WQooi presses, to no avai4 for details on workfare Aligeret with a lack of deuil ain llltiV waelcfae proposals; Burlingicai Cotmctllor »o Wood insisteti tise region ta Neing fis. cally irresponsible in t.sckling a peograin wtsicis caulti bave large financtal imfplica. tiens Spealeing at a nmeting of the ergiaits bealth anti social servies consaitt ast wek. Mr. Wood prudet staff itt mieu%- ing detailsht bse Ewutl comission- er of social seces, insisteil tlsere wee mmfl avait"bl. lse nurlington councillor insaisteti that admnistatve cent coulti no sild. bov- ev-s Ewait said tiut Hilto wus con- multeti ta spenil na mate nsoney on admin- istration tita it c-eealy dmseaAny atid- tional mnoncy would lave tu cotse fM tise provincial govemnt,. wWich will likely allocmate ut Si mtilipn ta Hilton (or tis Ms Ewatt confirniet thit if tis meg"o is unatao, meet eal"tr eets for pattici- patits In woelfare. die province will with- Halton expects tu make about.50 plac- mbenta in 1996 and a (sulbe480 in 1997. Me. Wood triet to prem Ms Esut iutt cotslirming <simoues themeare few public sectar agencite wiling .toacept woWkfe participants.'tFe vllnted te know ho.w many ageiscies Wa iobd up. Howevee, Ms? Esiat stood firm. saying srprc of cdsta1ng the ageescies in an ar ptt cuepositions for worklae participants bai flot yet b"gu. Pbector of isocial sericés Jantes Messait said site was unaware of any indications ta loca agen- cies wauld nlot W, invalved in workfaee. Oakvillc maý@ AnnLAulval saud in ber mnicipalt9gilte Unite<«Way was nt boy- cotoins workfae Somne other Uinited Wây. organizattans actns thse r.vrce havelùd tlsey will nt provide woekfare employnsent. Provinéial policy ta for ail waekfaee positiors taise in thse public sectar. flose who qualify would be seqwred tu penfonn 17 boetta a woek of çàniunity serice. T hc numbter of boues correspofits ta current monthly welfaee, isenefitq dîvîdeti by tis minimm, wage. Accasding te Ms EwaMs Halion is trylof. wits tise input of ta)se affecteti. ta drift an agreemtent whîch participants woâsd have 1"%eai taking <lie agrcrenien very en- ously. We have ta seil tise peagrani." sait Ms Menard. -We have ta niake %ure tisai people undriti qhere is much rmare to the pragrant <han jusi the warkfare, ee nient. Me. Wood repeateti bis cali (or details but Halton Chair Joyce Savalîne sid the Iio. i en alei by thse v,.e vth <NheLregionelrespoZndnin ar<yl arespectabsl andi respansible r -Ms Savolîne chastiseti agefLiîs c(wlem- platnng a$passitîan ta waaare. -lts asisaine andi quise stsalbb tbaï any- aone w&deld put thse neets of ise mast yul- <serble ni aur society ai nsk, beause af a paîtical age<stlafshe said. 'l'see rnaY Ne a reluctance Ia paettcipate in <Ne peagramr in vartaus degies but we have ta do it. * Mayor Mulvale agreed. sayinf there is nWdebate an <Ne programt She catiati for HItalt mouve faewarti a". cmui t on "w al go rm and"lIh CuIq.l la pb"udle L" tsvp ent <n Ui.s Callage ftýmin lJî*Uv, Camads <bid tarpat Umwptg Mre" asy a hieaPro.aiut of kn b utiusa MAeis et Vomi ahd brMp to Shisupla a dap. Pauamant. a smse umw qmsint~~ scondarv sêjeaita. mie bucw p preantuti pa@es on .tacaiaonae isues Ibatiftn iq ou. of ontlum gea W agm wih MW sa ' OWt a Il, pu m p u M