Now or neyer? Then it's now for the determne, Knuckles rep soccer crew Mmt Milton Maic under- 14 bye soti iprovemntti sssion na o- tise pemiter sccer teasm tsi ithIs:uns edpuhng a ueser f th sirnWra»m nutr. paiticulauiy ater finisNngug tée- Their clinb Io the top continueil over dit ili in the Soutis Region Soccer Leagss&s next tWo tsasons. adsi includeil second anid (SRSL) Premier Division. thitil place finishes in league play ano Widi bots a seron nai and finie to the stssmg nsoaing ai nunemaus tounsasents season. the Knucklt> Sports Shop-spôn- - includïng biack-to-back championship sored crew coniplettd tht year«wiîh s asuns aithe Milton FrienilshipToumnairent. remalcale 1-2- recrd or..ontpoint With 1996 being dhe lmt ytar before the margîn of vicloty over runfler-up DixWe beague's January I cutoif dates kidueil in., Milton's champioqship tsason bai been the boys realiei if thty astre going wu win four years un the nsaking, as? tht saine together ut wu noas ornever. Thty ilecideil grouoÇ of boys began playlng together as «it asoulil be noas. under- I1 year-olds with coaches Barrie Despite the impressive play ail tsson, Abrahams and Steve Oniflin. . the Magi only'locked up tie divis" titbe While ai firai thtir putential cbaily out- in tistir final gaine aanst Welland. thanus astighecd thiý eQess tbe boys gradualy wo ongoing challenges by Dixie and Esun Butl#gýbags big prize in demolitiQn derJi atai Finix tu<nse driver Elgin Bdtle5edeove bis Butler unto tht. final. alto wson tht usumber 91 cisevrolet Malibu ,v*ctory, Sportsmant Awird. Tht fans vcuted the batitsg 49 othtr entrants, at tUst Sunday mumber 92 Bec Car of Glee Boiting the afttrnoon Milton Fail Fair Demol4tbon Most Outrsgtous Car for the second yeae Derby. 1in arow. Piloting tht car that'Beano Çlau&e A standing "oononly ctnwd filleil the asheelel tIb the cha>npionship et tht Miltos Fairginué deapite ieftsptratiués Caledonia Fair tht niglit brjorc, Blutler, diii turneil cool anil sbowerf tisas begasi f(mm Ohsweken, beat eut fise 0tiler lit jui befote event dt. , . winners tocam tdm $545 wiifisvs puise. Tht show which haFlp& dssJauil or Secbnil plact asent te Acctdetean oser $1.450, alto fealtaei lupein a t Mifre Pickets. for four cylisiler compacst cars for diç fintt STht other heam winsers astre Marilysi t(Mm. 13eating eut eight ottes entrants, Nolan. Chris Stokes. Ray Ventrus. ».Cathy PJoyil aas tise $100 asimser. with Dwayne Nerbonne and Cams Pauley. ý%lwn ,Howard taking the $30 aecond Pwbly. asho foftited fis position te ailoa~z Miii,, who gave Miit&s theïr osily Itague lb Imme Mii tsson. i Necdhg a wmnoraàtieto seiwe afint- Ra place finish, Mikon's Mutn Colyer erusei a 2-1 Welludl leail in dt final 30 secondis of t gaine go gise hua terni thse bague tee- phy. Teammate Peter Cannatasi hai put bis side on top 1I-0 in the lirÀ al(ui with a aseIl-placeul penalty kickt: A lough 3-2 los go Dixie in theur final mseeting of tir e sason forSdi Milton to ivin their seconi-lit gaine against Eihi Mii, 'l thesi conte away wîth lit Imma one miore point ýagainst Wei" nu w in the tille. Making up ths year*s championship squal wete Terry 'Abraham,. Peter Cannagamo, Colin Canening, Chris Casa, m Juan Catunto. Matmn ColyLe., Alastair 1I Cook. Keith Dunn. Kyle Grant, Petar 0 Jokic, David Kornacu. Oned Mau ino on Massey, Craig Oliveira. lant Robinson. Ryan Taylor, Quinn Young anid Lucas Z-Mir.r The boys wsill finish their 1996 seasonI next rnonth at a tournarnenu in Virgînia gieah on dhtie US. Thankqivng weecesd I NO CIIAIIGIVALVE STEMS FRE 91IEEI. BALANCE NO ClIAR;E DISPOSAL 1 Q)FOLD TIRES 1 With Anv TIre Purchase -~TIRES,) SALES &SP-RVICE S MILTON 555 M" sL. F émur 876-4788 - 'ftàtbaff àntest .» AVANTI - . N EK5~C AUTO TECH 1.xkPut nx n1 Man thé t Yeu a* u OOUTM l&LtoeOSTlcS * 2 FNn ounnt a rms a Inlui po1 I 111af *c0&FWnmvemà --- ým----------------------.,- Yo r * z -. -SOM SUNDAY 0O;ç;;A; 8 Wou6' 1OGAblUNM AT a CsICACO. a n MimNPuSL AT U-BtMLO a~ JiacISNVLL Ar al MW CALUAS Q M4W EUAN AT SaBTIMA eu RAMRES AT a K..JM Iua am 0I! AT DOMVA U A M AT U ST. LOUJIS 02SUATrLE AT R2M a NOIJSTON AT a CINCOMNTI I j MONOAY, OCTOBER 7 U Pff»URON AT UKANSAS CITY Imm ommunity sp-aprer. 878-2341 New