Dateline Da"1k la a ftr i inq of con*i averti -ry The cd" ase myfa" o cSl oenw.a- .Wty - a I M in prSemwn ei "mie aeris. Oudy chital or nanb-pioli Ogitil Miy WStps ny mtuh asrvce. W. cari ordy gW.uafa one leu of pub"f cief to sa dama of the occurence afataugi niré. ier taom ame poast. If danwrd al ion. Notices for Dalabna ahaiid b. w~nan d haindadi I ette office of Thi. Ciuaiçln. 191 Main Si. E., maofad to tia ai P.O' %x 248, ILutit. Ont., LOT 4NO, or tafeui Io(905)@78- 4941 Thi. final dauln, is mnof Fiiday lof Wednesday' artioan d nooA Wadnesday for Fvtday's e~tir Datafi tinsm nio be aceated by IeWpbone Wed&~ay Océt. 9 lits HMt Meal Deal Day i lte Milton Seniors' Actvity Centre. 5MOChilds Dr. Thse 11:30 a.m. event features food and fe1- Iowship. The Milton Seniors' AcRivity Centre. 5«) Childs Dr., hosls the Evening Euchre Party a~ 7:30 p.m. The event features friendly compeftion. light refrcshments and pnzes. The cosi is $2.50. Halton Region employees host a limite- eue in lte Allendale staff cafeteria to raise money for <fie United Way. The lunch servrd fmm I0,A51àm. toI1 p.m. cots of a hamburger, chips, cooies. apple and fruit punch foi $5. Senior Cîiiens Club 88 holds a pet loch lu"c ai lte Royal Canadian Legion. 21 Charles Si, i 1230pm. Ail members are wekoie, Eveiyone helps provide lunch. Resîdesis are învîted to leurn libout plannng nutitious velletariarq mais ai Milton District Hospital froin 7 in 9-p.m. Participants are invied ta taste new recipes, sample vegeturian productgad vital a book display. Thse cost is $Si per person or $15 a pair. Proceeds goo icite hosliital. To regisqer. call 878-2383. The Canadian Mental lfrulih Association presènia a course on coplng tadnmnqu fer demlmg wltb atroe saw- ing "ody. TIse courser nins on Wedtsesdays iaitil Novemee13 from 7 io9 .m. al 341 Kerr St. tn Oakvtlle fTie cosl is $65. To reistet or foi more infomiation. calf 845- 504 Thurady Oct. 10 l'lie Victorien Onler of Nurses hols a foot cure clinle ai the Milton Seniors' .Activity Centre, 500 Childs Dr, (min 1 t 4 lThe coul is $15. For furtlier infor- ~~ - - <nation or an appointntment. cail 875-1681. Foo care clinics are by appotinenit only. Overeaters Aoanymoua mcdos every Thuruday ai lthe Milton Children and Youth Centre. 917 Nîpîssîng Rd. (ai Thompuon Road), at 8 p.m. No due& or iec ame charged. Contact Catherine as 878- 1039. The U$agq wih cancer Grmi memt ai Knos Preshyterian Churcit on Maein Street ai 7:30 p.m. Led by nurses. group discussiona provide emotionail support antd practical guidance to patients and their fatnîly and friends. For furihier informa. don1. eaul the Canadian Cancer Society's N4odlHakon Unit ai 77*-1124. i The Mflii.. Local Service Delvery, C.iitae nmc ai Allendale (min 12:30 Io 2:30 p.m. lie grog of consumena, aci vice providers anud community leaders *nsie DATEUINE on page le ruaw i 3177 Mmnu SlWe W"n Milan Chihri «»878-1504