*.\ I *OPINION Miltotn. Ont. L9T 4N9 (905) 878-2341 Fax: 878.4943 Classified:, 875-3.300 <- lun Oliver * Publiher. Rb1.1 Kelly Edar p Karrn HIhta Ci hifanMnae STrel C..r .OffiieM,, ge hTest Colon, P>ýnha lai Mange Tedt Li.dnay Siallii Mnae Tua Cuàale Ckla. pIlu iaie Woeendy !Wl Ptlmy ai 191 MMe SI. E, Mon e, n LUT 4119 (Smt 248>, la oeantie ltoo Pflir. %ohwwher 4 Siitin Lu viiran neu tetrimâ atriO ~ Istai Ali I Piclirn Illi Adneftlsr, barrit Advenu., Bramplon GUrMoh. Barroglon Pose. CRl5 Puisait Caainwood/ aassell cmeefeele. £Wo York Mîirror Elobeoit (Guardion, Georgelowr lndOtebod.nlI Aclin ffo. Prost ingstlon This W.ek, LweWna Thés afiae. W ~rlu Ecoeenn & SeI.- M it Pnelangru o Mirror. Msssing Nows, essaieraria I SAran Ena BIena. NortbuetrOanl News.,labri York Mioir Oakville BeUiOr, Orillin TocIoy Orfiain 1 ftini / Cinglon lun Oier Peterbor<ough This Woe. ltowd Mill 1 TIromhil / Vaugen Liihra Scartînogi Mir Sobrolge / Stoulorhl Tine Triflfs Sumor M S UÇ ihsîn =oopld on ti conclitor #ra.,a ir te nvent ofIa typograptsui arfor rhit port on of lin adverllsing sant occupied by thre errnous inom. logellier alt a rnasorable idiomesc lot signature. vnt flit fil chaged tor, but the0 balance 0i lihe idveiîteennli b1e falli tir ai thé apotcom te % 11 putF Initier rseine tihe neie to Catégooiarie taaeneMrs or *Kline Relax and enjoy the walk My friend jutâi alit 1 ith brhday aind, like me. b 1es sll a sidewalk-iround. nde-mocîeg hm. Mary people cannon figure out laow it es possi- bic 10 bc 18 yeaa old andi olîli net even have yoeir learero permit. or GI1 as lhey Cali il these daiys. Somtmes, i Itou wonder what it es liraI irecenir to c holding me back fmom this rite of pasirage . s et sireer Iautness or arn 1 dîscouraged by gradufalet i Icetrstng legislaton? I fi etrhaps hecausc I do nu wanl Ici lork over tire money jusi go gel my diiver's license? Whatever lire ressont es, I still do not feel like I arn misng oui on anyting ait lhira greal. Whenever I neeti e go vsomewheme I just hop one tihe irel-toc express anti w4lt. If lire weaiher tir baW enoeagh lu stop me frott ovaking lIbrt il tis cerlainly trot safe wealher in whech t0 drive. I also have fie option ol iradting up on my bicycle anti pedaling te, My deititon. If 1 amn going somewhere farîher away than Milton. public transportation wîll take me if a friencl or parent wilI fio irere arc constderable advantages t0 my sttu- atior; fresir air, exercise. trot le, me)lton being envtronemeitally fraendly. le secems tiraï people arc in such a rush qhese day% tiraI talung tinte 1ce slow down anti walk es nio longer an optin Once lhey reacir 16 hey jeust have tu gel irchmnti n whoel. Tire eopense of dniving a car Werfel more a bire thâtif a broote t0 me. Not only do you live lu pay for ensemranee anti gas but you alno have bo worry about koeping tire car in gooti cotrditton. Titere n also tIre possebility of recetving a nri tecket for parkcing or drvttg violations. llrtnk ailo of lire inereaset imIes lia conrres fromt mingling witr ellre more crazeti mrotorises. Tirere is neyer traffic on tire sidewalk anti therei en rt anmerni of a needto %v alts wiree yu aem going. Geltting run over iry a sidcwalk, cyciot es peffhaps tire wore danger. Despîte ail ibhs, I arn feeltng the pressuere lu get mno tire drver's %st. le is ralter dtncouragtng wirn 1 sec peole youngcr tnfan me drive by in eaby Comfoel. le ns ail tn mry imaginationr, I know, bul 1 can heajtrem moeking mie. Tihree will scorn corne a Lrne wlren ltis walk-' ing buesinress will pive impraclcal. I nord tu plan attelai anti go for my GI soott, since il irelI take mie a good Iwo year Io gel my full liten. Until liraI falefut day, howevr walking sales mie fine. il tn Wro whire you ame gotng liraI tsirmportant M uhow yoei grt there. ui if et8k missne a litIe it longer then an much elre ience. Depression cure lkl o Ilr mtra conamoor tembaiment for depression is niedicafion. On the surface, Il sermts had la argue it hetr1 use of oiiidepreaaanls hecause lkey aW mcli- resemrheti anti carefully lesteti hefore tkey arle allowed 10 conte Io maziet , et. the datauticeri suppout the ose of affte- pressants as the Irmeni of chiroee.for tigres- %atn even for severe depression,. accordirag su a recent revccw of the literaitére, ls important enokeep in mifld (ti wien à itew deug es testi priter id il's apperval. et is nul coitn- pareil 10, ail olker trealmeals available. Hrallh officiais wii want Io know if il aclually does miraI lire deug company, says il dots. Thon.s healtir officiais wîll nos ask if il es the kil treal. miera avaiabie. Tira tecision miii kc lefi Io your docior. In additieon. deug's dontq ieacir you anyîing. Thcy may weii eale lire pain andi suffering. which oif course tsra goot iîhîng. but lhey wiii trot klip yoei deai more effective"iNlh yoear peuh- keso. For ibis reaison, relapse rates are notaniously 1115h wmm reication in use In thk Decemire. 