MUI1ON CU.RLiNq Club SOCIAIIE! CET EF(ERCiSEI NEVER iAIORRY AbOUT 41E WEATI1Eg! B .ECOMVE, A CWLERt'. SEASON RUNS OèTobER îO Apiti *SociAl à. CompETIrIVf DR4w MEN 's/WomEN 's/MixEd NOVICE PRoqRAM (AÇES 8 iO 1 1) JUNOR PRO ÇRA (AqES 12 To 20) DAY'TiME PROÇRAMS foR WOMEN (bAbySimniNq A VAilA41lE) * FOR MORE iNFORMATION,. * CAR1 * 878.0Y41 6.5 Milid DB5 (bEsidElThE BEER -STORE) Art ga ery owner s wili buy and refurbish Mailfin House n . .e1uq.8 UUunouilY, bOmn cooneillors have optcd Ko, seli thlie Muan hetpoe t o local Ut galiery omit. 0 * .for the Pe e = = = giMmi Hynet. The -lxiion was madie a Monday's Seneral goutice meeting Mr. Haight and Ms lfynek arc proprwso a d pui à qu Dodaiid-Haight Galleries on Main Street, spcalln SWZ I11wfw1u infnle anfmm ocus t ioe. Ileymilusetir ........... new w a sqnlkh a mreiea m d k alry. In a request Ior purchas ecariier this ycar. Mr. Halgi pnioed a John Mania Rumie ly mould bce open o lise puNie on meelcends and holisisys and Mr. Haigl blid conmree tis à nom sas plluy on oeuld ecoe "P of the oal w t e ." Margaret Street mould Ne in additlion to.lhe onc Il wilkbe MMl fiar $250.000 witi bie town retmng aiready operating on Maiq Straci.,This comne in Mi opâmo to re-aquie lie pmope - a fair muak reap o1 Wald 2 Counilor A« Molanon's con- value - shoul il ever bc salit by Mr. Haigsi . cm bis tie sale moulid rai in a "big hole" SMf on Appmvai of tihe sae camn abter gnihs of discus- Main Sirpu. sio midi Mr. Ilaght and'Msltyak1s to dhem inisn. In hiodiroposal. Mr. Haight suggests a liaison tic,. for the piumtay. fuir proposal wueaidnyoam between liti sallery, tise nmicipal iiuir.evces stnmlaller ffla apliioi offers for die property. depaumenu anidu he C ider of Communerce te lia a A recounmendation to move the Raiso Regicusal yearly ant <cuva. 'lis feui val cott imvolve John MSatumdtJonMaein Hl wusIs don Mmtn Humeand i igroumds «Il asosofllde counli lai yemu adjoining plat land&" bc said. SCouacllo e.p: d tmnedo. support foc tise lie property's new omner auured coumnil lie mtsaW salde. %h site liasac idy vacai itr yeurs. leave bais tise ouusde adt die maltde - lagve for mail- "Mis a! clearly in tise beat interest of everyone pqand pain - of du ieuse in tise crushuil usi- invoived." sad Mayor Gord ICcanz, mio added lis lion AMt tisa exept alon tie CN ri m un mienlpt salem noleap dissuatinceglode wea's trail sys- ihise madéin fair e upres¶y. s w i "t in_-w-in situation for du luhe nurTcliggre ii loL d.a Iomms aue eaidents end dmie popertoca ,ew aslner.. Mr. Haight sad lie mas extemly peaid mitdie W.rd 2 Cotarvilksr John Challinor said privaie own- overwhlelming upot for the sale y cotuicillar. Fie .erahip of due propeety miii sec it dcvelope mucir hopes go have his new ai gallwy, up ad nuaimg by qtkur and tisai lie is pieaied ai Mr.'s cornit- tise end of the year. m ith a tentative Sala opening muent townaking due John Martin Hote an integral arotideu hoWiays. pan of due conuuny. 1I applaii Mier initiative," lie "lhe support lias been wonderful. 1-couidn'i Nc sw.more pleasod." M. Haigst sai.- a~awuui~a (HOCKEY FOR PEOPLE WITH DISMILTES) SAY EI'g M.H 1m - 3IPM 905-875-3465 (STS4JUNK)