Box 248,191 Main Si. E. Milton, Onts L9T 4N9 (905) 878-2341 Fax 878-4943 J Classitird 875-3300 Ion Oliver Publis ber SNi Oiser Asî,cuî P.Mblet Robi Kely Uil,r SKart ie rn Circeiaizîs, Manager Tesi Casse O1ji, Mariager TireaCola Pr,,dwnma Maeer SbauaSauv r i-, r, -deoîg Ted Lhiàay Nrail ScuI,î Managr AI losi' The Twînkîr delense is no mare. Eating saiccîs dors fiai cause kîds la buhave haffly. Il just makes (hem fat. Parents counom longer Naine childien's mikliaviour on sugar. In the Nîîvembur issue of tlie Journal af the American Medical Assocîalîolyreseaihers fm Vandrbilt University analyt.ed 23 wadi-con- 'Inied sTues looking ai the Abcs of sugar on children. Tiiesc were hk top 23 studios in the field dunng the pcriod 19152-1993. Thic oufhors' analysis of thk data in JI 23 deuil- tes revraîrd theI sugar dors nol affect the kitsv- isiter, attention or îhinking af childien. Oh. mire. sugar dors gise children mare energy, but il dors nul nuke them mudshbave. In fact. il dsd nlot hase any observable effect on aggressaan. mood. fnatoir skills, ne 'uin-payebo logiciel funeîioning or académic performance. There ainre no lulference founti belaioen bila iaking sugur and luids "a&U saiurtener. These lindengs ère important for neve]se ma- NION 1%Ole s u elia Cà - paliuiseigi .rfy WO&MMee nd CiaPwy ai 191 thi. SI E, lio,. i, LUT 411111 <Ig 248). le om 09 li Metiofail PTilUtI3 PaBiliibi & Owast eoEt grefes of llionm iopgardu ~la mdieu Allai 1 Pickering Newt Adoeriiaîr. Bagne advence. Branipion Cramâtes. Ourblon Pool, City Parin. CMouod 1 WMaPg COMIModios - Mifr, EloteoS.e <jardion, Georg n lnd.pendUUi Arme Froid Ptoti, SAigsn %i Wu, Liiidia Thisraie. M ~i1, Eeniefa & SUn. »Mid Pvneefaegats irror. Moffissuga files Ommnn urlol ore, Eni limer, Niorithumbrand News. North York Mirro, Oukiffle Ouarer, Orillia Toilay. Oshmn 1 Wldlry/ Claringto« Tlis W.Sk, Ptirbloro4«7tâi WIIÈ.Rctms 1111 I Tholot 1 Vaqn Liberalr, Scaticrog, Minor ai, 4 I" Siolflie Tulbligéu Tohys Seiors, AuiwnsIg is acétii.d on Me co«i~ou Ml, s ii. . Il a fpgtl effa, liai Porion of lie iovdsn spice srrspied Spt ironiOu bari. logelil itO à fia seN lta lo forigritire Wel nlt Wi cliuged loi. b1* the. belaice liai. &&limef mil i Pid for ai tie applicable rai Pm uitsi- bolier res«m Un Oie ght t0 ioire adseSol"eos or derien- The brav 1e new, .bo5ing Milton Imagine the brave, neai Milton of the future aiiih a wide sange of fun and exciting diings ta do, sucli as gooeng tu the expandied. renovaied mail, thie bowling alley or even tlhe hîgger and brger movie brieses. AI least, ibis is how it was cnvisioncd hy migny Milton youths et a rcenî conferenco held ai the leisuire centre, flic teens were pmeenuog fheir concemos Io the nrwly formied mayor's yosith advisony commtlîc and aniong severel important lties, one of the issues tbey natîrd as <bal Milton is bonng. flic inony oif ktudents sattîng in the leisure cen- ire, of ail places, complainin.g liai <tieo îs notti- ing Io dii in Milton %truck me as retier fus<nsy. A wise min once saedt mne final only broring peuple gel hored. Il is nostIhe bain,. but instead Milton's youih wlia are boring. Bowling ailcys are ceiiaînly nlot golng go spice Up aiiyone's'life iii any mecasurable degrc An interesting prson cas always fiid somclhlng <o, do. A teenager in Milton lias ilhe oppoiiun<y tu btve as m *uch fun as asiytidy el.w. . Gclling a hobby. oilliez than.pariying, is always a pi-adical <dca. One cai bc inivolvesi hoth in aid .ut of schofsl in an., spos,îns.isc, dliant - almoesi any<hing. h docs nra have go bc an'orga. nized actlviy. Wlry oti gel sotic friensis togelli- rr and play a gagne of basketball? Go for a hîke on the escarpwnin or take a ride on yiiur hike. As liorrific as il may sound. fi îs aiso, a good tdra ta gel a pan-lime job. Pari lime jobs provîide sot gnly snucb-nerded inuomne lit alsi oct as productive fisuer for ilios limges; when ane i ape Yo Uth Perspec.tive go get bored. There arc many places for teenagers go work bere in Milton. Ail one nord dois apply. Milton is also extrensely accessible t0 Torno.' Thge 0O buses and trains arc jusi the ticket lo escape the small iaain blues. Once ini the-big ciy, filtre aie counilcis things to do. There aie muscutis. shiowas. sporling events. amusement parkis, and ye<. fliere are huge malse and big movie theefres. <au. As a lai resort, onie coutl consider lakng thie lime lo read a book or finish the hbamewock lisait bas been put off Wo aiceks. fIlere is esen <lie possibilîf y of spending lime wîih ihe family and (eck!) doîng chutes aloundi iith  Il