Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 2 Oct 1996, p. 6

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a.. 248. 19 Main S, i. Miiai .lm iuaiim S Mitom.n L9T 4N9 o« - aO.M~.i)am (905)~878-2341 ce*fl.»ok;N é M .5Fax: 878-4943 cf1" 1ae - uY*wm I Classif ied: 87-3300 nfmm ni . M i M&M 11,1a.Mà lun Oliver Pwblisher t"UMP -'»Mu Na OU.eir Aii w,b*., 111 0-1 mam. >m Tam OMMa om, onama Ruai Kiiiy E ~~in". .......... 5,abuaaa ala Ua.Ui, laM Kau, Ihilmaie gelZU MR T'a,. Tam,,$ -ia -iim M mia fta ewiimm Te«l Cam Zjic Ma.iae/ m mmai wae. - ma M olee am-as IR. Cala Prdacgîa, Afaaqi'r Nff WMi OMma am ft mom, m i am u- Saiii. Same D,r..nor ;Adwfl OMMa~. .m bwI. aIw a, ~ate m -1 aMi Mmmaig le p. lu ia t a l b Toit Lhmibv Rraa.I safNrîA'olr a.bfWM q% a.aiu,oq.aama Reckless perhaps but praiseworthy' 1If you're willing (0 cxçlude vandalism, diere really isn'i crime in Milton. But there wec two batik robtieries sa close in space in Ibhis wcek that ie perpetrabars couid have. had ail gone a plan, passed one in another in town cormutang ta their cimn It appears ai did not go as expected for one duo of sus thanks su tie efforts of thse police and local citizens, arc in cu Police oflicers tend to discaurage, publicly, civiiian inte crimes because it us so dangcmous. But they probabliyexp samne visceral dhill and respect the rest of us do when ardiu step heyand their everyday bounds ta, belli out. Tisatius apparently what took place Monday as a yot womus. a postal warker and a basnk employac hinderd th one mapect. fIse womnan and bunk wvoeke gave cha&e. asit worker uaed hiis eompany velsîcle ta biock what police INt gttawaY car. While &Il the circumstances surraunding di epiaa are it probably wouidn't have happerned tise saine way-in a large routier> ia moite conmo. .Granted, a more dangerous brand a ciminal May geoaral ating in tuis lkge centres, and dhi would figure promîne weli-balanced individuar's assessment af risk versus paseti pcrhap aur tical heemene and bernes were even a bit naive, af expasure ta danger. But there us no question it was a potentiÉiy, dangefaut Tisey avereanse an impulse not ta gel involved. ont dmsa pet grcaties usully cannai overie, tsey aeized thse initiative macle tisings easier for tise police. We'd like ta diink dtia living and waring in Milton has ta do witis deciding ta hlp motas they did. %str may bave b nient > if recklesaness ta it, but tisere was alan praisably a aena nation, outrage, that aamewbody would do a tlsing like tlsis ii litilt fiendly tawn. That's good news Excellent news came outIo aienday's galsering or municipal cours- cilices. when it waa made p~ublic Usai t amners ai a local atn galler> wiil take aver dms John Matfin Bouse. lie building will fil in weil midi dt concept ils nY ownes have in mind, a comntincd readenoe and gailqy thaï could serve as a facuis for art ashows. a t Iis alan remves dt direa af t strhlcture tieing turned imb saone lofa pubslic inatituation. Plut waa the idea a Yeau né do ago, whtis It was ta baoS a musac- uni, wîi di. attna"i increaaed Irffie, natahly Ira. school bus«s. itncdiatty die newa sist off a bucluh kran ever-way appontait of mimnsg Martin Sueit. lme kéaeti inreuedW traffle wauld be eitt a leveragele rem-opto- ing the IlawtôpuMM ta buidoe lieua along Martin Somec aid becadtn it N»., dsaikaIy, it amesa sais daiger ha pfa"d Pagîe of the Past, Onnn,Ôle YerAgo Cily whqie Frsa b October 4, MInsolus ýyb p, aRumars of as iunpcndling boundat> change bctween 1>ttalr Milton and Miasamigaf appçired to lie -t acoaraic Ibm ntly in any was initially tielieved. ,Milton counicillors who once ai gain. 5<) Jabellcd Iiic)ad trarufer as "pnable" were aaw usang Ian- le tri lalck guage ac" as "pmubW'i taefernce a ie proposcd dea. e iuto. T& tVefcr sauggld graing Miseauga dt land ta dt in Plana for'a ncw police s"once andi young affealdera; 'Pei -facility were unvcilcd by Balton Regional Police, Mmli and dty tiuikl.g wa degncd to bic etetaf Ïi a2.4 as m adja- =9l ta Mltndalc Sanize zna mire ecrSyid thaïl the something new police «maa shamalt tic hmak on Samrn Avem mext cent an elle- ga dit ouadiousanin tdma a yoea.i offendes larllity should! e or indig- nos tc it ui so clame ai a acaimmasidm.use i orqit Wute nMX. mai not. flias ta Millor cosl eheoid- au uet ;on b> cting m o ai Isson Region's wm aailliisera peograni. fice d"caa ta tic cacludei frins dui progran Rob Kelly mama cave tht Uomm SI 24000. acrding in mineillan. 20 Years Ago Frisas tht Octohe6.1976 laet Ncighioaang làidownersleii -c apea apmu à Niagm Escaqiem Coniisjon deciùSi dlut pesmaiti die Region of Ballon te build a 2.2 niflion gallon remervoir on thse eccaimnt. Conanrctioih iai aressdy, begua es dit No. 14 Sideroat aite adjacent ta baUf a doc hloes lte. reaiditu la thcate homsa clainset iatlicr lives liii bec., dianapicd by dt cnatraction and haW atageti tdme met- tio~s witti Milton Mayor Anne MacArthur andi regianai lamyersin tIse previous mccli. Milton coautîlles rectimtd the neis aof Urt appeal miti miseti reactions sort tlteow-) mng Mitr Xapor tliind dhe repmdeaa. aom ciltng tdm acti of a nem teservoirto service dit gaawrng omnunity. * Uadercovtr mort by police sa dit Miltn Fr led ta die Umma of IMo midmi> empsytea i dt follomiag moek- cadi G«etowam Fuir. 'lie tva men were arTed andi faced dnag trarnicking chargea Chargeai mers alan laid icas onie cý die midmiy gaines waa, fcsaad lo be niggcd 50 Yeirs Ago PrMM the Ocstoher 3, 1#« iu. * ite highet ubeut f peaplein dit Milson Fuiri 94- ye hmima wadlkd dmiriag de i gi&d -er daizet b> dis calibitian pue en by det Haladtgiahu" Society. À totafa 9,00 spaiors astcndéi die t u. *As a mccting of Balta. Preabytery of the UJnited Chaiels delegasa voicd ewnoaay go tend a muitten objctkmIot etdahnmicnl Acton, Mihan ad Nelsont Townsip4 lii dmo et"lducn b. W pplit for atm audtides to wu bot &-à wm. Pud bv Stev Nesse

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