Foxfire opponents stage mass mail campaignT Mrurdtae Qnioe Nos backedhy 4 citizens giasq calted PAÇT (Parents Agasinst Corrupe Teaeh- ing). a Caaipballvilt an -bia intnfe bis effofiu ta remave à navet front the MhMo Domo ofEducation amticultuni. JO& Huisau i bl adeg gapcof Par- ant i oppadoma ta, Fa«re. Co*mwuimt of a Girl Gag being raid in grade 12 English classes ai Miltoan District High AccbMdng mu Mr. Huisman. the Joyce Carat Ostes navet la "pure filtb" sicb glorifies violence and male bshing, depicts a cf sezuaelly explicit bebavior Provincial minister to spieak, here "Ms Otts writes go th1e dark aide of One of then was Kit Rantin. nos our Aietica. site even, says oc on bier book supernntendent of aducational services. jàckels." ntid Mr. tIaisamn "I don't knas fIbey -,era just gaina Io tIy ad brainsash why dits ts being toqgb incar chisase, %ame im thicking diair w&X. so 1 rafused die bssuffêg Is ic nwcb. it*ate on asmg mtng avuy pge i da bock" '%b Ra"ki isys it's my fassit dia bock Mr. Huismas campaig Io have theia stfi in dia claisSi ecasirsse 1 bavan't book oeqioved ftom the clauromt bealga se V ttough pniSW cti.veW"lieh add"d in dia fait of 1994, when it was lN itw- M& Singleion sid Fo#ire is in fact duced ai Milton District t4igh Schbotl. -optlonai aeathng inatenal in the grade 12 Upon tasff*q dut bis t7-year-od wua sas clessençons '"b fits under maiti giasi or studylng it. iad remaq duo*gl it lihuif. idiviô.t radng Studit have a choie hae intnediMtey requested à meeting sqith balseen 7he dreu Gat#.> Koaoiarka vice-ptbLcipat B, Singleton or Fmore." explaineid Ns Singleton. wtic "At firat thé agreed ta a meeting addad Miltotn District fhgh Schaol bas hi between joi d11e twa M us. but t9o hots -support cf its ichaci council in teachin Wu ite called bock and saud tso mc.called Fo4irt. exai wSl.d attend he meeting es watt. * 0»81 oD n pope S Milton rasidents cai eSun more &bout Ontuias economic fiture during a spactal breakfast meeing ai te Bayrischer.Hof Restaurent naît 'Thirday. <Oct. 17), tha lit cf Iwo, information sessions spcn. sored by tbe Milton ClIamber of tie meeting. frin7:30is9:30 am..wilt' feature Bill Saunderion, Ontario's Minuster cf Economic Development, inide amd Tourism. Appale ta tie posi- tion in lunte. Mr. Saunderson sill forus on puslting fo an uactvbusness climate in th Provn. l'ie second meeting in dia sertes witt ha heMd Ttesday, Oct. 29 ai the Muddy Durir Restaunrant. tteplirn Kaiser, president of di1e Ustuan Davelopeant Institute (UDt) wilI tatk abouit recs revisions aid con- cernts regncdng die Deviloimes Charges Act The chambor setomes ail residents, members and non-membera. in these breakfast meetings. (Jenteral manager Suudy Martin encourages those interastedl In stending nei Thuriday's meeting to pie-regme by TSasday. catting 878-0581. E""