I À. &TU JOUCE SCOJT SNOCEA.OWNE 518-1526 93 ACRE PROF. HORSE FARM' NEAR MOHAWK PACE WAY Comoi, reonted ils., 25 stied barn wllth office lim 10 paudock A* t. b"adm tacily ASkNg pic. 45 0. il ALINC DI INUAMUOMU riMu plUH S MINUTES PROM M AWK 83m9,0 Raisec brick. bungalo, la excellent cond Modem 16 atall banl. I MCknn os, peOdoCit. 2 Me t. go, grooms viove mn conaromion. many extra$ ncluding fini.*oed baisement with brick ireplace, Ioads of upgrades. Fdr :etaila and fil view calt Joyce. 92 ACRE CENTUIIY FARU JUST $OUTN KILBRI. A MUJST SEE ON2 1/4 OF MILTON - VERY SCENIC - 889,00 ACRES $3991000 Otlgrrt 5 bedo,n htome wWh1 2 sua.rcys, Tor-1t Super 2800 sq M hom tailé pool, lientn back- sbyl irew.e poliS ootbuildngs. 15 ac mature for- ..g -00CMftu laids. lt i. an estate, su. et Thrte[estsnuobe Osion 1 Oreoc a koS n the Wlageor K.tdeý *LO fil ACRE WETT MAG"NA. EXCELLENT INVESTUENT Apnndplan of eubdr#Wm n place 112zonn 9eâdàl@s Opm t obi1ers. hme in goo conditin. soirS block an ERIN 75 ACRE PICTURESOUE FARM WITH CENTURY STONE NOUSE Stone bouse. rerronaled 300 eq fi. tp addion, alao a brick bungalow. 2 baros, arlhealn wee on CIJSTOM DUILT sV DURGI Excellent condition wîlth meny upgradea for comloèt includvng a beautilul additiorn on main floof gmd battemmnt. Pîctur. plirf.ct rine lot. For delaîls on tItis loveryroet Cam Jo . 2.88 ACRES Town water A hiye&o lu Ui. lot lino. Plrclfl.rty sold ete . -$94-000. bidepen&dee Ret*ea ABM"a sutton vSop- ~ people & peffies mc. ~_______ An Independent Member Broker I V'ktHALTON, MIL TON OAkWfLLE CONNE «lON 905-844,-5000 Connec with the Best. A Vlew For AMl Sesoix $212,OOO j«na rth of Nikon, lai ,mI4 3 bedlctrn mepl in gondl condtion, "Sl doa m fmI- ai, ]y oni ajrd on over coe-ha amc, nxiy trred aMi bidsapeidL frtpy de xoeaW vrws Rui i 0606 hti ccemwn Nikon ami Geu»m ]nmuol lioieexmne, ySx wiII not fasd duison de M.S l'For vîewuo)g or ffiadr nmudm, plwâe cxLJlmb Wde 864.5000 PqxaPlI" $167,uxx 3éb Goukcwu *jjifiooelMn . - O Ur5me $25%j9o =4u3bdcr p-dnn -amI f1o,-o fimfia in=-,o lut. Ndngm kv&I Mibrn 6gV0ck asptmi kio en, nowottpWd bVn ex-il pbrc.wm ir otr aý wý Mm d amobcr kMshM and v ?&.w uËr Cjoka W" SIWM0 MonM lsKktia Luit For Diuioe 'WS>dS ig, TrIoe or DodcVs 001So Nw wnMm Jurt alh f 0on wUrk mllÉ zS law hypaus or ille Wipd homte ~Wobo ied, lon FW1mwI 5 @W 25. up am edy vied as diplex. La"d tu#l, wd mattSh spu bterIn BddhlF km khfà ra ixa l hay a. nww rrm oil $34 oà$1990 menxLde fl ÇAPU COD Neslld on 1 acre wdh pondl. Huge Niche H.d«. epbard .~~ noo6e'l C4ao Gal 878-2096 or 876-4532. 1