1995 Issue of the journal Professoaral Psycho4oy: Resescr uni Pcactice, researers revireti studiridliaI comparethe1 .effecti venes of medication and psycholkerapy in trealng tiepueien. Afler reviemuitg thk scientiÇec liîeralure. the autirors cowrJaded thk folloming: Pirycirological treattris are ai liesse as effeè- tive as tietgr. even m4liren treaing sevee depres. mion. PoycWxtrrpy 11hould kc consaderet ilk treat- ment of choine, porianily irecase o! nilperior long-terrm itcomes anti fewer medicai rioks thon thugs. If drugs arc oseti. psycirotirerapy siroult almnys ke unce too. One rsaon ia dm higir mae ascbog Get along, littie dust bunnies 'l hale irousewoçk. Yira nsakethlie irets, yoa do tire diabhes -anti ix monders later you have 10 Stm ail over againJl I concue wîlis Joan River. who repulediy matie tsaI rematie. *As flie dust hommnes roll aloerg the (loor anti catch fret rides on my anicks, I ihink of lire l1i otiter irngn I wouiti do beore, i would do n e AI the prte lime, il goesoagainalmy slr 0.-o ~ r lîve in doseteanti dianrder, but 1ute hylvll-is o e r n Deller "Cleanîng your irouse wite your kids ame stili growing es like shoveling the waik befoee il ~ I Iil ~ I atopsa snowing' So cf t1rey doi care. lil tiltu alop fic samne Why bottier? Yes, the kitis are ntill growtng lackadasicai attitulde uanlil lkey grow treti of die (ireli. mayire no( the 6'5" one) anti altiroughi mesand putchtin.oruntîiredy leavç hom. tkey oie ino longer lotitlers undfffooi wrir Qiser Meanwile. l'Il jusi.fiid odier morne peasr- Inys. M10r possessions. wher lefi lyeng aroued able activilien. For starters, 1 cao always bie trow. aere tirai matlch larger. aonnewre chi. ils trot lissI hNkry andi! a='(t consastly on -ýone of my favoeille hbaies "iead have toi k thirer cases. buit thia concept.of orderliness es lir liirry, we. like à ntarvîngpemo reh- irrelevantli dr1m,*epialy m lie two yourger in# oea for nustensance. i gairé bdok aft lbioa~ olfsping. front the tolettes, caser tc, devnuiaentk page by page, wiereliey kc novela lraveioguea,*Or lire lalest 4a1n gpin ,rrar test (faili you tinags Lantin in drugs was a delti languaie) If c's a susy day. wiro watats; 10 scaY înokr9 of repete wain medacaion la uedt alorne - as and vaM uors andi wasl krcirer cuptnaris l4jh a 60 pees- Nt site. A walk in dic woods wille a frierai is Antidepreaaants "Idout nt k'used for chu- morte appealing. A superer wayw (0 S my c5er- dem or adlset.ciai. wouldn'l you say? if insas rie miaI ia folerd 1 c4rvel- Daytimse really tcean*t mark for mie wkere tional wisdomn (slsaed by many psyehologiss) Foeia &but lcraiidietb . eso limait druio ne li Ieain of choace? Fre hjlatllegla i.iia' iso la fluthors blâme the drug complace. ten Mpel '0 0ir-- vàiunlroeo do. t lere" econmiot lii noiones traideugcoaapaira irrliec tu kc hugierg about the iouse folding econrnies. 'li noion s lssedrugCMP anti pulltng away latserdry. have tw oeil lkcir producl in ortier 1lu maklet a Anti eveninga.k mcii. i couldnol possibiy. For profil ati slay in basilicss, an dry glose il a lot Oac nftiang. #bce eriire, moolaly unklpful farmily is irype. Skyrockeling bheaCf cols;a pul pie- speaw.ti ail oyer die place. jeare on qiek liel, tend doigs arUdUW4 bY Seeondely.lcouldrrt dîieerb lier peeceotis TV iny lu worl mre qeuickly.. i alddition, foiily doctois ar e 51Itilid it Bess,everàngs ame for expaeing my miren- psychologecai Installants. bol tleey am re lelien Wa ueni phymecal hrizons îih c-Ooume. dancing -medicene. A pirysectan s liai frri.pemefit 15 anti badmint*~ So mauch more uliflig tiran depresseti "ep will act anti MraOU doir'l tiike cirecking the fritige for foegtite lelîovers. referruls. Io psycirololts ailesia uni trtii O f course, lhk cels, wro reyer lift a pao tii icabra las peovetr unntaceeafnl. klp ajouond the bouse lTre cals donlt mmni ocir ideally.* à--or anm payclologisla "he~d ke domestîc chaos. They oniy wine mken thii working logelker ina every office. nefrool anti homli aeigty kiWi omisse Anti l'ni conset lu cutitle . Unlil me gel fin Ilpl however. partages At my half-crtury pslarrk. 1 canel sec mysaif. have tes mofnitor die use of acnlitiepeeuus.tpe. conevereng saeadmoy t do.resticcly. There are cialy for 1kr eldey andi adlescenrt& w0 oiI oIhy calie mvxm dmut i en.f (Ot. 1 - . .