UPýOPPY TwrUSIf UNDS The poppy campaigri is the Legion's moment of truth: unless it sucçeeds, ail th~e high-sounding ideals sur- rounding Legion Work are nothing but empty words. The ca1i1paigrI must be meas'ured by its effectl.veness, in 1promotink Remeinbrance and by the amount of money it raises to help needy ex-service personnel. and their dependentis. WHO OWNS THE FUNDS Poppy funds are public Punds, h eld in trust by the Legion until spent» as designed. They mueit be kept in~pratetrut accounts. Aýte rutle spent, not f accuulatd ~r a rainy day. NormnalI'; at 14st 90 percent of the'funds cofiected eaWh ear shoul d be spent before the next campaign. VýHAT THEFUNDSDO Tbepf 'Ù ds provide financial assistance to needy Canadian ex-service personnel, and merchant navy personnel possessing ôr eligible for ëampaign stars or deçoratiorts, and théir dependents. Alsoeligible are ex- servýice perso nnel of other Commonwealth and Allied countries, now resident in Canada. Authorized uses also include: " the cost of operating a service bureau or its equiva- lent; e bursarieg to childrei and grandchil.dren of ex-service personnel; ( " prizes for promotional contests directly connected with the campaign " coinpagn costs, including thefurchase of poppies, Wreaths, prorn'otional aids, canvassing supplies, rea- sontable expenses of poppy chairmen and committee members, advertising expenses and telephone tele.- graph, postage and stationery. OTHER USES FOR THE FUNDS A command, or, sùbject to*the prior approval of the provincial command, a district, zone, branch or group of branches, may allot poppy funids for: * community medical appliances and medical research; " drop-in çentres for the elderly, me. bp wheels, traspotaton and related service or veterans, their =eedet and the aged;- - donations for relief of dis4sters declared by the fed- eral or ý2rovincial goverrnents« " under certain conditions, housing for ex-servicemen, the elderl y and disabled; " within limits, assistance to ex-service sonneI and dependents of Commonwealth countries residirïg outside Canada, e.g. donation$ to the Legion's BCEL Fund. WHAT THE FUNDS CAN'T DO The followin& and any items flot covered ini the General Bylaws are not permitted: 0 cost of branch administratjon; e purchase, erection> extensiono ezto fbac premises; o~ o rrnvto fbac e rntl o popetyorpurchase of equipment or fur- nishings for branch use;* a public-service projects such as recreational facilities; e furnishings and non-medical equipment for hospital ward/rooms; * subscriptions to newspapers or periodicals, even for hospitals; 0 purchase'of wreaths for funerals; 0 transportation cost for funerals for relatives; 0 any form of entertainment; e bus tours for elderly veterans, or recreational pur- suits; e scholarships; * maintenance of cemeteries; e loans. ROYAL CANADIAN LEGION