i q i i 1- With 1600 eiîuare fect of retail 5pace, wc will L'e #.c týo offer you an inicredilIe 5electioni of cancffeo and lane relateci accegborieb 13e bure to Plan a vi5it to the Wizàrd! You wiIl bce amnazeci at what g trn 5torc for you' Opennlng Octo ber 5,19961 Wizard of Wicks J 2448 4ikeshorc Rd. W « oe EW E' Hurboriý. i, 0à,kvlIc I5 Store Hours: é Le"maouRd. Sat. tlsr Wed. 10 ani î:î 6 pmn Brorri * mlor , lliur.& Fri. .i toî 8 pin Tseomjorseior mps havejoined lottes.. The Canadan Grey Parthees and lthe Unmted seiio Cilizens of Ontario (iJSCO) have forged a pannier. Sliip. The Grey Panthers. foundeul lhrec years ago hy gemDnt0Iogisî Joe Monî,, naiiher corne 30,0(10 nmm tiers nationaily. USCO. now wn ils 445h year. includes seniors groups acrnss Ontario and numbers close Io 30001X). ISCO ni headed L'y AI Smith. a 22.yeae set- eran of Oriia city counicil. -Call il ca-operalion, instead oi conipetition," said Mr. Mortz. *Ibe USCO has an excellent irack record mn senior cidacation and, advacacy. orîih well deirmed initiatives asd we liare many mif the sanego "TMe PanthersltjSCO parncership us a V'aorse forward for ail seniors," Mr Monii, said. lnsiead of wastîng precloas resources ami compemîmon or on duplication, we'ii colieciivciy tacide lIte rea issues,, Canadun Grey Panthers animait memhershîp is $15 fîirla single or $25/couple. Tie grnup caïn ,m ea,«hed ai t-800-5&1-4739. USCO can 1i echei ai I416) 252-2021 and charges $20 amiaualiy arid $21 couple MILTON GOSPEL HALL 'jIOLY ROSARY GaeNW~r - 878-2022 CHRC m 1 11rc PENTE COSTAL 910:00 am m Breaing Bread CATHOLIC AgcnCuc 145 am, Smnday Schoi 31 anS în 660 THIRD LUNE, MILTÔN à 30 pnxe - Goesl Service thie Chu rel on time Hill 878-2411 [ Phone. (905) 878-6,5Q 139 Maritin Si., Miton i Bc Dr. Mari. McDem,tt Wednesday 7:30 p m ,fl(95 789ý P usyer Meeing and Bible Reaing 878-6535 Sunday Services ' ' . hivk .Jn.~T.T.Y 878-9044 1 fhn 1810 arn -1uisCommunion Mass at: 9:20 ami - Informial Worship 5:30 pm. Saiurday 10.30 arn - Samng Euchanisi UtY ETUE 9 9am. 10:30 a.m & 12 00 noon 1 SUNDrîPY. SEiTEi1uri%2Sc/eWU Sunday Irt thme 10.-30 Serie 1 9:45 aL. @Bsao OUR LADY OF VICTORY TRAINIiN TRUTH 841' ilto Heihts 0o0~Thu"d~ Sunay Sctxoci for M Agas NAmf ~. Mito Not 10:00..m. - Holy mrmunin baGlis tr uS iiui sism li iai Asl W.lone! Woeliy Woenihdn Fmteincsy OhiimmIno 870-4M4 For ecordsd foIrinaio pitn Tail P8. 14100433-306.4 KNOX PRESBYTERIAN .CHURCH' 170 Main Street E., Miltont Mînister-The Rev.'Roul Lewis Diaconat Minister-,toIIeen Smithi 10:30 AMd SUNDi&Y WOASHIiP Nur.wiy & Sunday itchisil Pi:, iformnatioîn ail 87840ff Parking î,n Mary Stmwl Whit.ecir acces anrd waaitron pm..ln iiOimai, rai.su ersr ST. PETIER CHURCH Bth Lino Tref 1 Mass al9:OO am 'unday Revs. Endl Talbot PP, David Wynen, R. W. (Bill) OBrien. Smier Audrey Buris CSJ Meita4 (Mie) GrandA - Serninarien lntem, r i cdliii,- Chimicit fmi, Tr.mrrpiimcm.uiîimn -Es cri oui Wck.oiime- 'F i-I~i '~ Milton Bible îChurchu 4 ia meeting nt the N MILTON SÉNIOR$ IUr ACTIVITY CENTRE 12MANS.ILONT (SIX0 CHILDS PRIVE>) 2 ANS.MLO.OT 10:30 am MornIng Worthlp r. 'FuiI Chlldrsn'a Minigtries âno »anMai Pastor: Ruv. Jameis D@Marsh 1:Caise mn WOMN FIIIIIIIM flt111a Sundli% Septmber 29, 19M 10:45 8r.. THE APPOINTIMENT WITH GOD 6:30 p.m. iEvENiNG EvANGEuSTIc RALLY WOld Clas Trurripeter 6inger & Speaker Dazuf O e[ff un am Adun churtiti Sehool clas in (cflf7f - 10:30 &MWoraNip In BMWSihu~ Davdl 074.4 rscsivsdi honorsa s. hnnsnTiti: lassl>on@i of lte top trampet ployerli EATING HUMBLE PIE Hel1= é-% ad 'it t.. Die ason &-* B. - Thon Fils carsse erau lown dg Thur. 10:30 *.m. D35M a drsnshc O*y ci hmo YotI Group Fue des wu lurnsd am".eil rssorsd, Smnlys 7:00 - 9:00 pot Mid thon Inter »irsta fUiOn Noie booking appoinents for You wlà no wsn tu nfu tosîl portraits for noir, pmhoto drectory. -Imrsr j "- -~ ~ ftbP»à ENLARGE YOUR Infemefom Us T0 1r CIRCLE0F LOVE-1 CAROL M. BROOKS Sales Rsomensfs IF (M 1-- ufo~.<o>8sT SATuAOAY 2-4 pn 256 Martin St. f249.000 Mgrgaret Ciamiin adendance Refsax Milouhe Asty conp. 874-n"7 SIJNOAY, 2-4 p.m. 268 Psws«y Drive 8aoe0 219.900n. . SIJNDAY. 2-4 pirn. 341 Wilson Drive. f72 8124 .900 A0111s RçuloPg Cog $711-777. SUINDAV.24, m 430 KkingsIl Cd.. PAilon ft C ag sIn hellnossscu Sheppard murder jury, où hold lire's ria lelimg when a jury utîli begin lo hear cvi- schcduled lu staen Sepleer 3,Ju légal arguments dence in a irs-degee-nurder tril. - and other issues have caused numerous posipone- The trial. which lias been repeatedly'pushed back. %enus. =ems on hejd tehile wrangles continue over legal The2ve n-woman five Titan jury chose i n eai* i s e Septermiif h s now een ild la report lo IhÇ court- lur. l. wcr requurcd la cal] he couflhouse house Tuesday ai 2 p. m. Tuesday -ftinamn ma sc Il theur services would be Keilli Madeiey, 22, stands tialimn the shooting death needed Wembiesday. %yete ild not la corne bockt for a of Fréd Sheppard. 77, of Steeles Avenue The life week. long Milianian oras found siain in the outhouse behirni The trial, which. is expected ta last four weeks, was his Niagana Escarpmint.home. Two sieniors groups are joining forces 1