Good-fhearted neighbours rally to help pooichk a4~f Family pet will makefuillrecovery THANSTO i. a * KAREN SM4soit of hanging off," sud Mr. Dans. whu preTiy seas.le said Tous O rh charbisw îgv f-rd iwn dcighabaieen siruck. -,Tuday alirnp)g Amheris expcued ici ...aVINMF Mr. Dams and nxi he lpued kuail Arnlur moite a [ull rcocvery tout she* lileii < WHOni Auw SIÀEE I RUALoa M&M Meats Penineula Vision Vito's Pizza & Wings OTAFRESN START. ÔGet SOLU TIONS flow foir Mqio AuoCl Flou Pmnr Wag. Gomuilosut &OMiui N u l a a u i T . F a r d m u i q ui a u r a M W ~ s i o e î d l Main Street East (Main & MartS.1Mfonh A"O811adm Fo l Aou Haloieenam GIANT/ OPEN TO THE PUBLIC FOR THE THIRD YEAR Rodale Press and DDH Distribution Services are pleased Io doors ta the public f&r their Third Annual'Comqpunity 8o Feetunng Fanîastic Seieclions from HeaIIh, Cooking, Crafi Gardenuing'& Woodworking ALI FOR $10.00 OR LES~ These books have relail values of up t0 S50.DO0<1 There wil Be oser 100 files such as Doclor's Book of Hlome Remedi & Cals, Heaing wrth Vîlamins, Workshop Companion & Slep by Slep Techniques 1oi name but a few, Spread the Word and Plan to Attend SATURDAY NOVEMBER 2ND FROM 9:00 AM TO SUNDAY NOVEMBER 3R0 FROM 10:00 AM TO?2 AT O D Il DISTRIBUTION SERVICES LTD, 100 ARMSTRONG AVE. GEORGETOWN Cash and personal chequs are acceptable but NO credil cards can be ALL'SALES ARE FINAL AND BOOKS ARE SOLO AS IS. Rodale and D.0,1-. Dlàtribution are offening this as a Cdhi Service and a Portion Of the pr&keeds wQI blé do<iated to vani Charities and Educational Institutions. OK< LE open their )k Sale s es for Dogs Gardenirq 4:00 PM :OQ PM honoured, Munity ous Local A Carnplieiille lamnily fournd a unique iro the iraifr, whicli alto lield a bIxwse. depoessed ahout lier cour remi ladcl mlf way Ici ilank a group oft gound Samaritains Ile hmised and ha4édup og sufered fy, MI. Pedersen aid. wlc hie olelp ibeir çeniusly inured bleeding lungs and a fraciured rWhî lkg Since thie accidenti,Mi.Pdrunad peu ug Ambr <lai required major surgrry lier liuusehloi lias heen llnusled wsiti catis Hushauid and saute Chrisicpher Milton Dr. Siepicu Baill of ihe Brcksille lrNm ccincerncd neigiours wamng Ici and KiNen Pederçen of GueIp Lîin'e post. Veterinar, Clinic said lic huStught in an knouw liuîs the- dog us duîing. rd a sign oni theur lawl Ici sWu theur apprc otlihpedic surgeoin ici perlcirr tlie ihrire lnahie iniwprsuunally lhank the unidLni -ciation Io ci cglhours ami passersy *lio bour ciperafion, which incluuled <lie iriser- ficd heIpersi tht couple decided a %ign was ruslicd ilier i 75-pounid Englisli mastiff Io «ioi ut a steel plaie. "In a dog <liai size, uts thie liest way ici geu <heuir rnissage &crrissý unie Brioklolie eînary ('linic alter if was stuolIk ly a car. Wlitle <lie driver [led tlie scene. a unotcirisi iciwung a boise traiter siupped lu oiransporl the yelpung cainue tnîm <lie dicli ici an animal liospiial. Fullowin# sur&eu, Amher us oni ihe id Ici reccivcry( 1~ ~~~ quaker apecaiv. Ms Pedeiscu said. 'Muit peule wooud' o Q u k r S a e oui cil <heur wa ici do <liai sori t fbting.- New <o the tirea. Mis. Pedersen was rak_ lo u f ung frayves ai ahciui 9 arn. Sept. 21 saheu QUaker Statme ihie.year nid Aunher wasAsiuck. Tue cou' file liadn' i erecied a fence ai <heur ncw The. Off iciai Motar boume. Mn. Pedersen saud gli was cailing 011 Sponisor of the. NHLO [cir Aunher when she heaid the scroedl (if Fu- .>Wanm car tires andi a duîg yelpingý 4.0 Wh& Wua M "Six people liad s<ipped hy tlie <urne 1 Asufflai lias gciuien dusan rny driveway," slie* realled. Neijliheur W iif Dams was bis bouseM e painting sahen Z tocard the c5Slisuîîn ami rushed ici iheàcene. iiedog was hietring ansd une keg was .- ...yvul.-nMrM- to and Choriataphir Mlfton, with dauglitr ber, are Omlnklul fathe i.nd people who