us upto the youlfl of Milton Io make the tawn more inîrsiîng by becoming more inter- esting people ihemselvcs. Andrews Aitirn ir an E.C. Destrs Higfi School strident wnir*îng in a coopenie eduî arft npro gram ai nes Canadran Champion. Hripefùllv. he daes noffind ib&,ritg. sons. Firsi age fort mon myth. A lot c Let's factor in consumption, -too Ekociciiy. limilng ail, nagurel g'as.4 andi s ýail hase one common fértue. That sanie fea also applirs la as endless lîsi of things as div as dbc gsocenies ai est. the clofhîng air aiar vacaions aie lako. the cars aie drive, tise hosai aie lise in. and the long distance phione ser WCe use. Pbuzlod? flic cosmsnn grounid is dma the price aie for aihal aie use in nur daily lises is ail based consuipion.uWc ail pay for waia we confie The more aie.conm. dir more il cost us. Your licaîing oil bill. for exemple. is de mincd by liow meny litres il lakes go fil1 lank. If you traurel 100 km a day by car 10 gr aiork ynOUr transportaîîan cosIs are for pie <lia Z .os for somniine wbo is only a f ,mînule doive fgrm 1koffîceý igine f6r a momenti whl your reaci aiold bu if liow mucli you huy was ne long factor in detrmning wata you puy for waio consume. saîl lie must have gotten sanie sweeis fa obiser cbildren k b traue with (hem ai lunch. blamel lis sclioolwork, lis figliîing. and j ______________ abouf rverything ehic on sugar. Il aes vry doi 01 cuit Ia gel .ot discipline Johnny becasse S0CJOOý honcsily frll il wasn'I bis (suit, il aias the sul Y Sho aiaulln'l licer any arguments ta îhe ci We nord ta stop blaming mîsbeliaviouir cfff@ ý ffl 1sugar. and stani iraching the chilîren boue behave. Thai means tefiching lisin effecti mont. il lehunks a very rom- aiys ta negatiate during conflicts,,instead if people Ehink (haW sugar cms tighuing;. make chuldrcn wild, unfocussoed or bnnianage- able. Stady haushlal Second, il faites aaiay a major excie thai Il mneansteecching Ibm sifucy, habits the ali ma17 paeeta use 10 forgivt a childis nunheav- <kem ta stay on tes "d peilesere retiir tour. .n ignoffng1ke Acbur ant <ir achorkL I as called ta a schsoul becase e chili as Il means tecbing dkm-enipeE1lignoraisa gefmng film figlils andtie modifer ac"oIly apol- vabises chatalo ima km resupect andi consif ogîzol la us - il a lec fute horaIe Jobiaiy qtbur people andi Mkr furln.. gul hall of sonne cookiea bue= seool and sliè. Hspefully, Ibis stiey will klp parentes101 juif ew oai<bre would bu trouble <brait day. back t0 ingse reopoasibilities. Imelli Ia Whon bu gai in treu iegain dbu nexi day. . *è venting or nsontiteing stoger isuake.* 'oSer dure icm . th sig vice psy Ion Me. Talk .Taxes te Le-t's say your hydro, compeny decidei il as tlie going tu cliange ils billing mef bod frot the cur- rtg ent pracice of chaoging curry haine and husi- âdrness for' dl4 anito f i ectricity ecd anc uses i c ia mnih. e Instrai, thk compan/divides the revenues il i noreds go stay in business on thk basîs tif thk cur- a0 ren markcet velue of cadi propenty it pravides service tu and bis you pcsipostianately. YM Your fraction Ia sucli a suggestion aiould not only bc negative. il would probably bu liostile. Aller ail. you would ask. wai dors the valne of Miy pmpciy have in cIp rîlih how mucli eleclici- ly I use? flic ansaier af course. is nothing. flic sames [mie of municipal services. 71Wai s *Xymore and maie municipeulios ie uming la de usier-pay prinicîple for t"os services wliere trs consimpiO<i is cosy ta nouire. Shec Unfomtnatly. the coc"p of user fers is get. uit ting abail namre because lamne local palitidiana ffi- aire nd inlisoducing 1km on a revenure-neutral ise b asis. air. ,If the cosu of surpilying wader or gartiage dis- on- plosal, or mainoaining a local arena or lhraoy. is ieived tua tuer fée basis. tken faisness dictales on tisaSt lucre shoulti buea ctrtesponding reduclion in tu 'th propenty faut raie. sve Bul somte mounicîpaliîîcs feen*t playîng faîr of anti am simply adopeing user fées as an under- handlid <nrlbod of squecezing more, ouai of fax- payers Ia t<fael reductioni in provincial iransfet peynicnts. . - ow ' If- the value oif yaur home or business hon fais no"ing te do ami the rlrctucity il consumffes aa*what you puy for Iliai usage. Ibun wailias fur id or nationel &boutl a proierry, ftx assessiffrie sys- er lent dma tirs d ame salue go thé ainouin oif laxes you shtluld pay fec municipal srvice Thlfle aswisac b Isscial wken it comme ta deciti- <c- ing die rquiy standdifbt Onla&an ax in a reformni prapely, lax oytteni. For kids' misbehaviour We can 'tjust blame sugar anymore