I Ung down îander âge liquoir bting. New 'card for liquor stt The, Liquoe Contrai Barid of Ontario is tures thai wriI enableoaur rien iniroducing a rsew photo ID carcl. - any fakes.' lssued Io people 19 years of age or oldef, a The LCBO has'suggested the new card was develaped aller public Retail andI Ontano wneries s reqibes since the Ontanio Phoio Card was card as pmocf of agown Iheir si disconttnuel on ApraL Ali LCBO tares carry appl *We*re iaking this step to help ensure for the card. Applications people of iegal af e cao bc more readily requested tlrmsigh the toill fre idSntifted in aur stores, whte mailing tl 1 -800-ONT-LCBO (668-5220 iougher for minors ta buy lieverage alcii '*I takes an avcrage cf a"a bai." saisI LCBO chair Andreor Brand. ta pracess an application an( 'lte card casis SI15 attd is tIhe saine stze card ta Ihe applîcant's ham as a dulver's licence. Il includen ihe hold- Ramsay. Crs naine, date of boir.K date of issue and 'TIre card is an attractive a seni numbter Il youni people who don.t d! "We âge usîng the latesi pt"ov sanning don't hase a passpari for i( tcchnology, tu produce a onc-pice plastic poîrposes." card ihal f5; nexq ta impossible go alter,»' Applicanta musi provide a said Gary Ramtsay, LCBO directer of cus- alorgg wtth a signature cf a gis lainer service and! admoinistrahion. "Whtle as a lawyer, dactor. or bank e un* lno difficuit ta duplicate aur card, casg vouch fcerlihe applicang's i we've buiît in a naniher of secunit> fea- ilata passpoil requienns Férihose 6 and up-. Library has fun for k The Milton Public Lîbrary is holding noveraI events aimed ai childien aged six and up. Anievents begin alt2p.m. and cosi1. Fait Froics. a number o! nature activittes in slagted for Saturday. Oct. 12. Saturday. ýOct. 26 ta Monster Masquerade where par- ticipants niake çcary crwsks, (Jargoyle Gala is on Saturday, Nov. 9 where children etght andI aver cao scuipi iliir own mylthi- cal creatur while Satuiday, N Challenge, a iclevision i Christnmas (-?p ers. a tradition mîng paity is slatcd for Satusrc CanlIdian Chîldren' being held Noîv. 2-9. On Mais the library is basting Mariyn author cil "an Ycsi Teach Mc Tickets are lic but seating as ýres il staff Io SpM that I3rcwer% accepi the S. catira on m cao alsa hc infb-ýeai t four weeks (o mail the said Wr emative for ive or wo giîrficaîjon ni photo Mcr, $Wch ager who ntily. sing- .ds v. 23 is TV via test. I grec trim- INDc, T kWeek is y, Oci. 28 odfrey. the go Ptck My DENTURE HEARING IDI CLINIO CENTR FlDentures and Parfals M. IANNUZD & ATES 1 I*Samn Day Relines, Repairs I-igAdSM I and AMusignents 10 Yeams Expeilono I*10% Dieo atu.rSeniorsI I No GST -No P.S.T.I î . LOW COOT DENTURES gmy> C4g Ij i 5 Anpde F.. Pa,*IIng I HOUSE CALLS IME The Denlm Clnlcmisiodmh I I DMY ROAD MEDICAL CITNI *j *~2 LOCATIONS TO 8 1 oug i72MIILL ST. 300OODERI IY Rr) 878-1100' &WN ETO 0106 W PMIIIDAys Bulding. open frei 4:00 PM lot3O pm, ft. POh.. CwfW $Iui AosUa &pcs LW* Rd. 1« $17, lFndoy Cor DpdusCbornha"m Nacik.ý Il 30 oea.H4DonyCcdo* Finknou@h CI 1000notenClv 6 00p Oe.u.be~ k.qo Maone pod.?Opofninadby Denolàio Derby 48 cors uh Nqls 8 00 p. SpniJwsUCaeB730paîohéoelhOF~4o 1030Jp. SATURDAT:s building en frei 9:00 am, - 10:30 pin A.Ig., aSd Gobe., O.d Bons 130 p.n Hugfnd %oso Shon 1 30 p.o lpuln@M Cetre PuWbc SpSo6ng 9 30 mn 5p.iro S« 110 mn Wndd's" Bo Coayuoo ) 30 p.o PiFEOtorgComs 3 00 p NOHT HAW 4 4dso y M"9r , Bor?0P. Mn830 p. SUNDAYR Buidingsopen frein 9800 am-6200 PUns AiMom. Da.,y Goo Me. 10 00 om Clespor Doy Ckpp. 130 pr. On,éa.uàd Hn.s Src Joropos 1000 o. SPOM dinsursCoUM Tmdorno Co,;" hb 1wvsuWSION 10 p.2 15 & 3 30p. MONDAYs building$ open 9 fein 9.00 am.- StOO pin Aguldo. Sluop Dey - Wteonrd 4-H Shop Slroo9 00 on Inte CWn6 m Sh- 9o 930 o Op.. Sln.p Shmo uoo~hro.s 9O 00enýy Dâl Aynsboo & JusyBoef 12 00 noo Or.odld HoeryHnrs9 00o a. ifW Hhe 2 00ron H." r NOrIa K lOOp.o Spedd Igh f-osA Bdyy Bon« Bto 9 00 on Asonuca MoW Corass SCKonoh. Cas.e b egunrr 12 Nons AU4 TSFS NR! AMIAL4TI C rd e m.doa C,oh o5. Fos FoM osiFndbniCia To stnr S&ds & D~*nos C pilGo DIIS'C#i Lnoeis H9N4cy 08, bolom Pusi, Conrwîgd Combvdg@ ADAUW A" 16A& HIS COUNI Us VND FOIt p oidié PMI AéniuonF me1 blcoI ,.~n.. hUdI., ~WOIWS Fuir, lIanogvI, mWnkud i I I