ZAK PATEL., a Frea Dolery * 10% Senior' Discount '»A# Dni Plans ACCOep<e "At Zak& » Ecare abou t oiu health 88 Main M., E., 875-2424. HEARING AID IANNUZZI & ASSOCIATES C N R MA"~sc Sp9cGALOZNGINHFL0~N " COIns & CAILOIS * lGIAý TOe NiAU " WAM HE Mm *.CUSTOM "AM OeîUMM RX raorvwL, - q~ EDEN HOUSE GARE FACILITY INC. *mmim MUTMu h ~ *~ Ne ws ëw Milton Seniors Activ4t Ceni OiCTOBER"%MIX IN '96" CURREN' ET EItL OACI on 'ast ludaSp 6, (lie Etachr Party-. Friendl comPerjiton and sakngconversation. light refrealiments, prnzes A heany luncheon àn-om~ wre.Tre :Om ot 25 asfollowed by dlie AnnuaJ Genéral meeting and Tho m : Ot17:3m Ce osgt on2a.50 ]th Eleuonof ew embrs o dvisory Board. Seno Ceùes PaR Fu"ia Show. - Aatuu.. Six memrbers Of our preserit Affisoey Board..'Ed Fl '96". Sue dmi latest fa Iions frilca Bau, Connie Siad, 1< Wilson, leau Churchil, irioi odru alqhere mdea, Jack Charlion and Ed Gdo1I (pasi President) nirhns Woùetfu .aig, re 35 stepped down. New rnembers elected include Jean aresnwt avalab e î annofrw.Tckt: 35 McDuffe, Paula Munro, Shirley Patk and Ke ar vial .w EIia.The new Advisory Board for 1996 is ma*eop SI t" 1:Il eirCnr ilb od of Ed Hazel, Presideni, Ediel Riddell, Tim figa fabulous "O&toua*g Muquurade.Djne Hawkins, Joan Huuley, Joan Raytieid, Ema Taylor, nDn.PrfHeryOoefs food; dancing iene Saunders, Jean mcpuffe, Paula Mitnrç 10 thie UJohn.7m M a ur eni. costume and Shirley pari and Ken Ells. Pleas support >ou doWi Prizo; »(50 dri*. Refreshment bar. Opns new Advisory Board in the conlîng ycar lis men- 63pi dne :Om dnig&0 12:00. bens wilI ensure ihat your Seniors Activity Cent Tickets: $15.0am, available nom! isa wec~ie pace fo ail!: ThuFS Oct. 24: It's Pissa Lunch and Gist Frl. Octoler 4: lt's Varieiýshow -96 at dm SPeMtday atSenlior C e.,Cail 875-l681 to Seniors Centre. order your tickets MX as 199 teil us your Pizza needs - 12»JsIice. Followins was a selicut! Fabulous evening with over 20> «unýh. hpi m Green, finaencial plannediscussw entertaining acta by Seniors under directioi of "la ou o ucWlPn.~a Charlçy Farquerso (Irene Saunders) Don't miss jlm' it! Tickets: $5.00. Thuora ct. 24: h's Milton Seniors mondily Fn. Ot.t,11,5 Corne to de Senior Centr "Dinmr Club" Outing for gourmet dining and every Friday for "flot Me,] Durl day. Grat food sParkling conversation at a nearby restaurant. and good fellowship!, Tue: I :3thrn. Tinie 5:30pm ai Seniors Cenire parking lot (car Mon. Oct. 7: Seniors Day &t the Mail Corne ool otic m loati. arat 17511é socialize, play Bingo and enjoy speciai shoppingo itber octo.Iîsalw'uCe doo values! N OL3:t' alwenCb ad po TOM. Oct. 8: Join Oie Senio;rs "Lunch Rue, Luck Luachor day ai the Senior Centre. Dress for a social occation ai a local restaurant. Heur thie up brn a grea muk no ea and iake latest and make new fniends. Mine: il :45am. Cati çaIn(leu.Corne and door p&ize. Lames Cenire 875-1681 for October location. . n gqetannieni for all! Wed. Ot. 9,16,23,30: Every Wed s "Ho Me]l %h above information is subjecî to change and" Deal d& aé 11CCente. oin s fr glimitation. Deal"day~~ ~~~ aS(i eie onu oood food and relaeini conversation, lme: 113a. For fiurher detalon ac vitiesatmit Wed. Oct. 9: F'or a fun-rllled evening,*join us once Seir cv(YCnecal90)7518. a monili ai thie Seqiorenre for dri 66eW PHawkins, Pubiicity ___________________________ Milton Seniors Acuivitv CentrÊ le M tih SLeuam«. *878-S86. MILTON FOR CLUB Z S PNTSi ý1VI OhUi Uss ONTAM g.4 DENTURE LINIO Veii fr^ NPM &*t mP --& P.S.1 M IOAmr $mm8Vwojrr1 S UE AJE#rm mt wECT 1o CHAMG AMSLaSTAMWOIU 83UT 3IDAYO For further'd.tala on acivltlba et dhe MiltonSnIr ActIvty Centre,[J GE77417O olemM I a ioî 7..A i __ DEMY ROA MIEOCIEIffnT (lu878-1100 SENIOR DISCOUNT MMeont5438 N.A DAYS GrehUSe 'O ndnw Greenhpmuff Mor Monday, Tuesday arid ' al:TR 811 M:j"T1fr Wednesday MARKE 1 b~E LIFE INMURc AGENCY " a ý A.- 245 COMMIERCIAL ST. MILTON LOT 2j3 OFFICE 918.8M0 FAX: 878.300 R. m oo rczmûzàý ÎL