Two c harged with d You su hssRwmu batk? = 1c iuticua Io -peik v«Ib anycati h le Barik 09 Nova sela arthe LaMer Ceu". atternp-ted m urde r Aveeweo id Goalend Crcl Moy h*W lhin in #%ir eiata p d mu de Te, hIý y pollce, e o4 Anyon. îh e tevNle h r&l in biker shootout leghwyarMna od~ abe I e. KAREN lUTH 1.wo Satan'. Choicç memibers arrelited in conopction widh ashaoting near the motôrvycle gang's Lawson Road clubhouse Tuesday have been charged.with attemplied murde..' Oiarged is Michael Peter O'Shaugrnessy. 30. of Oakville, who joined the outlaWi gang when dme LAtt Souls Ilipped patches nd opened a-new Milton chipter inl April, Tie tiahir suspect. Kevin Erik Dia. 29. of Misihaga. is a new nicruit who's cir- .rituy an probatian with lie club. police ai Mr. Doitiity shattly bilote 5 &.m. a hi said .walked flont hit vehicde ta lisi malorcycli - Duhtted "tuikuu,. new recruits undergo repair shop, aisuat esihside thei Satan. mn Initati ponce hifore bcpnung full- Choice othihouse ini an industuiel coau- fledged muembers. »Wd Dit. Sgt. Miki plia. He fled (D a field and h itdm i calleti Etcrei hcad of thei Hiton Regional police an his cellular bhoni. He wasn'i police itailig@=c Wurau. sqwuk by uiy of thei hullts. ilii meni sa face mnerous weapona Oflicers tiho restandsd stapped a viii- chargies in cannectian witit the attimptedl cli as il led. thei sceni and arrested two sheing of Rayn Dotert1y,31. af Mute, min. A semi-automatic handatun. a die simfoutifig mmbaand president revolver and ainrunitian wftegizd fliant ofýWno efnc LgSouls. thei veiie. -police uaid ai liast ive shahà were firet lThe suspect weue.held for hail teuiaig ai Ontaio Court ýpvincial division) in Milton. Followung an initial coLui appear- mnci. Mr. O'Shaughnessy was rimanded in custody amd was expected to a a hmar ing taday (Friday). Mr. Zita's hearing is lYckets available slie fo Te d iitsutcfbd ta -for fashion show between the parties created when Mr. Phri fused ta fip patches. 15at. Sgt. A oti licItai ate îtîtt availabte Eacrn sid. for the Green Ginger Puilon The tact thît Mr. Doltîrty remained Show at éiton HI.t Place 8'4Jfday working amd Iir'ing ini tit unit heside the ni011. 'cluhmmus atkted te tmits., hi said. The fundrfajse for cancer Police co u titat Mr. Doitiry has maintien ahi foulure dîntier fol- hal nof&I".a wuith any outlawi inctor Iowed. by a lène- up of Canadian i eSamula detine a@om etrtiniet cycle gangwntcn ota MWige w ià& fU Thelifl li vicdm4old 7he CIiampion ina àlune F* lckeliscg a8-377. interview that hi tifs the Lost Sauta two Fer htttis.montet befoe is nunikmf jouned Sata', Choice. ne wus niuing à liontat huit mi n unES5 of tiei nules. Satans Choce leta the.ieighbtaunng U7 ~LILmhL uit4. lIte gtunfre was dii fins sema.s incidet at the clubitouse, the former hant of tite Lam Sauls. whuch a freqetd by atite 75-1327 on weikends polie sd. i p - s @» DUO on pfe 4 t s a mistrial in murder case lite Cweiin lthe jury in die Fted Shippudhnuttler toiil wu dis- chuled amda mistial declaied a&We it tas diirninet evidence wouldi't hi hecard utttil tie new yeur. Iudge Rtobert Zilinski declared thit lstrial in Ontario Court egeneral division) in Milton lie Tusduy aflernoan%. A iewJuty iI ha* ta hi chian i e trial gatsover again in esety 1997. 'idan' do it lightly." Iudgi Zelinski said belore iendng honte die se -in womten sud rive tmen chasien cty lmatoitm. Allertwo of dise 12 juoelc lhSing tihe cmi In Jnyay cauld cause diet ixtronte harslp duse cc watts ommisnuts, depi j ddcided a uhag wu oicesléry, pniqing die nistrial. Thei trial was'sclteculed ta higin Sept'nther 3. but angoing leal issues in the case causid numerouis delays in the evidene potion af tii tria. "Nd ane his thieuh ta goixpict more front y.. in, tenus of your responsuhilities lie court ta serve as a juror, bisid upan the fiet tuat yau'vç alrudy met youE originl cnlmii.&" Judr Zeliki taldjuron; wili aui ten if titiy would hi availaitte for fin wekaa-y maxt year. "lts tiot «ntiip&W dott die evidunce in titis trial ntay nu coennce hilare a tint am laie ai ifer tii new yiar 1997. qi dit's jutamatsünae." M. Siteppatti 77, wu foumd slain in the outitsis hiuindhsSelavne liene an Mmet 7,1I99. An autopiy ditinnhnd hi hall hein dhot sevetal dts. OCargd wittfiltt dign nmdu is Kidi Mithley. 22. i's scdieatg ra u mmoetOc. 16. afic Moffor quaflt programa for abliren line 9 18 mot oy.r 1989 b luv .ady .mng avalivès MMa hfdm. rft1 oompule, amu&%c drame,!N*afand .torpe II»mvld. g #ueoh m &-di.and -~ Kndugeren ,unortUoe I.ave edbb.