Ford finds *the scoring range The Miltôn hantent AA Kerwin recoadasi two helpeis es Konckla and BEnan Shaw weca ail IWinserlsawks naaded ouaan bus whiie Choisi Beala. JarS KonleIa called Up frons dia mnanor busaa t0 beai Oakvll ia hrdy dusr- (iraig MacDonald and Cbad squad, b0 fili die gp lafi by a <sun- ing their season opaner. but used Manitt pesord single "ss. ber of playm sulo.tisd dwlag an ailiducepndsbebury tiens 7-0. Austin. Bab MacDonald, exhibition dit nOulps. On tise strength of à four-goal . nihibysipt mmFn ilSTruckers open season in style unloadad on tha Rangea with3 bt abols. Wînterhawk netminder flic Sandâtone Transport AA ,nidgat Wiatuaka scored a 9-3 vIcday Tevo Saimba meawhiie, lumed over dha Raidars in Gaorgetown recanlly in lisit Tri-Couuy scamo bock ai?1 shs ha faced. openr. and lise. duplicaW dti effort the following nigWs i horne Fordi scored on Milon' firnit shot allaait tie Oakvaill Rangers. and foilowed it up with a second Jcif Seads led tia scarne wilh fori goas and thne tuial ovar dia t"o <lily momients Idar. Ha alsoscorod gainas. Côaý Leigs tock ilte, the nexi lavai in dha seond paaiod of the hi. taam's fouflh and fifth goals. sacond win. tuming.a nalural hal-trc. Hea suc drew -n as" ai lin dia 3 Aso denling the twina wara gainae SDavid McFarlane, Mika Austin lefi Mitchall talliad lwioe and drew a pair of haipa. "leii Ban Wilson andl Ion Speangar - who draw an alan pottad Iwo ad addôd an asaM,ý Pari Louar Wa Mal Peun panvoti assis& on Fon's second goal. Io ha the big sad-up mni. with five assista aci ovar tia Iwo gainas. Peenr Danny Bonham and Dri..aansiosdîrad&gains[Georetown. Milton club cleans upM. ii pe- Kwon do meet u The Young Cisoung Tac Kwon Ctsristopher an4 Peul Leas :AiI tl'9. Du Club of Mikon was llirclass scorad lwo medal4 cads wichla of the radent Newmarkes Tosrna- Aialrew La 100k ~oaa siiver ment, as 25 stssdasss combined to in spamrng. Othar hisbe medal i hm win 43 metdais. winners were Do ienic Ttgro, ui A total ofeuigislocal club mem- Ryas Ercolani. P.J. McÇol.,sYlp~~ bers were double gold wunnars in Dwayne McWheeney. Mark 01WI lsda spamtng ad l'oms. Thay includ- Wanless, Ryan Weschka and tiaM ahal*ç~-t cd Mike Haïawî. Sue Sommars. Koisten Bonsans. keum i 9aipiI~lU in Nicole Ercolasu, Chais McHomuî. Jennifer Morrison, Slaeov e tiortiI1 ai ..c ....hlh Tom Snow. Mary Belli Paddil, Duffiekl Casron Ivens Krita travelo to Bramspton lo"orw Victoria Dufljeld and Stephanie Twiss, T.J. Snow and Jerome <Tistidiy) fori tiair e=P Lees - pans of tise prmmnn mar- Chnsiaen ail îsetted one medal a ag <s he Colai aidae pmdY liai ail Lecs famsly. Dlace, dacy li HIIIIOjk NIt7u w~ ~rn DELREX ALUMUwu LUMD Ai. u ls #00 mpwmn4andw 877-03 MECHANICAL LTD. PATS FOR 70 étain 6b"4 laM 870-1138a t Arros kg. 1 GO uSain ÀLH. S. &jaaa Blow. Fm m~a - e/Opw.daai - Fusy Wmsud - Bandiè u5m . a.M43" . &. (418) 354m Dos. L WIîr Mka'uçî i5 1131 ausu.aiu - Adtlaa t twons I~ ~ ~ *. Outa dae *atFi;l ÉM;;Fs 90-7870 _ait .&WýJ",ffl0--876-4327 I .1 &On Q'Fý SUER-BOND MASONDY,, -*a - 90 Ca liM mooga 87111IWS9 *ETAL CUT IANVLR.015 PinsCA1 AM MILO 6,4P FAX: M <96>753M M& I.oN. TO FRI. i-0110-3117-1LE F. .R -MOILE SERVICE Bac<.a. i-<f. a u$ * MW. PAINTING *eo *l « - U« Additloisa .msuATIa a aw* E ns. a h, NTEC 70 aVI. M.iioO Puff - A " 13 Fwis ~ ~ wlor .és <b'nio à(iv v9 so74 07 80118Pmiol AM170 (Sn ao. 2 r oWe Rend Reovt.n ___________________à_________ -15âv.-cait a" Su,. tRI CON *.OR 7Ls --IH AEA -$mm Kit os faMeuOm u me@ ïlsa uie90 nu aCUS4LN - EVCES MAOR . qr ýý r ýCLEAN1N%.2 SERVi,ýES 1 CONSTRUCTION SEPTIC PUMPING