Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 25 Oct 1996, p. 21

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Confusion lover -pouice ,vam PuIppkin contest sotn you cas carve apaize wînntng grs on a frssHlsen chiorine at region Dark side to 'net pampkl hn lt>u can try your ouCt thîs Sonda> (Oct 01. 27e1a Mountstscrg Wi kllife Centre's annual pumpksn carving contesi. source ofVIC a tmnton paged way ta dellcnn uletsi in =1105 flPhid ame icilutird in tise gate atimission, %te ail panticipats. set arec îif ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ Dt tiewtrssr.tiniyts sue fayrnaiatnai MMonuh. r e.sywlse in lis FIdd M'eysu 4 feu, caeving ts andti iur imaginations. Spoot entnes sel<s sîîîp tl. anti tirsrlop s prosctive means of îientîfying pro<lrms i oulsPnu nid Phiut .confiss the judgeti for a vatiety ofi priies Mauntstirg in on Milisortugs Accotding Io Ms Sasoline tl i obstous ffown tise lettr tise <rail. ,ls'ne sa nny vias due sinon cmt lu »r- Line: 5 km. weiu tof Camp<selillc. Tisere are signs in Campbsell. Mtistry uof Ens'vinentn has no warking knowledge (if Milton' i*M - he laidil.onin h a ffGep i usater systen. ay~ oniy a basic unterstiing of the minor coula- oDest.Mwdsàc sat hât givet due mc@dMks. monsitoring pîtîgts c>otGepiLs minaion prriliefis whîch haseitucurr i nenttatb oei rlatv a.Olcnw i * 'Me last breakitn tise pipes occurffngt os (Millon District) <rlu av lgcta lo de pl wûit p<d iriga inf~ Hailon P LEA S E T O U C H I I isuspital-puipenIy- satid Ms Sasîsîtor "There is a proglra i n before ducy l.ascld ditir investigaton. Nmcsly Wowshsgi s e place acriiss tise regiiit li replace aId andt corriiteti pipes anid WC ponllc Aftcr il paranosa is enderii toi due 'ne ad cmi- ~ spgv..nauy,...s tWst Watler ms Mîltun cser day Flow mutchi more *practise' car asarn --m el kvtaçttltisarC iS ý ~~ni asum -yn ..Ikn erely a t,...,.a,.kh.,..iqa .n y'" g'"el Accîirding tsi Ms Sasuitine minisiiy officiaIs hase aciecr con tacted Halio Regîîîn for any information (in tise isgansiation of lise MIllion waiter sysiem. Tise regiiinal chair suggesteti blat legallv [tltion Carntie assumne rep(iisir> u prîisincial standard, esen if a,îwilting. Sise sug- gcsIed tialtisuit ill <sc in iuiucis siih tuie mninisiry in un aiciiipt Ii fuît)t flic requiremenis% foîr thse exempition Miltoin Mayoir (kird Krant, sait lia many ofit requiremenis. as the y arc Ilisaed. %il ls rc as> ii tultfilil He egreeti sortie Clanlica- lin s% nece sary 'inm disapjsinted tiier yîou .illiw tise vari- unce iexcmptiîii or yîîn diin't, said Mr KrînIi '*lis dubule taIt Ils, ii sers proiessi. Mr Krani sii tie her nias <e ai dela>ing lîr stalling tacit, used bic.îusc thse proiîsnce lias neser durIt sith chis kîi fo reqi elotlae lie as paiiicularly ln1epJid tisai il cIiud <se Iist. ise ulficial explanatiîin iîîr tise tati nitsi tia> in ftiîrarding t Mr Keani, snggesied a practical ipprioach l utriying toin cei thse Iisied reqiiircmcfleii. <sut piiitcd iilis sb u iih ini lgai res5siniili l> rani [lise prov ice iii tise regio l a-<eing a scunibling lila,k Ms Saiiiiiiie sid h.len she priîuded iîinisiry )tficlils for a decîstuin eartier in flic year ii sw&s eideti thisa use legat iabiity issuw5 a iiapir saumhlting hsiick. No go for slow push - tramt NO GO on page il aur paiiut (iaks île Ma)u)r Anîî Mul sale accuseti lier Burlîngtîîn and s.IiaI*s wote sorne l us arc Irsing io Inistrate anti dlay ise ric ss.sie sadi "WC al haie a se sied intorerst in tIso wîirking suCCCssluIly WC shisulti <se working goi gel pea.- pie ssorluing. Mr Mulkessicli vau his pi- ing due priicess and added ltaliili nesit sînîply Writes a hlink chieque fit any prîigramn "l'i ul tr i ng ii sit tise prîîcess. nuîliing salI change in tise timing lit the prîîgramn gives ibis amendiment Uules y's. pass tise ametidment yîuil hot neitiser steernoîr roiwing. yiiull bcjumpingiisertsiard. Mr. Mulkewîch acknîiwt- etiget thisa abut 75 pet cent af 'the Ontarioi Wîîrks Program's provisioins are good, sayîsg they hase came oîui of sanious îîtler guîsernmrrent initialises user tise last l0Oto 15 yearsi [fi Yorthotics *YomrCfpkte Footemf Centre" I~dI&ra..J "Reads Made Insoules SCustom-Made Orihtatici oeOrthopedîr Shoe Mudifruîîîîsts. 