i n uvdma OAVCARE av0il. l'rafalgur & Sb"ie W 401 Bds mIl cu. Vgne 878-10M6 DAVOAR in a muatiti homne NWlonmmt 0 ShiaOrMd aid Is piste *imu. 876-620. EPEMUNCED @ASYSITER wMI loch ale yliiten i yur home. pare tans, Mondler in Fdday. 878-405 LOOICW POR qofly em? Eie9: od 1 el aélé Mom W« provids l'1LC. in à sem.heig, m*ahig evrosient. 875-1%02. LOVMS DAVOANI AVAILABLE Qwu30 Yom sueqnni. 878-00.0. NUJLIL DAVOANI U-*mei, VAIs Dmls. O YOaM epeeena. Pancd 711140711. 1)4 IOT of love sahlty cm taxd nutrition nom aietlable for you< cii Tuaoreonton a uoll Mbo pv di. Laier am Cod M»es 878388. 175 o 8d MELP nisde for #Mr edi ou p a usait& 2 dwietish. Ileile heure diy/ihrnoon su-l. Ca 1- l * Country am. SU chr .gaz.8M-1732 aler 6p.m, 0 OJ M'kdi @Veaoleeg? 41@1 ilelp noalt ExpsulWod, quafs medesmaloS leaclis ami"I, ari gei. M78524& ARUM1 Md ~dl For ilefp Mi 74686, 24110.1 «a lus for damwd seai Hmile W. u 'a place lea em erveaiw 'ê - ri- "l fier Msedt wom n d lesi chiimn i Hit. lan Paon. AI cale ms oaildeei. Au vS U «laissi fer snise. olis u A I-A-F*col" @a bAruA PARGE MAClON OPIRATOR This msll esabllsh.ed manufacturer of concroe producla has an opmnling lor a versatile iredivedual t0 b. part of a fiate opsraling and mauntaining production niadhirery et eu MIlan Plart Applicanis muet have trmining in fisavy' indusatrelaintieance, ait saut 2-ysmrs job sxpsrisncs and basic welding mnd tabricating. Worlclng knowledge of 3 plha. elecoct. undustrli controan d compulse ltsracy would b. valuabis Sonis "he Ior mou ndi àlrdey moule dur' ung busi moason Compslitie boesit packagei nctuded. Pisaste reply with resunis or latte. indicate pmy mopecla- bons to0 plait Manaer Latérite Construction -_a.-il 475 Ma'rop Drive leon. Ont LOT 3K3 ADVER11SING SALES REPRESENTATIE Creative, energatîc; ropresentaf ove requîred for weekly Publication. Enîoyal4le and cflalienging opportu- nity for someone Who enjoys vari- ety aned working in a fniendly atmos- phere. 'Salary and commission Send resumne to: Box 2091 clo The Canadien Champion 191 Main Streeit East Milton, Ontario L9T 4N9 GRAN OPMMN - Fme Sony 27 in loe. blelllm or cash boUc $M0 doan. 1002 Chas. Luii 3.l I loi 0107A4norsie 1992 Pon- lac Sunbfrd SE. 4 doue, loited. S130,O1effitonlh; Cam for1 Laiu, ail irs. 14884304222 *WAC plu tu aid lisc. LYNDAS AUTO0 RECYCLDIO %i e pate No & -il - o pot«se.lâ ibed servie. 416- 210-8381. 00&-27847». PHOGNE appications acoipled. $00 dotitu, 1003 Choir. Buel - l' 2 doir 5 apiie Vloedsd. $ 5 n7qmnI. 'go, Hpxudm 8 Coups. L.S. a il; 57.03m"lqtMI011l Dodg. Camaait SE. A orulsi ell, 0lit 217.2MnSle Cms For oaa. TOI ins 1-404302 WC pila x 2'bann in p M ie «MV EMTREPRENEURSI o oliulrs a tt business.? Cd 416-323. 24 hom.s 275 Mone ti #am10 CAm STOR11AQ, 401 a Guel Ibis am. Reesonlie. Cq 1154-2012. RUWOOO.T si-mgs. Bom., c. AVa, l'riir $25 à up. Molercyclised finauid. $126 sesion. CFRIBCO. Nomvi 877-1874. 2.480 0& PT. WTf. 02.008eianI Coule le dmkds. Doauom SEan. Hydio. mdyet taxes *Ma' 81178-5310. OFFICE SPACI - l's »cofed bor cous in di- dniAg m an (Cailege 8*-ere Front Ollèjonl Cdl Karr Ai* Maagsmaa LICI., CM0) 176-0407. UPIOVU -o In hi bis. gailsea e. quères un bi*onkhdwl failei puriine. Pi dacls la a - -gaai UCA & ', ,ba or -Uie Range $478. 