CÙOMMENT' Box 2414, 1? 1 Main Si E_ 1.cin.400 C.e i50N"Idn W"nOni*S SF0 Mîinn 94NQ ftow Finl i E MSa OFF LOT4110(sol 48 -fn Ont iro N -9ono PohFni à D«,,i5F5U 110 trontlit niorban -1earo SncF m rhidiia Pa.ig mmOw (gw 878-2341 -doO ~ ~ Cn Fax.: $78-4943 'S PSFFChO000 505 CS-no5 fU y Classified. 875-3300 sen,,n Tb- nons aLoa iany Ϋwnn. Mmu5Fn'E Ian Oliver Publiisher PmEnBaln wtwn"d .« nthYf SNeil (tr W- niiaPhonrFOO *Of*I sal, i T O.M, hwFn5nrC* Ko b Ktlly IdlrTh. *005i PnnIoonoh iTm in.4 FmFoF HO] 1 TF5OF00S, Il V.oghSO LCrOI SCJ noroog mrE Lubrd0 SFFSFFv;iF IKarts Hukisin( i r, .olo-a Manager,, mf". $« sat S a. s"- -- .cca on -S OSOh Uri Cauna 1 <flare, Mnager mat . tilt l-,t. tvo. n.FS F, t W-o Fi ni aW., Tion Cood. P ofa Managr lrFfi 00. oC9PS 0F i .FOFOU 00F aSS 4 a, Shasoun e ) , th r« d'r c * SS, 0rF bil PM4 tai at nm se i mn Thi. i- Ted Lindsay Me a/FMnC .g nnnrn Fi YFo500OF0FFiSWFOSS Façe facts, Mr. Quinn Barry Quiniî. a liton regional councillor who is aiso a member of the local police baoard, says different area communil)es could decide whal level ot law enforcemeni they want by chçoosing haw mutch they wsill puy for il. That saîurds logical enough on firsi blush. The more contituCfll de&îide ta pay. the hetter the enforcemnent lhey gel. If Milton pays proportîonatcly moire tihan' Oakville, Milton gels that much bettei police servoice. Mr. Quinn succeed Fn getting the support staff involsed wilh the police hoard ta look inta the idea. We ca an y hope Iheir inve'.,- tigations suggest this tangent is impructical, sînce il is certainly unpalatale. There is a substantial dîfference evco hetween imp<îsing, for example. nev. tiniersal user tees and implementing a scherne lîke fhns. If' the provincital goiveromeflt invokes universail user fees for heilth care. tai make a case in point, such fées ma> flot bc popular hait tbey can he sald. The key is gettîng the puhlic to accepl thul everyine h,îs an ar in the wuîer. Everone will puy. On the other hand, aftenng what cauld qutckly bW-orne an insuf- ficient police preseriae ta one community white its neîghbour gels Cadillac service renders politicians extremecly rulnerable Sorie tax- payers. those puy îng for the budget police service. will, camplin of heiuir shortchaoged., peihups justifiuhly. Others. the Cadillac sel, wilI also camplit sînce they will per- ceive themnselyes us puyiog an unwarraoted.premîum the ftrst tume somnething goc% nîissing. or if îhey gel a speedîng Pcket when the cops shbouldt have been chasing t'eut crtminals. 1FLsch group of cansttuents wîll mistrust the other. and blume thal situlaon. accurately, an the politicians who fostered tl White crying povert.y in support of ihis flawed adveniure. Mr. Quinn reîreated inia well-worn polîlîcal IWgerdemain. He asked Ihal thse cool of poltce services ke separated ouI onl property tax bis. ta show ils iosigoîficance relative ta the total tax load. 'Mbis tacte hics been used by maasy polilicians before Mr. Quinn aI the Town of Milton, aI Hallon Region. ai the Halon Règlîon Conservation Authority - in tact prohably everywhere except the boards of education. since they gel the lion's share of property taxes.