3006 Derry Rd,. W. Suite 106, Malton KenWisnPu b g & Wilsosans 38ioII ST. S., ilI q & S, ùTOu ONTf. LIT M *Plumlshsg %uMF*i * Ieating Wter Treataist' Gel Gai repei Central Vausum M Ar Cossitisisg PMhsuatiO.AC. Installation, Saies and Sile of asl ng whether dit "good sys- couti introshior vrnm 80 elsnue crimîiui wcs astes. Asifrons dlu obviosu 10erai- hurdica Dct. McMUTTId scid suS Sricsa nus cit nsk of leahing tdme progras on du prierai public. Cosdrng &il thse impetillitnts, Ms italenis &"kc shere Haltass euergills ultould bce dirocSid. Dct. NMwMukci sid lu seould i le toisec educatin for parents aIIII tiscir children hecoine à prnonty. He simd there me prugtums avaddable a hc uic accesa, btut qgen <besc are fils from foolpeoof. Information sessions and workulIops are now being planneti through both the Roman Catllolsc anti Hiton public ichool bouts. Ilietopî7s- <T U TOua»., C., dffl -~d kd, 95 M., Sli Eln oito a . ie., _ 'r 0" -d W h Canada's 'Civilized Majo rity' "An inter-.iîth lobby (aholic, Potestant, Mos/r-rn, lewis/i. Ahoriginal> foi God .and for gocod in Canadian public fille' Sponsored b>' Renaissance Canada, fric., Box 100, Milion, ON L 9 T 2> Y (905) 878-8461. "Standing on Guard" for Cisihity over Barbdiresr and Demnocraic y over Moboc rit in the Spirit of1 Con fede ration Canade'L<CvfIized Majority' invites Canadian Par~ and Parents, riiacernel ferisriunlrewwaI. ir> attnidi ewconl tm a six-part Renuýal Semina sris onie titîhm. Coaas Crisis - li Cause, Cons equence and l ue;shedfil'd far di. 2ildatul 4di Suntiays ni itobe, Nuvesiber and I)eceinhn. 1996), Thtis Sumiay afteroon <Oct 27) ai Hugli Fi&'r Hall <next tu Miltini Tivn Hall) firont 2:30-3:30 p.mn Hear Km Camnpbell, national drrec cor of the CiW/ized Maiosiry. an merfnth kMy rforGod andfor~s afio ranommaiLeader of The Christian Liberauon Cescsade for nationial reneuul, Mddresu thde sublec Crisis in Public Schooling " Is the Foxfier Fuor symptomatîc aîs l is of the secuLar sîckness nfecting public schîxiling andi public lîfe, the "Boston Tea Party" of a ('Inîian revolion -the simek whîch fmaill> igthîtes a flIae of freedoro stifing a long- suffenng. tiilerant Canadm populace froi t)eference ta Defiance and inaill Deliverance (1974-1996PP! " Friim the launching of the Renaissance Cmiale for Parent Poiser in Public Schoolîng and People Powter in Public Life in a raliii which filled the M ilton Diýstrict High Schiuil gyminîrum on Match 28, 1974, ta recent reports thar the Harris giîsemmenti s prepanng tii ctap the "dydfunctit)nal schîial hourd.system" la Millon lecadine thse mavruoa sane andi sa*--"-- ae day ln public schooiWna 1 1974 Renaissane mono) and lit ntional renctival leTh lait great British hisîinian, Arnold Toynbee. iibsesved that civilizaionian rses when "a doinratt mir.îwtv" moses the maîîinrv ta respo)n(l creativril iii the challengea threcaîening bhar soctr! *Has the determuned activism of a dosminiant minor> sehîçi launched P.mlasance 22 years ago in Miltorn, cîiarribuîed sigriificarutly tc a turning ofh tie d for God andi for gond and a reverslpg of tise perverse in Onrioî as rellected int the Hams Commona&ase Revolutîini * s an arouseti Civilizeti Majorit> sho prefer rte Tla"tic principirs of Moues (The 1én Contmanrentsl and irisas (The Sermon on rite Mount> ulxin which Canada es fountird (taa.'Clsarer litRights), t dlie adseistîc princîpresoîf Marn (diileciical tnatertalisml andi Madonia, (mioral relaiuismi andi prmissiseness), te-ad> ta chtuiw off the shackles of a ssçprrssise -ec ular tyranny andi lîberate Cinaulian public sch.niling andi public pouuey fromt thse stranglrhilu of subversive w.culatists lient on undertning thse fîîuadatiins (ih luth, famil> andi freedoni by itasng oun public schoohlng andi in public pilicy the same dehumanîzine. barbarie atisiec secularisse which siesiruipei the formier Sos-iei Uionun t hus cenîuty' "Alsîs, Arne Bryan. dtrectur for Prayer Canadal. faim Surrey, B C., ses11 present a bri'ef challenge tii the (jIristans of Milton tsi fatm a Prayet Polit for weekly prayet tii thse God ohifedrfration, %ceetung (Jouls <lesningon: auir Tosn; our Mayar andi Ton (" Citucfon, ,,ur Charrues andi Sehosîs; oui Regisunal, Prosinciai andi Federal govemmenus andi aur electeti represeniatives ai ail îuruisdctioaal levrls-,i u stges aad tudicuar,, aur pesce-keepers andi carellivers; andi ail who setve andi seert the gond i o ur commuait. " AUl wrlcme ico ti No Charge eventi (An oferiag sll bc reeiveti). ný'(1 ,t Nonri - Hej, Kpfi carniffipli l"d'd ( hr,ý,tlan U. wf.ukdiy1ý 01, ( jrJF, 1 'ýý10 AM Il 1 2 V,

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