A littie bit crafty Heathéi Rîngrome, 13, dlapays morne doll6 her mother Vuled harbdcrefted. The Oair, Moan wlth m.v«M other melleane, r.c.nhly sh&aed their watt et lte Cq9tifeMlle Jaont Club hall. GTA mayors unveil new website Bv SAAD REAUME The Champion Mayors Pif Greaier Tornto, Areu IGTAi municipal,. lies met in Miliiîn test week and were Irca;cd to a cytrer-nhbon culing for the new GTA wchsîlc and a look ai thk Ontario Agnicultural Museum. In addiîion the 28 mayors whuî aitended thk meeting tlale axiu i mpending changes k) the Municipal Act and lîstenied<o a presenwaion from the preidenî of ihe Canadian BankerN Association. The G17'< wchsîic. aimcd ai the naional and intera- liiinaLbuincss comm-unui>y. înco<poalcd a shout video clip thelln 1k iiiucs of thk GTA Accordilg lii Tom Vass>s. manager <if inlfrnci slragegy ai IBM, CanaUa thkre ait 20) external links t0 the GTA site. including ihosc of OiTA muicipaligies and husincsses. Fle çaid phase Iwo ufthek inlerne slrai- cg) will ke set up thk site Ino aut as an ombrella for &Il ciimpanies in fir GTIA wih wehsites. Trhe internetiîs m9ving Ihrough a capital phisse - e MAYORS SHOW an paoe 15 4 M. '"«e Aýc. a.*Ute. WO ni s ii. Wirif N d e .l u owr.gral Poets, ~ ~ Iiii oa".s îmrciîl louaget~Bu q ry 7 oiRngur, ai, crss. AM.ÇM s el , ao, cassetne po«e, son 31.000 kirwn.i asas &)locis, 38.000 kmi g17,995 1 31,919.5 -!2488 IlPower wnOs& loa pobaiesApwr ded wUIOe seeq 1 a lsa h -, AM F c a n I . s " "e nig 6 0 .1 0 k nu"Yfoeel 1 mn lo, 995 s 16,995 Fou wl grey loti, power ISeals, rw sunrocil, pIjcilrorg.pwîlca vindon locka, bit,. criase. %wds pwr lOcks. Cu, power windlows cruise, Ml gIry 46000 km 1. otcroise, dOy WIêOlS cassette Orriy 72, 00 <n 18,888 Muet be Seen. Oni. onr , s149 $1,9 j 0 1 *c loeued. Wluldino I lcha. crie , canse=slle power secte. Full r mait. kmyleme Otl 70 . lw fn onu ilSO Otly 52.000 Ikim a & ftial lmI gn8. grsal condiion. 1 caner N-U# w'aae I 13.888l 8fRq lu -1 1 1 Mr [à,. UMITEU lIME n9ffla UP TO 36 MONTHS K-> -a- UMM" %Ma