201606 Toronto man ba4ly hurt ini SOfoot-plummetfrom cliff UV KASIEN SUrN rety beloire 5:30 p.m. ' qp.smtely 50 FIof thse boisons. fanting on Th. CEs&sin , Heneick Oveubye. 29. was r*eiing donarqe rocks anti rubbfe," said lialton police rock face with a group cf frtentir when hie pera Sgt. rnikpfiillipa. ~ Dowsvte mass ltrcky Io be aliv aier encountereti equipment probtems. Hafto 4 embess of thse Milton Fie Departmetgst' pi bng 50 frfetfroro the Ni.g.r. Escarp,,- Regiorsal Poice said. frigilvel. krw-level reseue team rapellei clowen nretu Sxhnejusi norihof No. 5 Sideroati. He triet o fix Mt geA whtfe suppotng hini- to tfhe victim. but coufdn't remnove hlm by dfie &rnday. AI moif a dèlw rirelliglifanr worflrd for: self' with a brurcr police raid bat tire trie lirgame ito ute, raid frtfigluer Mark Cross. more tIrttwo houri to reacrie the rock cfïmber Wmiad tu holti his weiglt. Reacurer hatu ol wtigmugb vines, anti baras go front a dense portion of foret following thse fait, *Unfoilunairfly the hranch broke andi lie <ef Isker thse mai Io awaiting ambufat i.e auf.a Bux 45 LbJ 5Aî A MuoaadCoumuae Narpper 'L 139 Ne. 5 WEDNESDAY OCTOSER 9,1996 36 ifrgey hat o eut dieir oren pair to get back mt Mr. Cross raid. '11 a a pretty mfsrauou fsre forem. SufIering froro revere head and internaf ajuries. tire vicuir reached thre an&rlao shor- y afier 7:30, pro., buesad. l'le mai, conscouis and talking, was taken to Mifton District Hospitul "nt us izetitefcwe being tranaerse o Sunnybmook Mgedcaltletre in Tonuto. "n1funitY Newspaper LE, ON 8I Tyke intraing CSo mrI~a ivb è'usoi a MeI huapon ufrae to, *Wi.Us w» voem R Hiokai, 4, eitirdulire depobefuaU arsrsu Mmr preversion open hoc Saitwday nt the Dacr Road Hod. thsé youngaia to" *@va>. %pva ftm opau houa t. gai hi% faui *Il, ao Io apair In tfie buai.. of fte O0U. phre O p soiage . Robbery rate has doubled Milton a mnecca for bank thieves Dy KAREN SM"T wfro hqlds hW money. hie raid. "Tirere's fcrs risk The hampion invoivea in cornmittrng the rolrlenea7 bu noted. Fiay's hold-up by a wornan may bu conecedZo Milton batiks ame bucorftang inceasîngf y attractive te -recent butsai National Trsi. wbich n isc loc.ea mishers fookiag to avwid sophisrtcaied security sys- Mifton Maill It icas roibeti by a krm"l cul prt. Det. lemos ai financiaf institutions in major cilres police' Sgt. Welsr raid. ray. A wcman who resembies ihe suspect ai the Banik cf A fridrp af tihe Banik of Monureat at Milton Mail Montreal mrtbery, the Iourth batik mresy e i owwin Fritiay was tbu 15ifh robliegy in Mifron tinis year. thre inontits. bult up tihe NattoraToisi1 AuMi7. ' Now the nuniber cf robireries in 1996 is more tIran The Batik of Montrral thuel enieSd th ibu*ur ai 4:30 double comparei go thre fisi nune psorwfs tast yeas - pro. anti hantied the teifer a note tienainding cash. Mice andi a rte in batik buista ir parfialiy te biame. police aote afsp indicateti sbu was armeti witir gun. poiicef,. ray. Otiser robireries hase occurse ai gpations andi s"lu tise bue store. MUseau liat reves roNirnes by the cati She tocé an undernsincd amount of nuoney d of Seprember. f995 omnp.adi la 14 tiising ibu tie esitei ifie nafit thougt en eam dour. fime tissycar. Thic refuser is tiescobeti as in ber miti to fate-twen- Dlie pmoblem appears tu bu region-witie, saiti Del. tics wîîh medrum bruwn. wavy sluouiir-lcngh i ar., Sgt. Ron Welsh of Haf ton Regionai Police. Other ose. ROSSERIES on pfge 19 communtifis bave aso reporgeti a rise ta batik rsts, Ibgeses drfini#r;y rniasaes ta offr amias. ico,*bu raid. "I don't tfrink it's anytbtng unique te Haf ton. However.-batiks itaiait communties surfs as ~ Milton are fretg speeciicalfy targetei Wiecusc many don't use video surveillance camseras, or à centraf teller Easy does itfor the. long weekend Th e OPP is urgiag Mrftontaas to bave .a sale Ilianksgrvtag weekcnd onit Ribad. Seven crshes ta OPP junisilion ciainiet tbu lises of eight peuple oser the holiday ereekeird fast year. "ANmong the cotinlWtng factors wete acorof cuirs- rumpi ion and i taientivetss. sauti Sgt. Terry Brani of the Milton tietacbcnt' Police expect the fass.appmcfrtg erînter weatfrr illf catch drivers unprepared for sftppery earfy mcmr- tng oatis due te frost' anti scet feses. 'l-ne 01W ativiscs motcrists to adusr ibucir tirivtsg tu suit Octouer condition,., Sgt. Brani said. Tbaaksgtvtag Day faits ta thre mitidle of the provia- cial irai lt campaign anti rfsectitmpfss ibis yrar isoit clsilt reatrainIs. "Drivers are remiatiet that ibey are ta the mosi influenliai pcsition te insprove ileir safety anti tisai cf thit passengei% Sgt. Brani saud. Mag Brown is preenlng another Home Accent Woutcshop a feMiltoni Putblc Libery fhis Thrjrday (Oct. 10) or Thursday Oct. 17 at 6:30 p.m. - Thse ftee for leming how, to buiid a witctr ta -$25 and incJudes a wood anti wire f range. chunky oea arid padding, a gtsoeffy covencto *and haf and accents. Regjistranta ahouiti bring a paint aponge. fabnic sf ripa. seasonal decora- figns, a glue gun andi scisifors. F&r more intormat ion cal the li>rary af 875- 2665. neaton is irnite and i talakai thfe front dak. BILLS tu u -" 1inU