Mustaig shut out Wildcats Mikon Mercha-mjior oA Hockey OPTIOAILAU 7n:30 Milliona Oakwlle ýATURDAY OCTOBER 5TH Millon ta"n Bowvling t00 rn Dowl and Curl offl Foura M.p.sed b1, W.hli, Wew 878-0554 SLJNDAY OCTOBER 6TH Milton Merchans Juînior A Hockey 88 MainS SI. E., MM@OIS 7:30 Millon et Bturnogon TUESDAY OCTOBER SYN billon Marchants Junior A Hockey .730 Mhon atsStreetaville Y BLEDGE HOCKIMY u ossiwnySo peeçi ** ilsaisaiiis a iuIan C. __ Newspa~r Sur Glibei aid Marc -PoIli provided an effective oae-two collbination on the gridron Tluursdpr at bMille District High School. anti pace t he Junior Mustang& id a 13-0'win over th1e White Oaki vrildicats, POlibaci jilbeil attil lalibacl PoIla aie up due field aviit big nalia allafemoa, Gilbeauaed sdio dri- ves lhrougli thse midle su score hotu liiuclitowns - which cuise indue opcming lhree miaules anti midway dirougi due secondi quarter -and Poila molis up both. A junior, polia rai for wel over 100 yanda inchiding a 25-yard Sais on bis fini cary wffiii put thç_ýlaigs deep in =nm teriitoiy jus( moments before ailher reacluihe nd mon for due finitlime. Poila broke numerous tacklcs lbr extra Xardage, Hillng Ilue baIl abouti two tiozen tifies, lu lonk bitp tient jusi abhout evciy Wilici tiefeider "l'm noi mucb of a louchdown guyil usually sel duml up." taMd Poila, a 'laies for dhe pais iwo wseau. 'Il "oghs I playeti weîl "ody. aller I staiteti cuug downt on due fismbleaY" Wbile PoIla aid Ûilticss anclioreti du scoring efforts in tluir homte opener 1usd coach Veine O'Neil saiti lu was impressed wâl a sumber of other offensive phaycrs. inchiding roocie, ballsack Mike Copeland, wbo snac souie big Sais thscgh due second half ani shotwed gil by breali a few tackles himacif. MAt sliowing srongly os offense wai tailback sW'egu umber of offensive weaposandi we played Prony gond," saiti 6'NeiI. ,- . MD's defcnsive uni( wss impressive as well. pailic- ulaiy Jolis Melito anti GarTest George. who mach kcy tackles ail aflersoon anti sylsicthe Wiltias rçvese sweep attempli. A midaber 0f oll e ifestiers wIsu n olid efforts ischuing Bres McCluare, Will SinsoL Kevin Millies and rOg Demeuy. seho casse prihaNabemv eiy eaily in the second quater belote his eluias score due second TD. * Sud-o *Sbff st-ped Tise semir *SInp ind shmielvea in a very wifa- iîar simuaMo - withu a win afier week tNo of the regular seasion. fuiïr second defeai cane in a 37-0 packg am by die Nelison Lords PwidaJ, afteroo on dmu ND1 Oiei Illc seniot'Slang have ycs Io put thernelves on cino scoreboard. having losi 23-0 go Assumpion in dueir homoe opese. A mier of turnovers hclped Nelson mutin a àcomfoetable licl., as dhey tiuik a 23-0 cm"io dhrough te iimlalf and sthe second-half non- lghlghog MD's lacklustre day wcie Mike Walsh~ and lamie Conta. wlso cacl madie a couple of olid puni retuuma and provided srosg pais coverage. tomba was tic ooly bnght spot on offens aa wdt. making a few nicc carnies throughoui lie gSm. Tise senior 'Stangk will travel 10 Burliton dhi Felday t0 baille tise top r"cdt M.M. Rdbôno Rasi while file juniors are ai Oakvilkc Traflgr dns lifter- mom (WVedisdy) o lake on lise Devii,. Nichols tops run Milton miller ealrric.Ann Nichols paced Iseif toa pes"a ben record oves 10 kilornerres reSffdy at ie ansual Oakville YMCA Rua. Fiftecn-year-old Nichols, a sophounore ait Bishop Reding Sccosdary School, clsmpie.ted due distance ini 45:55 for a 53rd place finis in die overal clau..e efforts pin lber sevealli aosong ail female nliui and. film in the 15-19 ladiet;diviion. Q Ilc first-yoar Athtiques laiceional Tmck and Fieldi Club member came in weil aheati of Missiasauga Track Club member Belinda Chun (49.21) and tbird-place fisîsher Jase Kelly of 1 MA~~SONY DELAI.X ALumdum LuIT «&Q #ustà ea 0 Living Cdtis A"s a l ka of usitesnan uai4u 8774M8 10 pa yuêata *W*m * FI send J D Penabl uir iloatie * + ;:z Yu% AMousB mid" mm (MIB 336UO aau e ( 413WM D. L»se kgbm0 (O > M)187-6358 MUE SHER.IRONDMASO4R G una y w C*am Mo00gl ell'"ffl 1 COSRCTO MECHANIC4L LTD. PSATS FOR eoain snc 87G0-a~11 m A eutmf 0 tto 90'5-878 720 AI t C aN CI N ,f1 11O CONTRCTO. j AO.UII.'~90".76-4327 dLat i oA tD AE 'D ny abm.sîmfi ia. iU.. as yua>~ M.LIVN.7 CorneM aoViRDT ASSOCATUS '*ARCH ~-' F. . . ILE. jIR * * jismsu 01111111. Cm" &u 1kM Mehic à0 Fi n eliiiw o0 ' W.cb"r,àik . & o p', 105 ar-a%-usr ____________ ____________ 070113 $ce M747 M"ias mo "@- w a. Wkmdwa * Sons - ~ *Smad~i*~S~ - U~d l eOKMT &SFNA COUNSELLING SERVICES 1 ALUMINUM r --é- LEANING SERVICES HEATING SEPTIC PUMPING 1N_ý