o October is UNITED WAY month Spectrum Airways bants soar, with 6-O record Th peciram Airways mrane balaat two helpera e"é while ingles weni In Konkie scored the game-winne in te AA Winirhawk continuecI! suuâ in Tri. ~ oba~ Austen, MCnnelI. Koen£k, Bien Slk second penhodandthlen helpc.%ci up an Couunîy league play. wih hrec recen, wn n e oc e anidKisBeal inaurance marker hý Vandertoeggen laie in ghai nxtended their recod to 6-4 The 'Hawks weoe even lcss charitle un lte third. Austen ,.ealed the wirojin Uhe final Malt Ventura. Jordan Jeans, Shaten pouningofOrangevillc. - heur nent ouulung gainst Chunguacousy. as Iwo minutes of play. Assisis came flrin McConncl I. Donc Kornack and Muke Konkrc als drew one assust loi cap off a a solid defensuve effort and key nctmmndtng McConnell, Andrew Marshall and Derek Austen ail scored single, to comupliment big four-point nlghl. Bryan Shaw, Jake by Chnis Kovachik conubined for a 3-0) Mewhinney Jarrell Konklc' hal-irick in Muhton's 8-I Vandertweggen and Malt deRc colles <cd shutou vucloiy. The *Hawks ssei ouiplayed in Burlung- ton uhis past weekcnd. huu neverwheless escýaped uown wuuh i 6-2 wun, lhanks largue- ly tro lwo-goal elffort, hy Mewfunney and Ventura Cmnlruhutung a goal and assisit wau, Konkle %shile Vanderhfreggen noickLd the uîuhcr AuuentBeal. deRec. Maushall. McConnctlland 5>Ik dre%.isssis Back to hack wÎfls have NIedics showing conistency litu Durs & Denus majour auuîtu utAA %un; lcuttawks put uhemsclses un the %in uuuluiîuu a1w seek ssiuh hack-iu, fiac ; 2 îîu, overSu ('altiances ad W-luish, Multon came Iniui hehunul i -ori, tomber one and twi, in Che easin. .uh sornie unspured l thud peuuuu ettu,ri-t On thk stretugth utf a thrc ussusi perlor manice hy set up, min James Mcltnîo-h. tho m lu a lu, 1 n a 0 M aa il, 1 llil a Hawks cru-ci.] a pair of unre-gtual dttuuts heore claiming fie mn oser %'tKuuLnuh Ironicaill. ut -as uuring a ihird-peniid Wouulwuuh psuacrplay tha Miltuun maie the big iurnaround wilh ta,, %hurthanded goals, Peter Suhult, ncuted the equuulurr IE; M c JIM M Yand T -lcIr Holman tuuhowed aop wuth the gan-winncer a unierc 1 'ecuns laier $ 3 9 9 S: IVul/cored ho lu fic: maluer as p rmonth/3 i tth s well, wiuh M tion on fie pooncîp I y. t n wfh ordy S 1 0dînn erase W.olwucu s nms*ml ioood .. 90 HP Vortue 4.3 litre V6. engin@ Cl Ws hule Rus-s Johns1on was suulud bcîa ope is anulJ reccuseJ kcy doliii- sise asllunctrn l riumlu Turner Mlark A~/M csseteHcamss% kaed ell upfroint AM/M csseteJuuhntun lad a standul perfoirmance'. 14- ahoel ABS carluer in the ucek as usd1. sluuningC ft Catharines thruugh the final tratre and. air candi t 1onîng alliain; lois Flaak- (irat> t,,r itueur tiru Hluman cut unnSu Caiha-rîes* i*o gjal 14-speeti automcatit trtansoissjQn le.d ir>theinal mnuît f teecoindJun- -, etup fy [Darren Yorke. Yuueke uau so u cd on Chrsuan Nonis'eqimalucer hefore Ian p ~~ u1~ ~ I D AKuumaclooukî a pass trn um tn' G M5 S IER R A andl poticul the usunier. alr(ol .h BULAR CA S11,595andl Kyle Salifia tarneu un struing, physuual GULAR CAB-gaines au Nwoh ends of the use. (excludes freight SU)ltII Feau or famine *pet motonth/36 months Ils fleen feas or famine fuir the Wallon Sihono Humuiane minoe pweees offense laiely 249 Whule unloading usutI an 9-3 %uctory S249 1,20downover Guelph un ulle openuing gaine uîf theur 200 HP Vortec 4300 SFY; V6 engin. Loindon uournament. uhe 'Canes cuald nuusuerjut a sungle goal in their fuillow ap match wtîfl York-Sumuoc -whio werc lasu giian'ized, steel à fit. cargo box on Mie un eltmtonaling them un qualeifp-- rial atcion. automati transmission Brandon Elliol uuumed abaitunckuinthe. lournanîienî *pçee vhile uingle-g(ul ctÎrome plated wheels efforus canme truum Mute Duhe, Jui-h Van(leu-freggea. Dusuin McKnight.'Kevin 3-year/6t1000 km tfl TOTAL'" Warranty M(anel. Andrea Pembileuuuuand Mute Ley -who almu) dreus uw arsists Hlaiuon ha- suffrd a surung ulrought uiu Get hat-~ lague play as weli LFx;ustung heucr *e~~Ge the lo et rce h effortis car> un inbaille wuth Brampton ,e he lo es p ic s f hewant from your and hasung uouhuong toishuuflreit - the donIt wait too long or GM r kCuanes camne humemenupuy-handed wîth a be long gone. Dealers Pp"nTLèai Sar EnU1CJK l b hr Soi.rLur Se.at custn.mlS us. SmàfLuttisr à cust.-dosiqned "in s 1hutout. victory le.'Op1 Or ta, fit '.n.Us .ei ifo redss. Ya.a pa,, oroo mi net(n lugafmier gnp uînu a ad donoc. ior vnuàr *nnttuy pa.eunts niuUse ynur ird-in. Iin nhdfn un. ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ o tru ...n,.*a.n *( n.. î ..u-'l...u «. .- i-. -uu. bti t 1k ne kc dud iauu nughts caluer goual- .o.-.il2.sn onI....~ - M~ un tender Trevur Salifia tuned amode ail 25 t .-.n it,-uin s.,.îonîua..ioia ,iî, n-i.. shus Wunulwuch fired au humi Saîurday In onni . onunnUo.- ,.a .îi, itsmajor hantamaAA WnieluAwsa m.APHOCKEY on page 19