anftm Ohm o fia miwox casIiii limitaiJM Od iiini isTon y i W" Des Mutin - Whor lPlanc yom toai tio .Opurchaned tickets. -LicENCE assitus o awmane 'AIJTION SALE WEONUSDAT, OIMEf Wt AT OM PN. LOCATION:. In Ole AWWxlali al, Pd oaW Street. Milon F*gueead. Milan NOIJSENOID a ANTIGIU AUCTIONIEETR: MW COCiLNO-774117 au Found a NELMET, ImLaW Avenue -Ne Cdt b ldenIy. 111131157 allr 5 P.M f~a WNflTNhi WANTED1, Tunter igirad fr 0rad il edvanoad "MM1. Piehunes. 876-1751. Il tnneimae Trime GIHN8TMAS TREES - PoWe boluad Ï"s Spno, IL la IL SU o Diaiocuntlsir baille ordal. 078-8251. 78 Fitmwood DRY NAR0OVOOO AVAI.UU 'Use Savias- bWing npmh catlssdo mFnc ood, . "rallng Wall@'. 'De-a Roofls Ganarat rLeaicap, yard malienaom.. MILTON REWoOO à LNOscAPNG. «M1-182 DRY Mlsad hwdeaod <Maopl. Oat & ak ailr)hi aprosnay I* in. tangou PlitRO or daesrad. Cd Jaos Cahol e 87-402 NIEWOMO -adao A~I miUOBadauIS apqli on buabimrch 90-75-1823. PIREWO0, quakly elonsud haideod. i, 16' oud PU. up o- da*rly. Taylor Nirurt 876- 4100. 4 Fr. al à PT. BOX Trada, large sz 16 in, M"a Ilrs, 1 -71 ln. bel oonnscb $M. 905481. Au TT enaineur fr oni iracle Wowe, @0 %uider mmWU", nets S1,20, sal $600 wMO 2.80 MI. balle of sait (416) 026- 10lS. £2150 INTERNET AccEU . Suri tha net wm Nordh Haltoà*s oml home groms internet Plaul n. pb a llUe, mi. i aerice. Mise bslealisting. 873-2141 Fas # 873-2596. &cmu OF sINIJTm, SAL Mi bé 0 11, F Ane8ý, colleible, Sueur Jewyer N"»v Indien ftemns, Moccasins, etc. 35 Main St. CoamptIIviIIe (Fiday, Salsarda>y, Suntday) * 3 DAYS ONLY * INTqually mc oi cel 88.BG&%q. yard. For ai yur contas o me ibn en84=-8 25 NARVEU Gold Fr. jious. R. and s":ai g- coMain Aldng 84 75-0771. uM Brâdl Brif iWd bide blind hird. bint. blide à isml tild. gk&. ibd. bide)1 VoulI Om mUsI sed £ aa frais Cas Cseniy CiuOs Sea on Linmlan Churdi gibt.. 1 blad N of H"m. 07. Nm.v MS0) 848- PGTU RExorde Machine mau $4«, a- kingNM Êb&ât Snmeblamar saed o" àEekcoanaloile EjipeaiMer Srnilh Co-n ..w extra ribon $0. 87-910. mute rail. âM418 am pic, mea frot leu6, metal-X id tmd. 40, Col 877-878 ?eslaar t bi rWOOL *msr pauvaainaM wellp HOMEI GROVîN niasrprali. WOeO. Ol ur aO" da = tt Malins frasaFise Masljailles Th. Atlos Pmresljhlld O e h.,iing ils Annual CHRISTMAS CRAFI' SHOW A ND SALE on N-msbter 2.,19% 0 ai thu AeonBand Hall I15 W.Ilare il, Aeiao ÂMOer 25 aN uniqir Chisiiua gifi, ADMMIION LiaOFREE 7, fix *,i I ara" Sala rough t 1 you by: *The Place Where ~ Fresh la the Taterm 389 Main St. E. 875-3212, 50 Market Drive 876-4142 GARAGE SALE SATUDAY,-OCTBER26 338MAIN.STREET W 8:00 A.