Sunfrise suraprisé from Condren Oiarîîr connectins reigned Ihey appîroachtedalie tasi <arn sunomme i nu n> liseh Itrur adtta Belore Sunrisc was% in iriking Itrectders Crîrsn evei9 for ts.n- UUJ position wîth Michelles Jarirpi Tscar îrld pacers andq Ironers lasi B eat îndeed in a jackprrf. irt4lo,,ssl i-riday. gri ncirer. evening <if haw- bla . tlockgtt b4,ruud Iecor. unairle lu) ne%% racing in Canadian iiory - gel out. Stie fioaiy trund a tinte in suil r ne <iran $2 1mi ltrirn In tlc strelcr and rirasedl uller lielore pureW n&rny. W.ih Decor eaking crvcr thc Iced Sonore hut ilw 14x tlic, itcforc Sunrirre, driven hy after lic opcning quaner, Crrndrcn Thic tighti> campargned Befîrre oiîî& SiCvC Condren. pulies <rfi morres Belote Sunse lu ili. trut- Sunc pic <cd top $2M8.266 fn the a mildsirurprise iry '0rtrring the %ide helîrre tire haif-way pointý Asr wno $576.531 3. Fîily Pace. nohile'Hîs Matijesly. cor rwncd hy Terxinlîr'% ng Gs o th c e Scott andi Clay licomer and trainer e h a -Slew Firlrue. ansi drivco iry lirug et i g a s o at h c y Brmon. circled il firel îtu iîn ire *tfrom NEW HOCY4X~ page 25 lxr-rrrreiiran scrttrng lir lake (orne ai - nc.i V(0,153 Cuti Pace. . ii monter érorîrsrsm înctudrrg for- erlier Trrnuîlt ir TiAniraîn atenas In ilre irlIy Pace. Moiure Sunnec mer rep ptayer Paul Bctirria 'ils, and lirai <ire îown ira, made a cornr- cippesi away gamcty ai lire teasi greal ms1ý locîng irock oui lirere -. miîi nw ret rkngwrIfiitiem, lirrougtioui much if th<ie mile and sard Paul. il'. cetainly a cirai- Tire Lewortrys and itier Irnk stitl tias enîrugir ltlu or rd off lenge ngiri ,luw. itere' a lendecry Foundaioun support systeni oiii lavouresi Mîctiette Jackpr<. wor for tire stedge in «p a koil' alsir underiake an aggressr se encounteresi traftic prsirtems Stic Ryan reas <rir tif neyerai eel- lundraisîng campilgil 1r tietp pu> capiured the race hy a dumîRstiing chir alitilces li demîrnsiraîc <ire 'Jr premîum insurance raie% and' neck in a sparkling t 55, mrer a 4qmprrlatas Janrrary ai Maille I etif lravcling exprnses NCsïltaicket, track soakeo ry ha pcrsi.rienî don. eGardocns. duning tire lirat intermnis- nîli iresoloi ai tlir Waliîrng Wca0et prrfrr sInnof a TirWoîWimiipcg gante. and lire Motioîn Malt's fialersas Fr CuînsirCo. i maîkesi it "The gante noas r lirmnute, Ncwssanot. mhle Knucltes Spxiris higg"s career viciry i 1Morhawk, émoi; andi mas sieli r-ccîei lry lire shirp trss crs Rrrh Mîli'hatirîand andi iris secoînd Brèedcrs% Crrrwn fais.1 t 111<k rîey were împress&ii ((rai Sinrrrsîch %%rIl lrrrih rotoîor flile hy hrrs nirihîle smc were (rn lire lire icai andi coaci ils, .lwa)s a grocal lhnill1fr win siedges. ltrurce ltrý4d efer«s tie Mite saiia wohite [litre , pinf lundi ils% awcsfrttie. eNpecialTs lîr gante. retici wi, alsrr dlite. si': rcltlrslv vniung. il has leelîrs% son ai hrome.