Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 27 Sep 1996, p. 6

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NION ci Bt 248. 191 MainSi E Miltoun. Ont L9TýN9 S(905)87824 Fax: 878-4943 Classîfîed: 875-3300, j an Oliver Punbfisker Qd Min, Anîtai Pcblil, iRab Kelly F.dît, Satio Hialenez Ci,, aune Mnargr, TMista Off-c Manager ETien <etc Pialai tuan Manage, TmdLlndsay Reat.aeîMnae As always, iÎt's an age of change Tihis ycai ibe titis and I reacbed signiticanif ages in titr lives. Ile youngest. sovi 10. crosted loo tise secoind decade ni bis ile. He is promîisrng lo kc a (&Il.' viim itinio lite bis tulder broher. lHe s tise mos; iiuivptikcn and argirnentative ni ail thec off-a spning. charactenstics thal nsianil> cause bis O n the parenis to înng iscîr tanis, on fnustraiion as ki itters, une ecuse aller anuiter for isos undone.H m e r n He soti gotog (0i make il any casier (tir bis nid s tilks a ie matures and bgis persuasive vîrcaho- n'ry gritîs Our daugitier is nos ittitoidi> a teenagerý Ihis ion) cnfisung. He1 i on the verge ofi ilyrng thse i te ib wo is aspînng tii ke nci anti lamons. coop. Sit hcs set her sigts un the perlîirming ants ami i îas the final unte goi embati tin a nci age as i, full) bîîîked ibis seastin wtt ts>ance itorce i iamed 50) yeats nid in nid-Sepienher, A bal sigis a icee. choir une -ît dentier choir cenior>. Wtiî' i carti believe il t don't [teli lite eveiy tîther Salurda>. piano lessons ibeniever t amn rthalnid. itut Ikoe boî iv one supposed go site can vquee ihgn in. ledl ai 599. On op tif ail ibat, sir attends reiseaesais for a Wten i corîsider my fle is tiket moreibain loîcal tait prodacîtîon nf The ling and 1 îbrc balf rive, i fct sad and regreifai. tIpi man> lrne, a %ict. mosi offent falling oni thr samne possible îile expenences have pasneti me b>' nîgitîs as fier tter antstic porsuots As icti. te Miii mas> utisrs have i citoyen flot to pursue' iv tttectisg tir citallenges as a grade niellr. Cqg tie iber band, i cari greei iblese liesu yeacs, As a trasti nets icen. st itas yct Io tom (in ter as an îtppuflaorty tii continue in groî anti icaro, nutter anti I amn bitg ibat an> byper crtical and yes. maine, as i stîli don't lecil ait gin Up. pitase cîîspliicty passes bier iyý We currenqly Nîîîaday%. i arn nît adverse no irytng sets sihale vîrnîiar interesîsý and ste vsa great coimpati îays tii get borne i'n alter my coursc'jasr (tir a on. cbange ni scenciy anti '11 eveto w i n a Ici Our eltiesi celehraied bis cigitentit tiîrtday, ii tbnse tncky letithand tans. snmetbing i iîould -ile tie is on tir siodent escbasgc on Mîiai bâte avnided inom> yinger days h appe.os, that titi magît age î.as a iurning point Ami josi the otter nîgbt il sodtenly bit me bhat tîî ini. ai rcavi meniail>, as ie cîînsidtrs iîr i dontl hase to, staly on my Mide ofth tir d n în ,ctt an auît attd adamanri> demands ibat vie hobuis il tuotf iwn. i cao vprcad my.rlf tier treat git as% sncb thc estire kîng-viieti maiiresv. le struggle.sv ist iîs imiependence as kc cit- Little qings. granicti. tint as a wttc man ioce rinues Iii lise in the tatou> borne anti bas tii saîid, ibe kuîigest joonicys tegin îîtb a stngle ahide ho the miles ot the huose. îbîcb te demv step. Where is t/he common sense? Tirants Io AI Leacb. tir Harris gttverrmes municipal attaîrs rnoîter. Actoat Vaiuc Asssv mnent (AVA> iv sit to irctrs the provtnce.