduff Go, C. 0g ONM Z Water Front & Cottage Beaulful Settîng. $159.000 CaIl Josephl. FmBa. 1985 Sq. Fl. Industrial Unit Ftont Expoaijre To Main St. Ief Rate Mmi(1 ninnb ng 4bcd 00$" .mIn toc, 504 g500 THINKIN O0F MOVINO?. 1 HAVE PURCHASERS IN VARIOUS PRICE RANGES FOR A CONFIDENTIAL, PRESSURE FREE EVALUATION. PLEASE CALL JEAN, 17 YEARS EXPERIENCE WITH MILTONS #1 REAL ESTATE COMPANY. AÇOsmiucorf 87-TM ..MINI FAM This propprty locafed just minutes trom Oakville or Milon couldI fltyou keep your horsos aI home. Largo barn & shed*complimenls the surprislhgly large. 4 bedroom home. A Il thjs for just $249,900. BUILDING LOT Super 314 acre eooded lot elti Gmrebl &aus t0 tale, Nelar Sauta. Beach, Cal nie for ait the deltais. Grut alclo Fait $27,500 $1 29,900 Vacant Lot in Vilagel of Campneidîle on Ma" St. Homl an Roeah.lh, Harvotif Wil 112 car garp Lfe. 2skly, up Io '$24,0q wilh pool 1 noed a reaortbl cuicit fumaI 1 mStU M Wc , us iô Irée 10ee,I TAYLOR- ;=eadC w m Assonai. ~~~ ~Méie 4r=0#dnii .cun oO~~y e 101 ,ntucc tory 25 O -- e i 1 -rr. -- 99 ce . 01.4 'y 30We z barillit 30 e tnddlia UndhiJ. M.am-.iUaS Qi