Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 25 Oct 1996, p. 15

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Mayors show off website "rOinTA MAYOR$Son popgB3 li where everyting mv bemng put intu, place for tht tmanatmmnal phase. wiCb we aie lJust imnnimig go. <-ce.'said Mr. Vassos. *fit1 wherr you cari aciually doi buýî, lieu on the *net.' Mayors cmpresseilsortme ciîncermi as mu .wimn several paniels oi mime Whoî Due s What municipal refoin stumiy group ;tiuld report. Ail reportis are cpecmel 'Y mht enti ofi Novemher. mith lime priiperty ta» leu- mimmenlins lîkeif mime sa 110 beý f1w.t Time ica fmm puool commercial giropecny mamies.ant iuse theni tii pay for educaimun aeivis. the prvuince bas nui been Ihmogli - y iqlT~igale;i Ut it mv on the agenda. acuîirdîng muMisssauga Mayor Hazel McCailis,wim smîs,în the tax afssvmntn panel. -Given tii. pouling ilde anti anuther plan mmm have rntnicipaîtties take user the bud- .ing anti iatinienance ofldmools, Brampton Mayor Peter Ruiemsun 4uestione ift there coîmit bc a fundamfeita change t10 the way mbunmcpalîtîs tue organizeti Ht suggested timai munîcîpalîtits indui- mtunally engage tn business developrisenti, but if time province pooleti ail thme ax attnesvmtn irmu busines dime woul k, nut ativamiaqe in soiitmng finits tru move tu a gîven arces Oakville Mayor Ann Mulvake isagreeti sayini '*municipalimies are engaged mn building ad su vainmng communalesv' whicb mea'n miey necd businesses mu empluy mime peuple sfio lie mn the comtn muntules.1 A sisi hy Raymnmind Prîit. prrsitient ut tht Catimjan Bankerm. iaim elicuteti soute il feeling tromnt tht mayors. wimi uset the imppmieunity ii pass mun emmplaînts - y strait business regardingmiht hankmng Mr. profl saud 80 per centi tdêee cotn- paties wintch receiveti luans appffiveti uf tht servicebiey weoe recetving fromm thtmr fiqýnwtal institution. 1. "M-r. Profit io thmt ie mayun; mime GTA hoa"t 190,000 lmank enmpluyes anti pays buge taxes in municpalits hmISevevr, bel saiti, ncrerasmngly botiers are nmniesi mn mime banking industry. ecbnutIogy is cianging the fai.e mm hatmking andtithtre is a iaking place * A tederal bankîng mxvi force, kI adkfrd. wiui looki ai cmimpetitîîmn ammîng lianks. timrîugm mime namure mot fînancmai prtitucis andiregulaiins wic guivees the industry .lu- nemi rmmuhly (ilA maytmr meeting i, siaieifo luthmie City mît York min Nîuernîber 15 I(51) SS3N4114êI3)I ýô« Pg 0lum 0027D Lobbyist: High charges, 'killing constructi~m SiSADRAUmrunding mfunteipabiw'es " e img a docrusin. turniture tu bc bought. cuniains a mImer The msargmn lu- issue wilI bc dcbateagain mn sevetal woeks, pnmlucis. Work nettis îu bc creaW lu) gcnterale "A cynti. would say yuu ste pute flic in rej- taxes. Wc dontl wani mu) nip grith mn the hWu «« High dtselopmnt cimargis suile- building actii dcnlmal constricgilh su you wânitom raie rage%." Milio Mayor Gord Krani, arguemi if the c-its mii [y. accormltV Io a represcenttmi e of the develup- sauim Mr. Bryan Ioi tht commt -Our gruwil a ncw hone arc mut NIoe h) tht hucr. ilhen ihey ment indmmstry tales have b"em sîimilar lo 1994. but are nothing wiIl lx l'y ail taspayers in tls, toi m ii ncicased~ Mike Bryan. i.hair'ot the Halion'Region Iilme hey wcein tht past * propeny taxes.S Devckipment Charges Coalition. lias tuid regportai Mr. Bryan cmtîmiamdit" fhuge iflitisii.kvel Qakmille Councilmîr Kevîn Flynin samd thai mi officiais for momnths thahigb mfrveluiptmer charges miprigem charges -as weli as adimimimal levmcs frorn dccreasing dLvekiçuur charges anguant ti a suli are killing tht cIonstnmcmmmn induiry mn Haltun, andi school huards -ail pusemi un mIo mie hmorne pur sidy l'y pruperty apayrr go stimulage pnsvaie doing danmage goi a.smmcaied businesses, He repent chaser Ht cant! Hais ktlling thet-.emwmny. business. a situation bc calied. -nul ngbm ed bis message last weck mii mcmlirs uttie Acting chiief administrative ufficer tue Riçaido **l lake growlt &&yf new lawn is a poientiaIl rcgiun's administratton andi finance cuemmttce as tolt ihe commimce gtat n- dLph studies uf the sprinkler syssem." quippeti Mr Flynn. whmiel% they débaemi an mareàsc mn mios samc ciharges charges were pcuhbakly nul, ie because pîmîvinicial sprmnkite. "éHuwev. I can«t Wet smdzing lw. lime sesail imcitase In cuver inlation. bas bern legîilation t)n devekipntn c.harges mv cspeclcd vade inîÊaaty ihîuglw Iudeseclptmmdmages ** propuo.ed unly for reimlentmal cîmnmrucimun. flic voung Cummite bearJ tt wtll bc loregoing iboiut - cominîite agreemi commercial and industiral - (Tht oesidenfmal dLeelpnmtnt ndtryf vsa tac- $14.000 per tnonim mn atiduiimnal develIopmcni charges simnuldt errain mncangeti. ltuwever. dwmy tory sîêmth creates work f or uthers.* said charges b, holding tht decîsmun asîmie mi galhtr rcqueted mure information about tees in sur- Buringion Counjilkie Ralpm Schltekns.1elre is nuit information. ThelArt oflinvesting, Buy Higher, Sell I-ighèr! P' When the #1 Equity Manager in the United States for the Iast 5 and 10 years rnninea, you should listen. Well her<'s your chanc Peter, Paul and Kari cordially invite you to an exclusive compIimnenéory Gaja Evening wîith Mr. Richard Driehaus Manager of the 20/20 Aggressive Growth Fund at the St. Volodymyr Cultural Centre, OakviIie Thursday, November 7th at 8:00 p.m. Chicago based Richard Driehaus ta wi'dely regarded as one of the world's besi moneV managers. As qmWoted mn the New York Tinmes, "Mr Driehaas, flot nmarlV lis uell auknown as tkmren Buffet or Peter Lynah, ta inçiisputedlçî mn a thetr closa Since 1980, Mr Driehaus has chalked up an annraal gain of 27.8% per year for hîs original fmand limai enviable track record lias landed hum in Ist place amnàst 1,200 US. based equit managers of anV style for the 5 years ended December 1995. *Please join us for an informative eveninq hosted by * Peter Laàmbert, Paul Stewart &I(arl Zimmerna three award-wvinning Financial Advisors wit.ý Midland Walwyn, Cartada's largest independent investmenl firm serving the individual investor. "Coriné and hear 14fr. Dri ehbius' best money making edas SEATINO US UfTED RSVP 844-CIP MIDLAND * WALWYN 8 E C I T , N I N G -BSLUE CHIP THINKING is a trademiirh ofl Milard Wahkym Capital mIc Mentor- Cariadman Investor Protection Funti

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