'OQUR REÈ4DERSWITE Foxffirecenaoehlp narrow mlnde The folIowwg Écrier was sent ta local Th alie a itme g WadUéel ingesviewed MfPP Ted CImdkitgA and a capyflled w4th Ms Oates sUis put summer during ber 77we Chanmaof- pub&ui- weekly litery programi Wrs aud suar Idiot: Company" on CBC radio. kWtea I fl'uly suapport MPP Ted Cltudleigh's, described lier tieep ismnay and fest of the dtcsion neot go Ilt involved in t Foarue connection . made by adveutises sud the controversy congriveo by Mr. Jack media belween ses. violence &Ad pote lin Hidsm ofCampellvlle.lier country. She atdsed ths: tin Poite site Either yen blieve in dtmocrcy or yen tes attempting In hold up a mirror go don'i. Ceusardlip of ljgerature lias no place Americant society, andcompel peuple go in à democracy. look si themuelves. Mi. Huisma recently cuvculated a docu- Surely ibis ms the courageous ie of s ment ini w*h lie quntes liberally front die whier in any couru - Io make us look ai test. 1 undesand your office lias receiv<d ourselves. no malter bote puinfui t"a msy tbis document. In gial document Mr. lie. If Mr. Huisn» dotini hâte whit lie Huisman quoles sentences and phrases soes-a&Wdas ie f& fa lMdsuabr. nuc- (rom th books entioety out of cottext thef do I - tain pesttaps lie "iaud lackle Wlien I was studying English tee teere the pîolilem liead-on and teile Io the taught go neyer quinte an author out of con- advetisers sud mediai moguls tebo exploit WLet Sucs action leads Ioa distonsoof dée the poweer of sexuahty in advertising and suthor's ment. Mr. Huisman apparently in depusllc imagination. ftels -be cas break gtat basic mile of sciiol- But le slioogthîe messenger. as Mr. aMîplIosit bis oten ends. Huisîsan is trying tu do liy hsving the Let nme add diat 1 saoul Mr. Huismgui liooks banned.'is to miss tht poing entirely in lits push ta prevent tlis books being. andin so doing trample on ont of oui mwi foeced upon bis son. «'sacred dtmocwratcglts. But it bas comne tn my attention that In closang, ket nme again coîmtsnd you Foxire (liy Joyce Ceint Oates is flot a- for leasing tbis decision to tht qualified itquired tet si tht school. Mr. ILuamaris professionals at tilt Halton Board of son .was (rie Io clicose anotiler novel. Eiducatcon. When it comes; ta lame in litera- Hote. therefore. are Mr. Huisman's rigbts ttr for bugli school students. 1 think the bemng vaott"? oveiwhtlndng majorty of Hakto tspsy- Joyce Carol Oates is ont of the maxi trs would prefer ta leave dths d&lsiois ai respecied teriters iun contemporarq those who havet thetlraining snd abulity Io Amferican littrature. She ranià rght up miSe (hem. Sucb decisions "biud noir lie Iliere teitI Canada's Margaret Ateood midi hy special intereâss groups weîthnnu- (tebo piso. tapon occasion. in ber teork row moral and polica agendas. makes reference Io ses and "coarse lant- Ssi TamIeM a, guage"). % i.o -Attention, Ail. Milton Chamber Members, . Employers, EmpIoyes, Dependents and Retirees ComingSo0n, See Friday 's Chamber Newsletter for more -details Spony9ed by H.J.M. InsuranceWProkers (Ontario) bac. .905-876.4607 -i .âge Mn i I y e' -s' s, '~1 For Details Sil, 878%351 or 878-3503 MifonRtay B3Iade-A-rThon WIn a pair of Un-LUne Skates I Prife to the enrt it wlth most "ud raised. Skates Idonated by Spokqs à Sops. Ail Sorte of Sports 174 ~ strt eII t. II 17*ill.-To Staiton e t <iIiui 1.00Pm - 3. , n t 1aIlwy HELMET RE IUED P" _______ _________ _______ o -nCnr