4 *, ~ <E~qiteentfi $7nuaI I ..Cfiarify Muction 7, -à800 i T-II1 AU prn'aelyfundedv Santa, parade needs money. A consortium of Milton service clubs iu lalng thse Iead rele in protkacing duis yeWs Sunt Cas Parade. but mousey Io ftn d<ie enterptise is an am" cmeae. Pade Iresorer and Rotarian Thomas Dusmet is tsying te secure thie ongeing financial health'of thse paade, which ie uys is one of thse f4w major coninu- nity events tisat help define Mîilto. He is uswing tisqs wjio waxt Io donate in hçip oust now sud build moessy i ntotheir, budgets early in tise year for thse 1998 parade. 'Everyone's hMr is wsih tie parade but tisere ta no meoney, excepi wtiat we art able te taise," ad Mr. Duseset. "nie parade is entsoely fundeti by MrK cens- munity, with rne financial support froni govenmeni" 'F erb , an evelope inu tdy's issue oif The Ch n fr prae dnaton. Those wîshung te helisudt he cuje re akcdo put their cash o cheque! hon nvlp mitjig them te the parade. Srceclu representatives wilt cotieci the envelopes along the moute. Mr. Dusmet said hi actually prei'crs geverument te gtay ouit of tise funding of thse event. in fart hi is lend- W 0i pige de Up ~ mml*e MqERCEDES-. 110 ME S An ~aita't'daavv sa. 14m GSI Included a FWd*dcsgnsfiw» 118094p &o28093 Aius9m fffwù,êvMr4i P7 Met (*OS 89.482 ca (.dam St w ,c7 Offce (9Ib8> 22.220 for TOkOUIo c.aum' 1.800-377-4470 ............ ... ........ ,.............. At Mffo boume ve heu wWa ad ve deirer I ing hus efforts te tise cause peecsely becéai tisere ta ne mnicipal funding. 'If people want te sec dhi de ".n tise future thiy are gelng Ie have te help w#ih the casts." lie said. adding tl conta @bout $10001>. year te stage. * People have suggesed tu hisu thisa donations are dii'- ficuit te previde lte in theiyear aid a reminder eauer cculd hilp. Mr. Dusanel said ecd mailing cossa mom dmat $700. wlssc is expensive givçai the total parade budget. A&Àxdmg wn Bonnse Waid. Msllon 's co-ordnator(' censmunity pregrams, the nufiicilpalîty prevîdes, administraive support te tie pai,ad, i helps te ce- otinase the volunseers. Sevin service greaps including tire Legior. Ksnsinen. Jaycees. Lionsand niemnimt of the Ontaso Public Serieice Employecs Union (OPSEU) are involsad in various reis i'dtercsiid individuats and greups can call Mr. Dtsnst ai 876-1530 te arrange for a donation. This yeatised Santa Claus Par"d is schiduled for Sunday, Nev. L7. = iA~U -~ un Sears (P) Vitd's Pizza'& Wings Biway Milton Mai Milton Santa Claus Parade .A&P Bargaîn Tire Loblaws Party Paçkages A&P Gr nd &.Toy Hakim Optical Loblaws M &M Meats Samka Toy Warehouse Sears Piii-