Eaceplionfil 3 badronm b:rick i i homeon 1l2acheanrjbthofl* Mlupgredea include Paard O k flots, quality lercadlom, orrot moti nl mm. conil ROSS~ P: pta eateniiataly landi aOSce nti aintain aemen Slid In oniebd rcletltnna <~RUNNALLS pndiand parmé Pfeu cm to, a- SCHWABE*marly locepoeymlp ntuyhto i Wu l boeie necentg" information'package andi your sales rictaive ,n-î,ew apansentpoentiel hmiçisal SansSi 1- .87 101 Parei ontpecoo Shed1 enf n oot as duillo - mfrwblece t1e oe FI1EVA ED & NORMA B AAACROWE BARB (000DIN sel -PROVEAJ*" . paa\ LAFLECHE '. Slsnpe n]vo ae eaenazs -4»miia ". IMuta Velleme Awm sa".el r 879-101 8788101878.10187"-101 form ne il ODet stanl econ Aelborti . Ppt stle mot Leramuse Ill ne n e mus ail lie ilutl cechn com rilate s irIm riet atut ooti =ee t 9 laits l pay- bath. n nenr&.g.otpi dail aon hisa oeil corelly~rai satbah .al. lgneIn large__ __ __ ,alg 3 bedmom il maV afridanom undut rie ani-u u . o llrate pafite m noÎoie amrfr fldeller nami itondmlnrmgrds u ioc rON Il ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ i thet Larg apalUolCaisimtài odPI UNYYL billM.o ai nt 9 Loety Desais.t atrk Bnao. 4t min<uPre l1 trime convrlirce elrn m. Micit friageo il ae mclul fronts.mAn amiaitire a0 full tIldence Openrs altonF coalti catO pilnacy sh ao nlsem ail u a51 nde s da nsas 2 e.aer guas fdlme-y JJ offes pls -. a i ml storeF P. entra rac aisle base en a& con sp o ont esw ii a. iltirsCO Cae cAi. ee ten an exapa aiece bath 5ale alto ai. prap9ai bl adicrVefraist il a p lae Loayrg ea f an d Cia.. lot. Gr la. isn.i L'sied ai an$ poa8 yplaa eaS Grz 00 ot.wnM00 bMgO e th 3ar es sf peol.o ilct Ha POd fo R d. fnfc e r (t el S ao Sa"1e. Ffere 88-10 a: t l me p u m t e y a8 9 7 4 alertai "h ax llww7M amrnifà Sls eremettie M ~~MultI-levof 3 bed. eomo roomer townhous., 2b do m o finshs bas- private, lot in to in moei 2 bat hrom, moai C«k« $1 09,900. lo-aIop peynng r:. 4 fadins.. 3 bafhfifnisfled biseMent Élecrifie. tqwnhoue WiU'i 1 bdrm., 4 PC. bath, F.R. kitchen. backing oIl 10 park HOMe hais central air, central vat, fleheti Ssement use of pool anti roc inground poo. winlortfis replaçed and entre 611l4.9D0. Put walkout fa privafe backyard. Much treu orte miore e $1 79.900. POf @Oanoetroueorcil ýa .tti This 4 tdffm. homml e beeuUfuty melrilelad end, tee- lurée forta of upgraee». CodI Sommeller onre 540 2200 sol IL hom on /2Wre dlo.. les Tre~ Rd. a Z4.Wali 437 VAU.IVVIEW CRUS 361 S~OCcfiES Il