- îole siandiarin Ontario for petipl> tan sses- ment. Bot hoti docs tbis bnreancracy drîven solution Io Ontario', propers> tax tmtss measute Up ta ottr alternatives îbîcb Premier Mite Marris and bis cattinet chouse lit ignore' Alternatîves socit as tbe tanpaycr-desîgocd Actant Price Acquisition (APA> systentin1 ('alinia, i0 use sîocc tbe tare 1970,. iybco AVA sparted tir Proptîsition t-1 faIan revit r tir Britîsit Cotocit Tan HU(r) wict the Ltoitet Ktogdorn guvenient ilsi orccd tcinfotdace as a replacement lu ils bigiti> aspoputar poil Ian, Ami Uni Asse-ssrn)eo tUA) wicit Isrnel 4ti cd becanse il ianed ro teep is asvt>s.smenr %ys%- lem stmple Athiagb ail turi moticts ose dîllerent cqaity sari(Las. cacb of filrnt mci whbm tiry'set out rît do. Under ANA. att propenlies vit tir sani carrent mrarktic vaiue (OntanosN proposai îonld average vaiucs tîver a iberce yeiqwoi bave tir sarnge asssmrnt In tise U.K .'tc assessinenti iv ltr sarne lîîr aIt pnipentecs tattîng tibîn tise otf Working ait home has its down sie, too Mas> people oulti kset i, e wttempittyat tl ulad gise yu frecdîîrn tn pick anti chotse abat yîitr in tondonandi -ien yu ont tiudoIf. Yîîu înoidntepase lu ansîce tIi anyn and tirre's mi ne b ave lu flatter, a Yiiu dot haie no mer>y ibqtr surneose lites yiu tir ihînts yîinrc durs1 a gond jîtti iï yîîu doi wcl., yîîu get ait tise glur> and ait tir pnîtîîv% Sounde gisii' Wcit. <ihre tvadtitisvide, PetopTe so are se-It erptiyed dit enjît> iheter muet, motte, but Iîy aie much evvsstii salit ii anti> ice titan peupile wsio otin oitier setiings, Psyciiligist% '.rtj Parasuranan andi Claire Sîmmer stodieti itit wet. anti lanîly pesores atlect a perun*s salisîncitîon wit thisci jît anti tit> le Isle resolis îere presnteti ai a con- terence on -Wurk. stress ajrd iseairit1in Washington, D.C. lasttait. Thecy sitatieti a large flamber toi seli-émpiyct men ald wmen as mcli as a nornire ni people wha iueked mer ntrtsade organîlsîins. sueit as giis.emmnin tireaos, profit anti son-pet)it agen- cies Isle oelternplîtyd people loved dte iode- peodesce anti tieir llexîtity Titey cootti reateainge tue uschoetiles lu deai with an> pet- PSy So S ontai 0 uanl unt>mteis ibat carne op. Trie> ic in lact mach nite satisiet ig thteljobs itan even protinniorals ami managers ibo itirke (or titide ageocies. itrestingly. isonever. tir> engeoeist mars> more demailds frorn tie spauses anti chitiren. Tit flen ibîiilws; mnedtoi aie lt - hi mas reiedon us seti leequetisi> a ntil if eveotuatl> tiecamne a majair soutce nI cnfltdi Tht> bail c dilticoi tinte tryiog Io balansce tue irt andi famit> eespansbmlitîs. As a resoir, tise self- employeti people lai mach laîce satisfaction ratîogs iiro il carne ta thu laii lives. lis enlîngs icre'i jasi niwer, man> ic aolsappy. Il ias a dîllerent pîcture for people mita iinked for nlutside agencies lise muet suas clene ant i bgbty suiue. lise> conki osuail> Icave Ibleir mort at tir office, ratiter [han îakîog il liane. tse> didoti carry ail tir %vrigti or "epo- sihilit> fora mort jnvsloct b> tirnseives ircarse man> peuple icre involved. Puc Ioi tir redocei boues pressures. anti ftesiiuiy. tir peisun îlo io&rti luir an itulside agene> îas iter alte fi tantke a balance irtiec nd anti tamîr>. Tiserc e ce alsooime ratlir peediciatie di (Ici ences irrîcco self-erpliiycd rneo anti uttoco Wtun (itI mitre coiumieni ta tir httome anti tir> icre more învotved %viil ibeir cildren. lise> (cil uttimatcly revpiînoibic for tir horne, evni i nbaer ped nul a toi. 