- Il has also been employed to sell everyîhing from cars ta dish- washers tn ths privale sector. ?neoe il is of course a way t0 sofiaut îhe blow of a substanmal cost. In the public domnain. il is a lame ralionale employed ,by (hms who cao offer noa remedy for wanton spending. Instead îkey point ouil worse excesses among others. M. Quinn also compares the expense of policing 10 the cost of regionai waîer services, saying 1he latter has gone uop substantially whtle the former bas flot. alîhougis thse public demands high stan- dards in bath areas. Maybe so. But tf one was la Inke a polir nohody wioould really wanl higiser waîer rates emîher. And hardly aoyhody would knowingly paX bigger waîer fees just ta derail reining in public spending. They elected the provincial gov- eromeot 10 cut luxes, flot ta waîch affected bureaucrats and polili- ciansarlfully d&ige thse axe. Otkers an thk police board, and Chief Peter Campbell, cao sec the storru claudon thek horizon w,1îh M. Quinnos initiative. Good for 1em. Mr. Quinn, unoartunateiy. camtes acrass as just uncoîer polilictan scramblîng for caver. protecting hîs turf. Instead ke should face. and lîve with. thse sarne bard choices sa maoy'olkers are facing. - Rob Kely Pages of the Past One YearAgo From the Oclober 25, 1995 issue -A prFpitsalioi closr Altendale's Martin Hiouse uas being caînsîdereil by Huitains, healqh.anil social services commîtirec Martis Hosse wus the aldesi ssing at thse Milton hume tair the agei, ami was sotl resovateil ahen the facilty anderaseni a $20-miflion tacclif. flite proposai ssig- gesteil moving Murtis House*s lu) hedo ti fuciltieicn south Halton. .pepper spray pas a tot issue as a meeting uf the Haltu Region Conservation Auttinty (HRCA>. HRCA part offi- cers bail asked tu bc arnaci wtth the spray. niany saaiing isai disruptive park visitons placeil ilitr safety in jeoparly. AI the meeting, sème members felt il neceasary Io praleci the ufficers while <athtrs frît tIaI enforcetient didn't fait unifer the HRCA maindate 1'cFaces We Dont Sec", s report on poverly in sy wao oct hekire Mîttoîn councit Otliclatsîoîih ihe irisso post office stsisedi ciînsiderable îit.retf in cecing asein pasi office buialding on the site oit the oIli armna fIlic, ali post office building ai Main ani Martin srets ioulilien bc takaŽn overby the toiân as an extension tir tiir mania -- pal buildings, Cironcit hud ira-n looking ta self Anmstroang Arena after the nckety, aId nink faîtel tir mc[i proiiul winil ami son tuîd standards% -Mitton Maîyor Anne Mac.Arthur i.riii.il Hiltin regioliat council.for labetting the Miltion Site F (t the coiv ner of Trentaine andi Entannia rnads> au the only site sert ousty considered fer a nein regionat tandfitt. Mrs, MacArhur dleeèd the dorsisiain "an almocity" hecaose it inas $na& iaing a meeting she cuuld not ancrai. "fley kew the inayor ut Miltun wacon't gain$ lu Se here.*' le crificizbol. "I think il is s poor îiig tIsaI han bren dune" 50 Yea rs Ago Hattun. was pefllCd lu init rçgiWSs hetami anfcial ser From the Ocobr 24, 1946 ame vices conimitlre ','se report idientifid single othiers as l the mouI tikuey tu be affecteil by povealy. Al die conclusion - Four Luwville yuK were ijureil when a tmk';Wî of dme prSenalon. the consîitire gave Iterir suppot to a car collideil sta Brs. Ongutully headigto tie inter-' nein usîi-poveuîy coalition. matinai piowing matell in Godlerich. the four boys were nlshed lb GJuelph Gcaeral Hospitul initi cutsa nda burns. 20 Years Ago 1 i Mlo ruell baaetai trt achiupîjus uheof Froa thtOctoer 2,197 ~ twiming die provincial tiude, losiîsg in thet hird and deciding Frots he icfobe 27 196 ite ganse lu Sinucot. Mollon was traurard 19-1lin the* Pi -A possible solution lu the Arnmstrong Arena controver- onship gaine, piayed in Waterloo. le Pud b-y Steve Nease