Color Your Hrouse Bé'autiful With :inshum Aluniinum Windows i Abona everyoe en"y waiclicig i black and W.àinlWb*~ae<aY h m nl e h uni e>b ileMeal wlit inovies frmein luee ine m lim's oauneia Nt JAtm ujoiea Place pfM Muebaa)Wn llsM i grey But have ye edu doipped to ihink aicu ho* obvusedeac liai meunlee iecae&M ad aioOc colismlyéu«iiuwad w alydde 0 aidisa at ,coudoienti im s oqu, 1 al~rad> i i dlo iti I&e wouid bc wduIa culor' Woh hemoait0 of i i5e urminmm ninlos is bui &rniil ad flow To Kam A Wdl-xu Honm Vmg. ou aivvniel cannes ailve wui begla vivid ln lauv% ' l ey v noaied fliât ana oriW- Our lians ne dai yin pais Io Iiie. %lsy celea les.Ev. aiat yasof elganaure lai wbser cold aid odim a as Q.uin if aeyi No tv. herie Mi Wine obhmlarowlel ai u evary rade aaneral yoaw ahuais wawm nuit "e a eo Ilsi, tocle evoyan "h eIo lna *.. of dyes and pigments wte knon and ahee we att IMMI edebk -wa hnde séLr và o an Mimw y m * * llse~~mury oe a of k5W 0la aliu Fom ano i l: andg udu da in , a in for th be>ll d.. av nics and dmurxmive maleni wate aie priviiegie of eoly wwdma AMd if ardsilem ue ahamau windola fur me cf c"bn a nledowL se honnit oIy th wealdsy. Hwndrelof <cannais of is gave **l 40 fWa, nay nm u dm fur iv. floors' by yriciain Cmfbmgt- ao laves m.Oma a Roai alixa =dud nmS b robe of Bendes bong AvaMin àu a standmld calera. niigaha.a h. h n*ruge fmMiaihdca T" san wie. cit cales du=at n« adm heum otimn. hoqge« oun a.i.e-a eaa Only wallo de bu b~d yeuses.s hm dà pie. ut% aaa sonwu et o niue ab~m ai au' Moée by mm i mm m rare daaspd New on ane hUMad ho cf cal- begmi B<gmh te MMe ahuadua -indow peMau!orar gso 0 Y ,u inhbuc avuil*l fat ahax ne y And a a cananer. yeu m nifiepie a Jouig We moq' -m d Oied lah W i.eUmpoant lm0 papami. Prm dm bn vf di sky indeqi <b expuatancy hmi yoie élumnoi wiadow flanelas, Mid am calm M rv4wlie* h.min 1 esi- mol Pale. colat puyveda poillico ne Ian, die Why do anadamw» caler tomag es ni ao urit ne wev--id de *n. ivéicl nie kmc lne? 11ie lut dmn batie: vm:mWk o II ND YMAMWN SCA L Swiacbaag e> almamm windows *àd suong cela ONE. Wbu à s pae4eilm ahunùsm buled an - m" *-'ad S lidmmiu bisiOaiw. w>J mm W' fi malle yvXE honte mat tahaf aid onum lm frea elan"t on nhaeh or deposi a baked-enmel hamlie W i naiauamuandn.San haa Aaadng Si 29000 Cal wWvn 878-2Ma Hon' Firu of ail. fatga abDu di old salves ahumimsn aneungaor ai asodic te<itUebnuflh Ywoé dadas of pielen. Ahusinm-con wew lie olor conseil IWO: HiuiMaly. lwninsum maaaau have i" cisla nms ha datidoq on hl coas hW M ni almu n as<ie miaginhie. lit fle. it isa bodtaid a - s dpu] of 0meninn lanefica finsing qIi.L&% UYfgfor <atraidn= find a calor-no wm hom ciaaeqn an- ai-. As à mouit. hry have deatapedào ide ,upo 0 % P titnf«arma sondminumreo"natuii net bc uiurad ai alanaman Colesea allunion nie->aangcoeoga noa. wnosine Io hr amuans Fanson preahels dona aid ai lonacée ami to yor hainle hn min THREE: Oma hi yens. mach raeae lias been -Ausemaj, IWO N. Raid Rami 0214. >mck M ~ ~ ~ ~ i ni lamine. Mrue atparnns hi cobe dioice, hi dxe ihatovct unipigWin udars (h iesm. IlliaaoÇis. REAL ESTATEIN JS.t Rl, Eunv Cap" Cod ais 1 me mii pond. 2- (W 782M r 7il«.JOYCE SCGT aln_ __ _ __ _ _ 878-15 6 7u a*WPdm àossua hyd4bdro inehue aa » rpu t be Mdi sas hii. owf Lrg h ienoc canais A Waada R F ai.l dl ffi mon- 1~A I 'VBb)U ricb bungalow ollers a lireplSce, wh no wattsnopal tir W an MELLPOND REALTY INC., BEALTOIR >Q many upgrals bath Isils & out. 65x166 lot wi 876-0633 3oldb REALIY WRLDu 24 Hour Anmwerinag Serviee WWÊpiv r l> MR 1E.T> h *Jlww. amdllldwhkjtw onc Ip h miii 2 corac lndcgss 2 sOS2 a=p ey-jo car@ w«IlI a paved ~jsjshlnlb~OW.iItlCh op »Ua 51 For a poicinai bwpecbono f »n SP&«cW"» ~ ~ r il ........muy 0~ cdà M GOOL Tm Iléos, dbM ma#i tas 9" for ft* = Or -àf@ e~ . bW uNiU ofo s lams omOiWlib barainood Nuors. Orsi bos fo aus lebY uisutais Cm- sa M mam " al e ~ a in0 aq. IL. BaMth rU hvè com onfui beariwts naltttofice anid falt- en, ut aons, dount*o. d0u lare #*Odng of eterting abillese or thinkingo f maotng your campêny, the large taito 900 sq. fIL cetfèli loir $M6. pimffi01 and th lsalIr unit cordes for Fu ssm Pub Gorea.hts édl- -$MM.0 par.moiïi. Bath unb cm be wmamammi Io MW dock -lgi -O «* Moji " WyU »M ftoiw Wlu t wy <m.fg ud & W Uh.4 quahs lmsdon imil a b bCod sipuoës loin On M . loue ba Wd m wm - rai oilo a uueie ND". MGn