Cops seek womanrobber in two Milton bank thefts Ro/shenes ai two batiks in M ilton jusi s ~ uipecl.hav mclives askng frhlin Crim e Stoppers keMlfyngte wonasresponsbc A LT ............................~' approached a reflet ai ihe Bank oi s.> U3CIYU UIfU4*~py:..i~ UI JLA 2,~Monireal in ihle Milton Mail on Ontario If you have any informa ion dit cls i ..... Sircél - aon be bs o n irrcslum The womnan demande] cash wile claimi- J lic eligîihle for a cash reward of Up i 108 >o have a gun and] issues] thre.sîs 'Me $1 .(M. nexi rohtsry was ai thce Royal Battit ait Yu neci] no' frite your ntine ands you 3:50 p.m. Tuesdsy, Oct, 15. A similar infttrmaiion will hiecale] with complet eo..~ ihiai wa. issue] ai this liranch. % anlfilymity. Crime Stoppers; dsses ont1 sui uuu~~.vKE 876-Aw ieoau In tsZl acs the suspect xsiâs dc.scnheij scribe it cail displav. as fematc. white. in hier laie tsxssor Cali 1-800-222 TiPS or 825 liPS. BIKINIS TA NGAS CONTROL TOP BRIEFS SPORTS BRAS FMIBY, OCT. 25......... ri00a. -9.40 p... sàaitua onT. 26......9@ qa.- .« 4p. PNOuI OCT. 7......00a..00.. ONUI LOCATION ONLT: 3500 FAIRVIEW STREET OURUNOTON, ONTARIO 3 Fiuvu ff. M4ESURE RD. o hild. a hsard of dire(ilors usade upof 151 sss Site hssd shîsulder length lirown sans frsrn ail cirruas of! liaion Region, The hels] ih somte kin or slreich band, and rettardfind resulitsjrm the franc at sut, wore a Iigýiî lirssn leaiher jacket and da" posrt osfhusines, ndustr), seriiies tfias parnis. and priît r, i titens. In one casse. a mole ,r hirlhmark ** The /vsad ssf dires tor.i russes due msvs'î ns>ied on fle culpntîs nghq citeck, isar lr des ide' on thse amîsuni of reisards andi ripper hip. as tuai palýs thse reardi. focs ihis descnpsxon remmnd you Ôf any- Crime Siopers ss ii orpsîratrid as a one'. If so, Crme Sippcrs wanls yiiu lis charitable iîrtiniZatii,,i therefsîre ai, ciii asti provide a riante for the police 155 donations Ici, the reward Jund sire ta t invcsligale. dedu i//e. Date/mne ITHIS EVENT LASTS ONLY 3 DAYS7] 'tfrom DATELINE on page 20 Wito dsi..sses husw tri sort the Iierrnel loi jobis' lThe meing iakes place ai Sr. Paul', Unîied Churcit. 123 Main Si, E. tynm 9 it i11 a m Foîr more snirmaîsion, calI Micitael ai 878-1032 or Karen ai 976- 2891. Tuesday Octe 29 Tlic Ciling New Parets Grnupme"s CI-IHERISI] Farnsly Ressiurce ('entre ai 1:30 pa mN'ew ýarcnis asti infants ageil six monlits and yisunger mc( wîith a.puhlsc Iteaitt nurse and] guesit dissuss parent. and infint case Fise mire information. cali 878_81 13 'cxi 7365. Parents Advocating Langage and Speech itoids ils annjpai genreral meeing ai 7 30) p.m in Milton. Nei men/ers holh parents andi prnfesssonals -;re 'sel- cîîmec Caîll Laurence foîr deîaîis ai 876- 4114. Wednesday Oct. 30 Liscal sensior cilizens aie inviled iii attend] an afiernoon ofi Kire and Disigo ai lthe Royal C.snadian iegon. 21 Chtaules Si., ai 1:30. lIrs Hot Meai Deal Dey ai lthe Miîsn Senioirs' Atiîvîy ('entre. 5iX) Childs Dr lThe il:30 s m. eveni ica#ures find antd tel- losihip. Thursday Oct 31 Overeuters Anonymnus niceis ti the Miltoîn Chîldren ans] Youili Centre. 917 Nipisti Rd (ai Thsîmpssin Roadi. ai 8 p m. There are no dises oîr ees. Contact Catherine ai 878-1039. A support grnup for landey mcmbers of people wlih Alzheimrer's diseuse ans] relalid disisrders meets ai Allenctle. (85 Otarioi Si.. trom lis 3 p.m flhc griiup i% mon hy Visisîrian Order of Nurses Ailheimer Sers cesý i-ir mine înformaisii. cail] 47-9559, lThe VscIiinan Order of Nurses Isvids a font cure clinie ai lite Miîîon Seniosrs' Aciily Centre. 5MO Cilds Dr.. from 1 io 4 pm. lThe cosi is $15. For further snlîîr- .maulsn oîr an apposnlmfen. eal 815-1681. Fiont cure clinses are ity appointmeikl osiy. The Millsîn Seniors' Ati viiy Centre. 500 Childs Dr, itoids a Hallowe'eu pot Iuck lunchen. Seniors aie inviieaj lIo sress op in scisiomei anti bring a dist. lThe e ni also iuiclisdes prives, Sainies and eteras n-' menq. *W51,8c istovs * is Cois ROpe htsutmla *Lochs *2 CsslscFoni Bous *T-Mi *4Cafr.Foot Boma *Soto &Ctî as. C i * Wa*c*e Boxes 10b boxofnen.wsi *Cucanons Rv Together to serve you better, Cali us today for ail youY rentai needsi RYDER - lk ~Fa7&U j BRIEFS IGIRDL.ES vooeu~ BR&G a- LUlà lâ'4~ 'wj HUGE SAVINGS-ON A LARGE SELECTION! MATCHING SETS! ASSORTED STYLES