* ..1n Merchants topple, stacked deck by beating Collingwood in O/T- By STEVÇ LeBLANCi Specialo fie Champion Lien wiih the deek si.ieked againNi ihem Tuteda) in ('îitgwo( lt Milton Merehants rnnaged io dram t uihc n a h-5 uîseflîmre %in against lthe Eaui Dîsision Blues. .1 helkical Jr A clubheadcjpinhe find hall ofitheir iuoî-gamne inirlocking serte vi%%h Côlii !N ood alrcady shnîr-slallcd. Star goahèénder Denier l land saslained Qshaîilder injury ai Suuday*s praciice and urnire Troy Walcai sai oui hurtaue he, isseýd thai Things ment fromt had t morse fictire the garne esen siarled. mhen Coilingwood seni a Junior C caîl- up aîlter former Bilues' luirmard 'Treîiir Diîmuey in the marn Up. The 20-, seir ild let winger. mho had alye Mhie Wasîins Ji Ciillintssîiit. resenil several Shune catis Iritin lriends pnr ii i the gaine waming lin luai the club mas% hnnging in an AP cail.up lu fighi hîni Thie pre-gane brais 1 resuilesl in suspensi;ins fi hoth thc Juiiir C' caIllup and M i lion liiagh guv Cory Hllland. whiî htati't dime as initiA tighting'on hus ueioun this seasiu hut iu always quiJciiî sLand up fR hiii leanimaies. While ohsiiiusiv caughi iu kh middle oif the' rielce. ilowney elid nii gel a suspt'nsuin. Milonessýaped lîlsn ih the win - ciiulesy (if cap- tain Siese Ciarktj's top skLft shot 17 'eeconds inji 1 extrâ trame -bul te " cach Mari> Willianisan saitd lie gaine shîiuld easily hase kcen deuided in rogula- lin lime *We c iînuîl h:nfo ul didut fluînsh mcli aund looîk sante.ektap penakw:~ tha1 siopped ilk boit ;1 lthe ginw e k aid "Il tits a meird gante. bui ssiih hk numker itl guys me had oA 1 ihink il's a salîd min iiir us Willîamson îiied hig effortls hy lthe local duot oI l)arren Haydar and Dsîug Janjevich. whîî figured in four if lIte l'ire regulalion'lime goals. Hayes. mas 1kl ke) sniper ou ghe nigWi wih hus unri junior A hai-îeck while -Janjevieh mainaincd hîs lwo--poîni.a-nîghi paelç wiîh assisis on Ilydars% third iaiiy and une by Trais Riggin. *'M'inî" Haydar is nîm lthe leains lejtding scor&t wilh 24 points. He holds a itue-paini lead user Min Van Arkcl and W Ima akxad of big roiher kiff Assîsiing on Clieke's overlinie winner mere Rieh» Reid and Domney. Downey hulldo4ed hos way mit) enenil le'miry ail the initial lacei9 apd made a greai pass ta Reid, mha luund Clarke aIl alune in [ra)ni ThIe Blues had Iimreeîj ilverimeý Ji4s minutes% carlier st the enlraliée in th,%. final il(l seLonds til the qidi. John Liuttera tumned in a solid pertormance Kimeen the pipes in England'u phsene ('iunlig Mion's tîher gîtai mas; delenceman Mark, McPltaîi mhile Jefi Haydar - ha left the gaine aller a seeiînd-peruod fighr drem a pair ai kilpers Single assisis vient la ffiggin. Van Aikei and Rîek MacDonald. Lngland is duhlul foîr ionighî's tl-ridayt home garie agaînsi Vaughan. bil could kc hack Sunday allcrnaon when the Merchanîs lrmrel lui Brainalea for a I: 15 pin. silOt againstillk Blues. Hawks pull off ujiset The Halin Liii Truck mînlîr alun AA Winîerý kamks pulled oil a 3-2 uPsel user pmiwerhtmîse Si. Calharine' Saiuiday' Despite homew ice ads'anlgc, Si. Kilts mas kifila tjusi Iwo goals in ilk middle Iranue - thanks lui sorFie inipressîne bluelîne wt îrk by Jtistin Deshaw. Mark Galiek. Mati Ienaudan ajal Mail Reid. White lthe defene prased ta he the stars oîf the game. David Ticlenans prosîded thk kiaies wîlI the gaine wînner in ihe third perîiod Assltng lin the sluori-Ianded Lally mas GaluLk. Blueline crew cornes through Untike Jîreviiius hiîmhings of Jeil Pazaner. Feill;sî iali.up N4g Wieken pîîsîed Iwot a'Ssîsî Ctiunguacousy, the muajoîr iiim Anlthony ][aekey cîîunid an a.sîs. cach. Mîllon s Iant Raltritsn coîn- AAA.Hurricanes had la reiy as as dîd Adam Kemp. Breli Rîîbîn- inhuttd a'stngle kiper. muit on ikîir delense as thîr. for- sun and Adamt Ru tif Milton Alex McIead worked 1 el îîîtr wards to %cte lise oI six points - 'M *Canes scîired a big 5- m in thkw 4- w in tirer Si. ('atharines. agzaîn,[ tbrec separaie oppitnenls user Burlîngout. lin lthe sirengîth tif end ied in one (if his hesl pet- Iast tien Johnsliin* near-llamless cItonsý lormauces o ilte seasîu Muri.us Iliti ended their recent strech biseen lIt pipes and a issu gotal. (loeci iallîed muie ith Kenmp bu% lsJig Braitîpliu 2 2. Biack ssii ass hitcase hs" Kenmp and Rtherisîtu adding sîngies stoppie the pack mas Mitînt's Rîiunding out lhc sýiiring were Kemîp aistu bac an assîs as dîd lu on ulitisîit silue goaIis îatîie (ireai c, Riîî/ andu lin S % ret Qaisiîey. Roi,oin. Rait. ('had Itriii iecl (ihieste anîd iiil up suhie Riibitîsui, Ks le Qiuin~ciý ul I lenry antd Tu Jitspersin. I - Netbrrui osoo(1U bofio >saCata str