Group needs program volunteers Ilie Halion branch of the Canadian Mien"a HeM althabealth issueS. Volsateen ar lequieed lu assis( ini Association needs voluntoem w t work in cm of iis bot day and evenimg prograna 1pueadays. Wednès- programis. days and lThursdays frutm nqon Io 8 p.m. and Frl- The Oasis prclgram»srovîdes anea residents With days frona 9 &.m. to nomi. Programung: includes opportunîitics te enhence their mental beaith and te life Siis, sodal recreilon aid pu support glieulls. increase their undemuanding ad accepianceof meni- For lmre, cal Rhonda EllasUd (519),153.-n7. Orand O pening in Millton!!t 400 Main St. east e 905-878-9808 (Main Centre, abross from the Milton Mail) la ms Waggles Comçiete 25. OFFGROOMING Lingering tensions ' surface, with trustees Bv TIM WHITNELL Ihis malter met neiber condition, Specual to The. Champion Vice-chair Penny Sichmn defended the chair's ruling and noledl irusteces had the Lîngening tensions between two Halion chance io solce any concerns about the Doard of Education trustees have resur- motion when the boerd was discussing the faceditem i5-caïnera. At a recent board meeting, former boaed Ms Leblovic askedlfer objections lbc Chair Diane Lebicvic ilemandrl fpon ceir recorded in the minutes, a requesi thal remi Chair Linds alover an explanation as prompted Ms Glover t0 talle the unusual tu the reaslins an item on the agenda was siep cf calling for a recorded voie on included in di1e public portion of tie meet- wbetber 44s.Leblovic's ghjectiorts %bouid ing. when il was originally dealq il îbc k ncluded in ihe officiai minutes cf ihe hkbund closedl doors. meeting, Ibis lefI another trusice dumb- nie iem'in question was the second- founded and prompted a challenge ip thc ment cf board employee Joanne Zywinc lu chair's position on the issue.- the Ontaaio Insinie for Siadmes in Edu- is)înutes, are just reco-dings of whal ba% cation ei tihe University.of Toronto trem happenedl ai or meetiggs. 1 thîsk il s ceal- Nie 1,.1996 to June 30ý 1998» ly restrictive." te, try to, remiose a imuste!es Ms Zywine's servicealreviously hadl comtients, saidl Oakvillc's Linda Lane - i been loaned Io the Ministry cf Education, w»b you would reconsider, she said. ini tbe field cf School Councils develop- Wben Ms Gloser said bier decision w.i' muent a"mi mplemeniaiion. Thcempmruay final. Ms Lac lgincbed a challenge lIo Ibe cemployer pays the scccnded pcrscn's Chair. salary Ms Glover lost the note 1l1-5, ineaning Ms Leblovmc requesieJ shte k allm¶wed Io Ms Leblî,siv's commenis wimil kc prt M attdres.s Uic issue sinve il was no-w outin5 the off -iciai pmnutes. A voie on the main public Hcwever. Ms Cliver sid bomard motiomn cal rng for the extension o 1 Ms bylltwý arc cleir. 4 simple suie on the ly in's secndient ssasapprîecd motion ru appruive Ms Yywine's second- Ms L-cbtovm. said, despite public lercep- ment w&air aIlta w&s reqaiicd. lion ol a nit ktjeen lier and Ms (iloser, Ms Leblovic. wbo bas reueiemi clantui bier motivation mn Ibis case was sutl permit calions on points or order and challeigm ai but professionat. board procedare (in ant occasional hases -My concem us,;ie're falling ii theolmi eser silice Ms Gloer wson ihe cfhair posi- babit and îhe old4ways oif duîîng içgs lion from ber mn a Deceniier. 1995. elec- behimm*closc doors nIe pub liash mime lion. wasnli satisfied wih Ms Gmîuîer's night to know whaisgoing on. hlaYe chai- ucswer 1is clea, limier tise I-ducaiiin Act Ienged the presîcus mbaît and the osc it bas te bi an inlîmale pci4mînal or inîmmale kefore thal on these kinds cf (sue., is financiai matter" foi an issue iii kc uunsîd- wmse other tings wmli gel put mn-cmmci.* ered n-camera. said Ms 1clbic Sisrsa d saud Ms Leblovmc. SERVINO HALTGW HiLLS SENC lAU FAST DAVINO CLEANMN AREARUGIl.. wl Umm.9V8", Complt Kaps cs 87 mai4611la CAIPT ISuism.tIY P CUII S g OWNER OPERATED CLEANERe WITH13 VEAR EXPREC