DOWT ( 1< MITO As vue hale sen #* ut # to oan f ~ito ha Gao General woull flot cwh is mindi hada cers %d instu o i One #m MM O n June MOI 186Z, an article appeared in thse Canadian bus ta do witIs Edwd Kttnu swho vila barn on Canspon 4etamilng t#w death 0 f young Keenan. An estimnated AM 2d% 143 i #wseren hundred people courty f mmounthe authors disqa% twô ftplgrttd g undred were ladies ..ay of wtsom tooc *y i Mon Yofl Edardt hlir station ut an early vientto te connon ou, fearfui of missfrsg tome arcd got a decant edctin what ta such vitiated Hoeer t the age of 16, he leit tastts% might be àbonid sdiol anl fel inwithà Wop ofeoed arare treat" At ten youn, * der k&o'dodck tht floor dropptd frons undemneath him. Ont dlay afttr ftihW tm quart,%of MWuky Edwardl b.amt As mfost of you may alrtady knowt tht very place Mmtr lIsui haex> enraged and beat flls mother wth h.s bare hands% kiIIin htc tooI* plc still stans THt nose beaatifule dI gardens 0f thte Tamn Edward was arvesttd and founid gu.lty of murdtr. He was wn- Hall court yard wash Ow ifamowâ site otite and other bangingL tenoed ta bang at thte tosun jail for Ns ame. For some drys before the execution, tht local sèieriff tirtd to gtt a stay ofecution, but th Slafadfev N W O I rnoTkB Austen & Noble Insurance Brokers Ltd. "Commercial "Auto "Home o Life 205 Main St.E. 878-72*17 Au mique- yu « " A o h -W q - OMM Oddk 227 Nain Sbtret Miton 878-0050 nWtIWD *N% 2uIU U *Uz GoId Scissors ha relooebu due to our ampandkg business l'ou art intiîrd to iedp us'cefrbrate witfiont of ifiese qreai specils! Corrditiviiig fPerm, $57.W Dfianal 'BeauySot $40.00 Mvàm &POkwbwMPaoeffn T,.aiumg lnéwo'spaia( mg Perm $70 Lookingfoiward to seeing you! ?5 commoeiald St. 876-2842 The course I took at the Barrie looation 2 year ego saved my life.m I avolded a hesd-on collision beoause I wu tauglit thle H&MS-of l Wion The polios utated tbat would liave been killed c 1 feel the greatest thank it wau his vo»c i neara in my fleaa, teuing me w une, "Head-on .avolanoe0 I f001 thaL this oourue s'*dbe law for ail new drivers.' The il! they mayr gave oould b. their ownl" rithot this drlving skill I[ . r injured. 1 Young s hould go to my Instruotor Andy, as b YugDIr fCnd 'N IMX COUE8E STAELTS: Yotsr hoceml to surviv. OCTODER 12, 19, 26, NOV. 2 4 DAYS 9M0 AU - 3s45 PU ' NOVENnER 3 TIUESDAYS & THUESDAYS 4 WEEKS 6:30 - 9s38 Pl Jillian Beng, ivera Graduate m