- 12:00 P.M. GARAG E SALE BATUROAY, OCTOIEN 20, 7t@ WIU.OW AVENUE AMOsWm . ta yise ls muet go. Con- Iqled ro < a ll iage sais, INDOM CHARITVî GARAGE SALE 410 STEELU AJgj 9ATIJRDA, OCYGeER *. 9 Ný- i AMt IIoaade m en Epiapy Soooe SAT. OCT. 2MT1. 8 AM-12 NOON 701 ROSEMEArUl DRIVE FDESOVE, NOUINOLo ITEMS, I4ANDYUA TOOLIII, METAL CAO ET AND 1 MUO4MOIEII mmo¶H BALE $AT. E M4 A*.-1 bi~.. ià EN 97-10A.u. - uOM MUO APPLEBY LINE Thé Salvadon Army RULIMAGE SALE SATURDAY, OCTOBER 26 0.0 A.M. -2.00 PffM. 100 MIPISSNG Ip5 UNI 03 - Uas-. -a-. Ïas, ençplla TaI 4aa 71-4100. 11618-2d.1117. DECORATIVE PLASTERMN. Misrions aid sau. i t MW&n ceno2. ,en ca o m lu , *panl moulding, "lmine, reatortation moiti. Itapleo and tuaisn moit yo.cdsln o 18N FiPramon Furssp ClesrOtg - a e 'nsnlastmrâln Febnaary 1907. elle, 1847. BA8EMUNT FLOODED AGAIN? For a Permanent Solutio use "ECTOFLEX' LIETMdb'ZuME Cao) Your Axiotzd Applopatr. CONCRETE SOLUTIONS Nt (410) 2378 1-800323-4408 S - NOMIE TO ADVERTI8ERS- The On"ti eana %fbu ode proiild da, criminatii tismus of'ago@, sax, mail $but. fata. ed," nationaly. aiosaty or plâce of arw, In ompktaims tu mode nanissit,ýE i A a*= COW D OMO PIZZA tis hilng ons Assistant lisiagu. Muai b mature adull. have oies trasplanrtation. Muet a* avallable te moiti evaning. Tmles pbaelédad. PMa apply in psr- son sdter 4 p.lm. loknday Ovough Tht'sday et 17 M~.nDq iann. ma"s, Io door. CO Tony or jaeler. 908. 320-2038 PUL TME/PART TUME Ddvet reqirsd. Eve- ning shift. mar rdlibl milh gond doiv'n oinr. Cal El. 875&30M. MATURE PERSON rsqulred Wo ReadentimI C"",ig da"o tuloa.~o Dnversm benn Mquirsd. 87&-14 CASHIER I ~ PART-TIME Pari lima Cashier raquirad t0 *0 h bao evenings andi weeOnds APPros. 10 hrsý pet itubaith Must ho customar seovice oisx id, n aanl wel groosîradanti accusae in matit Applicationi forma may ba Aftehd up a: iSchuyler Hom.I Hardware l 385 Siteles Ave. Milton IMIEDIATE OPENINGS Top Rat.. iaid AZ DRIVERS REQÙIRED Single and Team CALL TODAY 905-670.0835 or I -8iW-KEE-DRIVER, Joi OUR TEAM. T4i tes-- growhig ivilsi of a Fortune 500 Cormpany la toohlng tocr ' PRODUCTION TEONNIIANS' alyouaore insscart PJWI.5 conitiont, have a Grade 12 aducatio,'râ tans spiritat andi miil tO mot iInaà lean, aineanlrorinrt théan féiSard pour rasuma fincludlng your wage aspaclalios) to: Georgetowin Independent 211 Armstrong Ave., PO. BOX 2342 GoglnOÎP L70 4i5 105-Q-ïd-m Lwdscud GENERAL MACU" CuasIM Mdiulou Fabuboteg Conpaii te- qufrsLaitt, URI à POpily Horizontal &r'ing #&W OPsZr. Mati hav good mediaid , allde and lie aIo raed bephilib. 