Finally, Poila goes* bak to the gQod oki neighbourhood »y STEVE L.SLANC Spec Ioa The. champon> Milton District High Schoot h&Ilback Marc PoIlas viied a piâace lie halait wm in aihowt t1 ot sout-lm*tWeâday; the endentc. He liked ài so nid> lie mae th Ue niart trips ttîeugoul die aftroem. and peced lus junior Mustang footbeil coew ta, a 33- 13 mot of tit OskviIte Trafalgar DeviII. Poila, taho scored bath touchdawns in lasi ýyear's Tier Il championship las ta Lord Elgin. rushed for three miajors and siaigged a 35-yard paie hy quuterback Craii 0'Nei belonr urming in lia fourth. O'Neit was on Uic other cm of a cois- pietma taie in the second helffwhen ha and hock-up QB Ion Sprengr conined for a 60-yard pou and run for MD's final visit îo rie en-zomi. "Fullhack Stu Gibert rushed for over 100.yards and Mike Leishmîn made strang puni returns anmd ptayed weli ai haif- back,- added head toach Verne O'Neti, tahdse 'Smas were 2-O hcmding mna yes- terday's (Tuesday) horne gamme wit> M.M. Rotanson. MD baili a 33-O aaahion ihmough live- plus quartee of play andi than brought in iheir second sirîngers. ft was duning thîs tinte tise Dcviii bmke Uhe shutout with tw0 ,neiningless scores ut the tasi eighi mn- tes. 'Me 'Stangs.first-string defenaîve unit worked wonders for the niajority of the gatue, pailiculaily nilde lnbwck Wtll Sinnoit and.corner linebackers Breti McClure and ICavin Miller, wba penetrai- at cd i «Il ng bath die niuing gantemd second hatpesamaSpes M.M. RolWm'Rmu bomb em * The worst is naw ovet for thme senior Mustangs' 1996 regular season. but is diee estoug tinte tIo ta b a sitéble playolf spot nid makes manm aves sa de Ivor Wynne pleydewu? Milton District ja stillhwjthout a tain. alle taking a 48- sheliseking as die timids of MM. Robinson Fniday in burlingtan. The Rams ar raked ilon mn Metro. While affrigh %7,I ena nk the rhla. ofsi 'sya. t"ns wiii have su tain ai least Iwo of final three Saines In order to have any teil hope for a finiu- round playoff vîciory.. A seventh or cighth place finish would mean facmag M.M. Roiuson or Neison, taho downed ilte 37-O two weeks ago. Despite the lopsided score Friday, head coach lCeith Pea(ce.saud his leam piaynd' their heW gaine of tue seaaion - parlicuter- ly the offensive backfmeid. Kicker Sean Preece scoed Iwo field goals in the tirs& haif white quarterhack Adamt Gertzhein siowed a kg of poise in prolongung a few drives. Aiso Iooking good on offense tacre ight end Paul Loader and stxock ün Mor. The Ranis used their firsi stringers thiotighaut die gaule. sud nui Up the score with two lai TDs wilçbID's substîtutes had the field. The seniors travel tu Broute Park in Oakvîille tonionow <fliarsay) for a 6p ni. stau against Q.E. Park. MU, Sew '-geuM Milltown Tire 751 Steeles Ave., Milton 878-6785 âoPtdtWwdny 1, À SIZE Pi 75/70 R 13 Pl 85/70 R14 P 185/60 R 1à Pl 95/60 RIU P205Y6O R15 P205/65 RI 5 P215/65 RI 5 P215/60 R16 pllt4.An DI.& PRIR 80.80 92.75 99.58 103.61 108.61 110.95 113.36 130.13 1A 71 amui AVANTI AUT TC MN MO I M~ a PONa S -umvW& - PlYeINvLZI @Vuoc IlliafflI COMlT w4 - el *&n ! N CAIO>I~UA i ACTINIIAi PAD!II jootba(( contest WEEK #7 WINNER WEEK De- RICHARD HIERUMA 1. Put ln thé boy. boside lta ine cf Ut toun yau thénk wil 2. FM kt your noms, addroses (inclde postal code) nd pito n. 3. Sumll yurentlyby bokIglto: CANADIAN CHAMION MI1 MAIN STUIET EAST. MLTON, LU 4N§ OR FAX IT TO 978-40 4. AJI ' m us e ln fi »@d k by Fdes> 0 5:0 p.m r- SUNDAY, OCTOBER 13 ; Y u U RIOA AT 0 DALLAS UCHICAGO. ff NEW ORLEANS: Ne, i a OSIROOT Ar c2 iOS I 1 aHOUTON AT U ATLANTA8 2 NIMINST AT U BUFFALO a M M AT Q TAMPA SAY I ( N.Y JETS AT 0 JACKSONVILLE 1 Q c PIIILADELP4IA AT Q2N.Y. OMMTS U1 fTLouJis AT U CANOLIIN I 0 WASHINGTON AT CI NEW ENGLANO 0 ALTIMORE AT aI09ANAPOUIS MONDAY, DIMSER 14 I IOSM FIUM AT Il REEN BAY.I -JI- nmoee e 00~ heiete »MolUsa *5~ t 1' r. I i Eommunity wspaper. r8-2341i