'As n revoi, tir> enpenertt stress tisas tir met l'o- alwayv iisongbt tita ictng lor yoursell is tir i"a se> ta combine a ttroesg watt ethic aMid a destir pn kc eavil> îosaled in paanng Yei, a lot aI gond. caorog peuple bave ineti aad lounrd it sal> tactiog. 'lit flenîbîiîiy anti autan- amy su basic to sel-ernployment tends ta kc coosometi b> onc (mort or lanîtyl ai tise cupeove of tise tther. Tisa doeso't men il can't kc dont, but ilis dcarl> not tise idyltic chuice gterainsay peoplettiil s. 1 ý,ith AUL AGNULOS eîghr barsts of 1991 triatet naine. Wîtb UA. ail properiies wiihthie sarne physical dimensions bave thc sarne asvossment, utile Calîlomia's APA systeih tics asse.smbent lit tise fast purchase price ofthe propet> In ternis ut stalitr> AVA rants as tier te., ofi ait loue systerns. biccaose rthe asiessmrnot changes annoall> on lîickstep soitih floéatiog marktie values. On tir ottier hanti. Cabitonia's AA guarantees nol change is aswsessnn ontit tir pritpcily ;;% suit. Wîit UA, tir asvs.smnent remaîns sfable anIess ibere iv an add-n or reducîn of tir mecasoreti arca. Wîb tir BCg. stabilit> i% as gon)d as tlir gi)vcroneoîs promise bat pIi'penties ii suit kc resalocti. The *niores marks tîîr ondcrsîantiog htni asscssrnts are arrîved hase tii gît tii AVA Fîganing otie ami appeattng usai yonr propeot> moiti te inrh. if l tsiitd on tise open rmarkiet toda>, is o easy tir incxpeaîine tast 1u mos; pelipeny onsers, Tise Bnitish Countît Tau reqoires an under- standingtt 'itut ho991 vaines% sore ticrnymoed on t':ir that tir pemipen> ctwlti te *Ianid" Bai abteast il isvntsc ni> auone-tinte effort. rctir titan an anouat mind-titggiog eccise* Il yoîu tan rcad a tape measore. t 'A i ranl siraîgbtitrvvard. Nent is APA, ibere alittugit tir pnce >îna pA5d iv easy ii n*tianti..tf.2 pet cent anouar inflation cap adtits a litte coin- plenti> go tir pnces VinaIt>, tuers tir issue ni cosl. tot in tennis nI adrninoeuiering tise systeni andi appuals. AVA i0 tir moot eopensive olat altrnatives becaule à involves annual ce-assessorno anti a boge tnreaocraic anr>y go mangeant tir s>stcm. Wiro Me, Leacs tiogit AVA go tise.cabinet table. be narnebnî managei ta self il tit tise hasts otf tpait>. siutt, cnmperecsiblity. candi efficicncy. i irgs tir qoesrinj cveryohne nas asieep at lthe tîrne and if entmoni seose gai panketi ai tir Iront dace af tir Legisiature. MS it inui Lt Ont Njaotn ca Ocn fl Trie MartadPctingý Patflsng A Orosi Lt lu, tla cttedeche cae Aia i Pickuring Neiws Aivoriti Barrie Advance, Sramptn Cueaciai iign Pntt, City Paient. Cnitisgcnndît Wasaga Connectln tant Ynik Mîtîni, tictcnt Guaadiao. Geniheunien tndopene ton fie pris. grn Tis ira, Litflay TNu Oei, Maittiat tEaoo & Sin Muant! PeosaogteiW" Mutai, Misuugo Mecs 'N' ki / Awm Et. S@eu. TNotniriabeitand Nuis. Narti flotkseMin Xa.ii Suan. Otittia Tcday. Ontilwu 1 Mitby I CWaleaai Thit Weefl. Peterboroughl This Wi.e, Ricnean <titi I TWnaotit I Vaitran tittetat Scarboinagl Mincir, UctrneIl Sitodie Tribane. Taitayi Senioris Adverseg us acceaite n Oie mein O m. egt, itee mofa typeiagnc émitotta purion ut the adveriuaîo toace aceatied by thie erraites ite. toleition Mi a fiénaibte aitoacte bu eigiaiaie. wil ot fe niaiged for, bal the blance ut thle ailImtisaeoet wci iti fiegn oi ai lhe cast tare Thc fruit- kahime teertes titi îigfll in caieona adntiaeiicorn deekne ( \ ', \ 1 ) 1 \ \ ( 1 1 \ \ 1 l' 1 ( ) 1 7

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