44 hrJ4 dey mat mek , beé.m8 ocsass mgaie = hilng. Mus t lo w lng Ma moult Umit 576-380be<wme 220-30 PIPE Fini à Wb"ra. raqd or kg s.idpant b-tfisse l ie.Gmd orfax uusimb.cdasW Pr UWo M"ad~i Lit., PMO! Box 4M9., 05m.L7J 2WB. Fax (510)163-6707 .TOOL AND DIE MAKER (cerliied> STiANDARDO PROD5IC- (CANADA) LIMfT. Et>, is a iflssulaciar o pans for thi ieiefv îsdasuy, WC, Ve pnesestt> âcvepnhig applicates fir the p.usli.n cof Tant and Die %lalt.r (CeIfir). 'Threee.o vasuddu must have tir 9. head -mIl reasis the. &.along fih Cutoise Complairats, Qualtl> concsrni and Trouble thooîîny rhlî E.perîe.,ceurUîed in a Ruhher and Autiîmngîv Manulacturtng Essiromni Eipenv-nce on tnectuîm Moulding. Slreîch Bendosi and Exirusîion equîpsint axe a lefinite aunet Thte luol Make, ill have (o w,"r 1 sh(fis usder minimum vayervluion and -1i isceuve -Mieleni company b tii afler 45 days Rate of puy per heur $22 54.+ lduC<)A1 1'le rabs,, yur appluafion for cunluidvruîin lu, Hun*a Resources Depariment Standard Produits (Canada) Limited 346 (Iuelph Strett iiieorflctown, ON, L7G 4BS EU YOU 81,101111111 ÏMUC? Mit-satana Duganhzaon tim 2 positions lai camwnvdad people. Our training providea the 'litre &tsliulion- b sain inea aig of 2.1)06é Gsi torur Ma "an iller Cdl Chais ai 88498. TORONTO AUTO AUCTION,. OIE Fils & OIE P/T EXP. BOOKKEEPER The suazesstu candites musi erijoy delng wlth tfhe public in a nery tlusy but planant office armsphere Cali Rasis (M)6>878491 or (M0)- 27&M89 or Fi M <987&491 No Cails &MWple on TusdMy lam Staiti millb &a Mhly mofivsti »it Mater aire YÀl asosum tapoisiy lor Ine KIW vise ffaTplÇWtqi of a lunit ol pMUrSmlo, pactae spSiîhc Io lte Hain Home Ch/ io$8r RU" Idla Tis Il a Coitti POP. W oiing ilta s uplMe COtltt, mtry 0ssieaîîsay.a~ln communicaion tennt msisgmuocrl and/ tPentrsjip solieilids Extlaive kxxwslle rn soit triomosng ad »b Plt radmm Io (No phare cgis please) 337 ErM.. OasUM. m LENT38 DesiIIa: mumpar l'a. lm -à enail 1 777 l imp itin 1145 Gener-al Hfein Wanted lEM aim 9 u % T lit . p ty h ion b 243 Vain Sasit E.; Mam WANEOUI Porsan. Forêt LII .atiesne. gond at mali and aoMmand of Uhn rkelb .agug Pat ltr position badb s g i Urne ROwwd 8ot 76-37op0 wdta CLENT EARNING POTENTIAI. Eaîugpromotions in irapo depaument storesn 0*84k, Mills,, Georgetomi, Mississlg, Bramn m Elotikoée & olton. Full-&DMtfeaxrîmansNoies-a oerîsice necsary FuU -Irarr7r% piOuided Eacefienl bfftl pdifii F/7 employais CalfSaxcly i DIt INTILECOM 1-8O- d-46 Ext tu5 pM-F leimisq a" Posion Pliais ts mru.a sol 05-878-515511 - 1.