DONNA LE SALONOO jISDA OCJOED 1 Ticet Nw n a: For al yourHalloween 18ESr Lia., 100fnyon OXRD TNETTINGIEd 110cm watide.s100% ONLY L New Crime.Stoj pers number aimed at catching more crooks Crme Stoppera of Halton na hopng the new utna seu. Rcwan(Ls Wo succesafut lips have a etrase4 80(0 number announccd rcsnty wutt entiance ita Io more Ihan domuble lthe amournt appasved latit year. aimeaiy improvei performance. -The hoar'd ia very pleased with thz program'm lue uivilian volunteer-maisaged organization reports improved siaflsttc. Wc-pvide a mcmi for perople 4i an increase of 36 per cent mn the nummer of aniony- coonnunicate cnime.aolving information anonynbous%« mous crime-solving lips reccived for lthe tirs[ six ly. and il's apparent from lthe nuinlers the tNogm months of l996, compareli la the samie pertod tast works. Mr. Acheson said. Year Crime, Stoppera is hopefu the iuw comont nürn6ter Ted Acheson, chair of the Crnme Stoppera board of lor Crme Stoppera. ànoounc:ed lune 3 in Niagara. wiii direcirs. credits their deciaton to conturact with Crime furiher assist with solvingycrnme. saili Sgit Roli Cliffe Stoppera Internaional for after-houra cau .anwermg of Halion Regional police. as lthe main reason fer lthe sueri in calta. ls snticipatedl tite introduction of a single, easy tn *We knew people iecre Iffing tu, recacit 4Wt office remether aumher that automatically channels the aftcr btout%. but wr are pleasanfly çurprsed >'y the vol- cailers. to, Iheir local peogrami wîl help with promit- urne." bc sasd. lThe calis 'have helped police solve 23 lion andl uliialely aolve more crimfes,*'k sad. cases so far lis yesr. according 10 Mr. Acteoi Calters do tntm have tri give their narnts and aiy tîp Wite the nmter of cases closei and charge% laid "ia lead; tu an armtit automnattcally qualifies thte lhem has remaitird relaiively constant, the value of recov- for a cah rmmmcd of belmeen 50f and $ 1.000. ered atolen propery and aetzed narcutmcs has jumped Crime Stoppera cati c reacite et I -800-222-MIS fromn $6.860 in 1995.tu $160.400 sa fat 1996, kc 24 houraday. (Formerly Plumbing Mati) 4 1 Last eBookings for bathroom remodelling before -Christmas PHONE BRYAN 878-5222 Ce1cbraUrî~ Our 301h PMINÊ VELOUII SOUtts 150. 400t1 polyester Our Reg. 12 98 mi Spectal SeIection' BMEER ENDS 0>5c Assorird contents. Our Reg. 16.98 mi Spriat Seleedon! PRINTED ARCTIC FLEECE 15ncm mo 12 9% ~S-secelection! W-1-D-E PRINTED CHALLIS 1-r1km * 1OM mayas soi/r bl-tti/ ~SpeumI Selectbon! MICRO SHERIDAN< SUEDE-LOOK I115cm wu/e, ffl5 polytsr specwdi Stn JACQUARD & TWEED UPIIOISTERY 140rm W&./ Ourleg 12.9@ m*u 1 PmrA COSTUME PAINTS 11Sen w/de, ONY m potirestericotton. N2» CRAFT STUFFING BATTING 1IL~ bag. 2 100% polyesta. oNLY29s" ASSORTED TAFFETAS 115acmwmde 10% poyeter.m SHEER FADRIC i 50cma33 i00% potyee ONLY3 m SMAIY COSTUME SATIN 140cm mit/e, In red. white & black. ONLVa. FUN FUR Aaacfed types. Widiv"dy pricd- NOW 20% OFF Our Reg. Price BABY BUNTING FLEECE PROMT Endsa lS0cm wide 99 Our leg.'7.90M ONLY m, DENJU ENDS 150cn A9W Greoect« l ONLY4 m SEOUINED TIN (40W 3- REVEAS111IJ CAAFT RIBBON 3/4 Il 1 1/4- r/itaon, aulorled colors. Our Reg. 1.98 op"o OKLY9i. 54 Main t.o E 57MinS.E 878-0931 4Q0% Savings on Selected GoId Chains Over3Ost(ts aufIèngtlist ooefrm fEor best1 seecio s/od artn "We eII ou qalit We uv~uknow18ge (sAs (erviq bacellemReg elnt suc5.6 To~~~~~~~~ UsLs.,lledGimkgs !S 6~ Sf d &Z~n oFrneJ vI M ý ; er0 tivayqn MAIth to cwsfia