Wildcats, are kings of the cross-country MIù Thfe WlI. Dick Wildatain heir way Io vmctory Britn Turner cross the finish line in cigbtli posi- Tegan Miller nibo finishced second andl Knnsen oat the Optimist Club Cros!t-Country Meei mn tion and Don McKenna was ninlth. Keller who was hoi on her heals for third. I Cgesown lasi Thursday Thme inermedhiae boys wnre equaliy ilinpmessive Teammates Jessica Simpson lfifth) and Itie The junior maie Wuldicaaa bmw away their coin- with ciglit runners making t inîo tlie top 20. Matgner (nîuls). meemeni fac behimal. peLition weuh a half-dozen tein members placing Meanwhile. Quinn Young placeil second andl ion Jeanifer Wallace lad the intermnniie girls with imn thse top 10. Leading thk pack eus, second-place Taylor camea 151h in [ie senior boys race. a tlhil-place effort mebile êýrysta Hass canme 1 lth linisher Ellioî McKerr mehile Derek Blanchard, WlI Dick's femnale rmner were aiso dominant, and Jennifer Burgoyne 131h. Thme junior female Josh Casmeeli and Mark Wilson came mn Ibird. meuh the senior clans cleaing Up meuh eight mne- Wililcats were led by Siephanie Siiekers. mebo Sfouilli andl fifth respectively. ners placing in lime top 20. Among thmim were canne mn fourth. Life cornes with enough nastg surprises, so we won't give uou ang on uourfinal bill. This is what gou get. .,p inseto inludes: quality Af ou filter. isbachanuis and replace oh wth up te 5 litres of(uM (ioodwrench Premium oil -Check and top up the/olluwSng fluids brake, power steering, windshielil masherf s .L1mpletei nspection tires. air filter. coi2lant, homes, windshield huedeat, battery, lights and indicators. This is what gou pagl This is what gou get. Replace front padi or rear shoes w'ithA De lco Brake l'ads/shoes l nspectin of master cylinder, calipers, brake hoses> brake fiuid 1evl rar braies and tires -\acmmning rotors and druims extra. if required *Road test Vhile you watt service This is what gou pau i This Is what uou get. Intitaiî quaity AC spark pluils lmsnspect, air fîlter, beits, hoses and PCV, ignition wires and cap - Visual battery check - Electronmc congine analynis *Riiad test -While vou wiait service This is what uou pay This is what gou get. year guarantaeeon ail other 'parts and labour - C.ompicte replacement of intermediate pipe. muffler, mail pipe, clamps - All labour inciuded * Specîlîcallv designed for (;\l vehîcies * Auii makes avaîlable * Road test * Vihile vou wamt service This is-what gou pau. 0 The Plus is in the Service. Not the Price. Wallace Pontiac Bulck CadiIIac Ltd. 409 Main Street East 878-2355 Jackt Richardson Chev Olds Ltd. 6791 Hwy. #25 South 878-2393 j V. 1.ni mn tu~ ON" anM. Lhn', --.y flP Unim p.&O ti-n5- a, a. PST -i RmT O.ni ,ý MW sa Sua " ~ 5 i tAçl« Mn i- o&i.a-*. Éean PW-Pk PST -1 w ..W .0 1 si- iluAWM. b ffll SMOA.u VM agi 6 i "rg 4 3 Mi -p~ ..gAIND PST -i 051 - OM. mmy me te nlm Flying high. in motocross - lac. NOW uirs on pope 21 Ha also finmised in tha top 10 in th@1 national open nanaes. Ha startel off meitls back-to-back tiim-place efforts bol fe11 te 1011 after crasiiing mn lime ilsird race unit! missing tisa fourth. iftd wmde onoce muri and clippel a Ine. My bâe measna in amy ;halte te race [ha final hem." lTc top 40 racers front aimas Canada qualifmi for lthe nationals. Gactan quali- fyiUtS campaign featured îmeotmnconuis andl mmeo third-placa finishes in time spning. In addtion to a stmong national mun. ke comnpetetMý races mn Michigan. Hîs crons- border performances included back-Ro- back vîcqories mn te open clans in Brighton Augus: 3 andl a fiftm-place show- îng lime following weekeni n Ssaton. Gaetan - meho hagaut iiding dut bokea ai nge eight :.id smartnil racin& an a teenager -said a number of factors contrihutail ns his succensful mren this ye.r. Toppmng tihe lins wan gumfce IMM hast frienil Clifford Murray, a felim racer who, worked on srategy and echnique with him Ibis spring. 1 bail aiways keen strong on my saima andl a very snsootb rider overaîl, but jumps mee My weak point. Mosi of my wiepa outs. wbmch resuiied mn back amdui nsi inj uries as weii as my shomilier injury, camse on lumpsý "We wiirked on ibis au-ca aIl spring andl 1 leit a loi more confmident on themibit sua- %on, - sd Gactan. Aise proviilîng a greai deal of support mess girlfnienil Susan Kirkham. who nom only cheers bite on froi thme sîdelines bot écts an bis chief nsechanic. With bis retn succen. andl a rejuvenat. eil love for competing. Gaettant says bis resurn ns racmng tn by no mans a ome-nea son dea. Ha sotie oener nmore events mn tiha U *S. next year and eventually move Up te Ur Masters division. 1 love tke spSnil pov;er. adrenamne and encilaration of racing. lis lîke a miller cmate ride mithoui the trucks," k sid Tough go for Medics Wk 11er is bean reI nquîsbîng a laid. baing edgadi n a one-goal dicsmon or king souindiy defeaied. 1ke Docs & Dents major aîîm AA Wmsterbawks bave hean unable Io sacure a memn in the firsi four gainas of thaîr ru-guise meason. Their ssos opener ugansf north Haltes rival Georgetown ended mn a 2-1 bartmbraker, meuh Dan Dimo backstop ptng mhe craw meuh 27 saves. Tyler Hoînian sconnil Milton's lente Marter meimi klp fimen Mark Haes. The 'Hawks meere blankeil 4-0. by Oakvilie mn 1Mr next oîting. Outlmot 24- 13. tbay Iuilel by imnil a goal lseaing trac the final frame but allowed myuâ more goals eaay on antis hhird mn tke l'nal se- ond of play. Roty johmnston plmyedil eel tween the pipes. Kyle Salibb was steady on defett. Milton fild a tNo-goa lad tn the sec- e ond penioi ovar Brampton. bot couldn'i bold on ns thaîr opporeiits; ralliail for a 3-3 ilraw. Jobtston, Brett Turner anil Chm. Coates registered goals 3vimb Heasis drame- 'ing Iwo assista and james MclniosIL asm Anilrew Cîwsean posting onme euch. Btulingtion handail the 'Hawks timair sno- ond four-goa Ion inaà 5-I final. johmnston lmeai aside 33 shots te kaep the score faimly respectable while Pesler Schultz pot- ted thme lotte marker.