b -11 *COMPUTIR DIAMNSTICS *COWUffWEw BRUAWÀMN ffBlIeS *OLN à0110 IEEM1NG * 0MMPWEA FUEL %£oCMo à TUJNE UP *UFETIE EXHAUS AMO *PRSNLZO EVC 1'h 1 AISES *COMPUTEizED Vos=CL L------------------ - =WECU IIE AT «M~E AIIOW AUI FOR MOAIS& 878-2952 »e rapmauang Rad. Miltone ON LOT 4z4 Pya WIIE MANTNAC * CL Lube, cil &ilter N. Check tiïreeze l.el & strenith 9554.I9O5 other iluids SIgCi ue..o s. 3 4 lqotat treli Set tire pressure Check lights,h*ses & beits e Plus Set a PRLLE brake inspection & .FREE Ju4 a o 0 windrhIeld wa0her iluld. ".k for details. W ClaudSe Labrie ileaner-kilton 420 Steeles Ave. B. ilton 876-4663 LET 47 VEAS OF SEVC NMLO -----OY . A FAILY USIE FO »5VAS M T O ayS e on IlmaTEsu D dl tCepltwpl. f temboOc A oUL tMEof FOf 35p~e OctR kIIUH TJECH AUTO SPECTALISTS As its naine implies, Avanti Auto Tech's strength ie cornputerized -diagnostics in high tech automotive repair. The MùJ service shop's equipment can han- die both imported and domestie vehicles. Avanti could also adà the word "complete" to its naine, to, describe the wide range of automotive ser- vices from exhaust systema tor brakes and tune-ups to gas tanks. Keeping pace with, advances in the industry, Avanti Auto Tech can service the latest in ozone friendly air conditioning. There's a large stock on hanA and ordered parts usually arrive the next day. ývanti owner Raz Arcaro buys direotly from the warehouse and pass- es the savings on to customêra. ttWe skip the middlemàn so we can offe vry coin- petitive prices," Raz explains. His shop is CAA approved and CAA members receive a five per cent discoýunt. Business hours are convepieût for commuters who return to town late in'the evening. Avanti is open from 8 arn to 9 pin every Tuesday and until 6 pm, Monday, Wednesday,: Thursday and Friday. A cus- tomer shuttie service'is.avMaable, loçally. Avanti Auto Tech has been serving 'Milton motorists fer seven years. The friendly and profes- sional staff have over 30 years of automotive expe- rience and look forward to aerving you. Ipedd Wh~. pmchag = waè: Lubricaiian oil. and fise change; 1 9p#. inspection; dran and Rush radtaa, Necler cor., engin* b*6ck, chec ail Noies eic"n fil wMf new anwi freisze rafale tlarened check cil braites compimentoey car woss Sc"~ $24.00 SAV'2 4 -$ 10985.ITAM'. )Ff. expiret Dec. 3 1 i, 1996. 09s valid on most GM cors and ligisi duiy Mrucs. Genuine GM puets. ~GoM lisd MWallace Suevaice4 TUb L(905>«Amya23 MtAVAN Tl AUTO TECH Il