AL MC4SE U.P UlI Ih.ull ahesieofm stebdrm . Recent quality n s eshingled rouf, family room se/fireplace, fenced 4ard-ls all here bungalow is se on a Sf' x 147~ privaie, treed o wt ,a arLe eCk. Finished rtc courtwith wall to walI fireplace, extra 4 pce. bath &4th begom rsgalow wifih 3 bedrunix, spaciou imç -or%, cmation mont, den or office andi laig Yad. A*ç P5CTI UFI prop"e. Vely peEy 2 112 4mciesuth n'aun sues pelenlis flowm aid pondi. Gunai ban and utilIsy I. Chanacler faim icone lus 4 bedromnu eaM-i ktchmn min to fkxx (mlp ms aM 2 car glarage. fdealy iocared nnales iomkoe m O.kslPu àin one of the fixent locations in toux. mu.for nann1's 4uadrs 4 feepiaces. a teitals andS vour onwal touir. 1 SIMMi I M M O N and enpoy eh; prWacy on a large . f ntroedc kg in the olde, parllof )Alkan. Ailu W% bg ticket sein have been done fom yoe: wndows, roof, fumace, ait foI. french doms, deck. kitdren, caipets. Tis chance dons not corne adong alen. .&9" 24 x9le9se