- .id Codren. %hoir recalle Rvin, i rans roltlyiog cffnmunî<re aliî s' fn lasi v car*ý s tlec4r1it Ti'h>cxl butrdtlre the .rîrîli> s ludrrrg Hrrs g.tamitron. Croton lm(ri, yvi lrtd h(roi ruer al late n trrrmirrg à siesige irrckey tLondornî. Krfllcrie aidtrsifrnrfr >ý.Irrpp> truck in Newe iersrc a mlh teanîr (4<l lot- securiirg regutar fi.e II*s a scersciiing sport andi Ariiihrrr Olîrser irte exrlainesi thal sillh the Ilh. errîrynîcril ir irlh players uand -Il centrs niren il taits 1 giel amrun rrtfrganiiiifg anis cir punit- parent, s% thrsirnoc asin rratsrlirral lucky in liese irings Sire reeni a îng needes iiiE getlotlrelchir aIlS ice hirsiey' saisi Mîke ir'erîoidous trop. Wircn yru're dri- Idles îr .1n alllii ir cerl. lire Wliclcir aliee rnlerfsied in %ing foîr a Hall (if Fume tramner îeamn ssrutd nced mnntii iîne - îrffofngNMlliroc ricrige Arr. Li- (Gene Riegle, iirîrugh. 1 kess ul leasi an irrîur orrlseieach woet prrrgramo "ir cati lire Lioi1 tiünà sireS lic reusi '* tie did adt hiirscrr. lire: rrrolr ailro aI >479 54rS w@i2W meusl wr DELREX ALUMIVUM LIMITED *AumrfrIr, Arnni Canopres AiSO a lui he 0freIcriO rrw eh-7I3 «Additions * Batisecoms a Custom Homes * Osumnent Finisiiing ti.nnvafilln- -rso soir 1. -rua plou e *. e-OR M.A.R.C.H. ROBERTS & ASSOCIATIS MECHANICAL LTD. *Custoni Homes *Batiscoome, r PRTSroo *Additions Baissements *Oarigafrn Gnle*or *Renovatons * Roottng 785 Main Sînesi LEstt 870-1138 R 7.Rl - ACrOrS foin Ine O Starionm 772 0 eOTATR Cathennc\ý&ryfge. Wonrr F. - ilt- Qî.îr - Iil . . 78W5e Muainc S Steiree astar n 870-1138 <sorvce> 878-2700 (Sals)_ - - - ilthlnh C.binet Rélacrng .../ tSrl Cabonel AMitiros ~~l Nmr Cuslont lUtehens 876-0147 S Free Est inat as! CUS ELIGSRIE HITON METAL MARKET AND FAE.WORLD wHOLESALE AND RETAIL METrAL SALES M AEA4L CUT TOANV LENGTII FABReCATION AND WELOING SHOP TEL À905) 875-1759 581,MrbEACHIE OR UN(T 5 FAX. (905).875-3825 MILTON, ONTARIO TOLL'FREE 1-800-387-6279 1L9T 3L5 INTERIOR AND LXTERiOR FRIE ESTIMAOES * SFNIflIS DtOISONTS AyAIi&BLE c Mm ns, 878-6992 Qeaity Worla.relp 1111P11IC TANKPUIN 10fofhose for crosinq lattons ra*o*sffllcied trucks to0 othrp yoo, N.0-OEr d, P.*A bafoo ioi, » f- iOO8i fais) 883-800 ilaillo Anwfg serviW 07555 eAOR H. S.B b seoe for . jýýs Office - kgbuow" ' uVur *ý &irm- AutdwM t . 10 YOM .NiPeffusio * fus elots »r'm pff " ____ Dn~ Foily W,%ued * Re~I C.-p-f)er wu"% aIs - AbbaMa dbn en&1 ta" <)% »"Mt Doills L titili Rbkoa.tep mm)5 Bl-6395 SR.DOND MA$ONRY CFA elc MoE0usa ALUMINUM