510-747-0408. lea SIW~sawg* haes, deel in cm"e "edm lg M Pl la melsiflet optio Io buy (M mne >a). at. CMmUe. or ihilgn. hElen orf Cihei. vu"d un Ile ffl-< Rly m i. higrouueti -.replia. aisuilé jeouzid. 4 hsgm~3.000 et. IL rangs. Calai ..hiu ile C )87488 O &&uo - 6 pin. afabls 325 Reid lEstato PIME SALE - TOWNMOUSE, l'hr.. bedeaoeiial finu l alures lncluds IiiNy -oete aid - pale vucat. Muae floorlng In kischon. 3 appliancea. finiabed Meeahod in b* yard w ami u.Use it 110 aid r« o0uW - $11.0001M l'o visa by «ppOh10eBm 4711-071. PRVATE SALE - 011.50. bm bedonne hianlocse Mullon Clestn, air upgraded, ilugad ~oer~JoiiUi*0%478.7M.4 * Fiad A or A Haadym 8' Speud lis The * Cluslfieds Local. a housse wO potenil, tien fini SOeeeon. apocal to0 hol fis Il up --0 in our difflefi.d pige. Ithe cSnistifs cIfham aa wMt heir puisaI la MWr COyzmml MBM NEW IN TOWN? LIU US MUT OUT rR MAT FORl VOUI *A weddng in your future? *Sombone you know s baing maried? ommmity Welcom Und N4111111 Wdlhm874 = ==yoa oeh. . mie Ilo naa Om Angian Chuie MM Stre«,~.a IVAI&Y RAYS Polo. ue us. Psmd ai. Solu- MMe on Camer. R . lhs 4e NO. Lov. 20Veuule.. 1400-4111-M.0 . HEAVENLY PSVCUIC Animera. Spiritual oeraubao. Rmehiddpe. ,l -aed fls. $2.911 miute, 1&.14004151-37113. M OfINKhI «»Ua trou prohibas? Al- niholk Autnnmolie meai l'umdy nittez ai Gecs Anglican Churce, Vain Sojus at 8.30 p ni 1400-M14862. on8. Il0M ' V» finance. lm Choir Casoa La 2.21. 4 door, fondaid. S197.44'lmaone; 1001 Ford Tauru wagon. 4.3. loaded $187.571 nmeh* 1lU1 Ford AeomS 3.01, Ve, A( oiii. dit$177800hnoS«. Cao ~Lai. »l k«e 14-aa 830422 -WAC pila tex and Ilogno.. M CMO 518 PMC-4111, 120.000m. haexcel lms onsOllon._ orld. 1-04 1806 PONTRAC 8.000, 4 dm.r I qsder. ai. sri. 52,000 oerdfad BIO-MS.5 CRISI PRGSLMN? No «ne or bed oud on UIC. FIA. WCB. Bankrupo? Ne"m apeother chance? W. e help Future Co Credif, OC&- SALES & LEASING- NEW & USED 410 STeILES AVE. A FAMILV BUSINESS WITH FAMILY VALUES WE -BUY -SELI LEASE LARGEST SELECTION OF USED VEHICLES IN MILTON 875-2277 3 M1M0M NOME ban., iled. piddub à o.oe$S.5Wh.m U084M8-81 or flote 8 BEDRM WOALO, dos Io MM, o PMs. ielebl ocai 1. SI,15ifetey. fi8 OIUWOfltUO.3 beéaom Aclon aval" fe 0:. "«b I. IMM e- es hér - empos.dmsa Pubs aid WMWL NO &oP Paies. $M1 plas uUll. ie -au5-4$75. NMWY meueuli oeiaai honte in Acaisi.3 $1,200Aiimle plas ulMi. (510)11.1 AOC W. 21 bsdco Cordotwai ni oruai. Oeomy ovulooling réi. WaIk oui frone llnhsh.d roc mont. $050. plus utilites. TOWNHOUSE, Excellînt condition. New raievse, 3 b@donba,=Mile. &.bWuiai $1.000. 878-1079 or 870-1888 à lisse MenAgSrhnsFrR 2 AWACUIr APARTYMINU -bbosnsageoid yard. paring, ne pie, Imodeie poiàeeon, reiweais. 844-4273. BMCULOR APARMENT, shrigés nmes qulitt mi"i poison, n4hki. nonomoker, ro dait liles. No cabl effetr 6.30 p.m. 0-8711- 4433. SAQHELOR APARTMBIT, eepeniai entrainc, 3 etc. bath, lbihn. Mri. ode. AOC I udie fta A lut. Avllhi Noientêtir l«U. 875-3201. MASEMENT APARTUBIT Bilai. liundey a 'balh. Wonm proliuid umis hiddd $460. 875-4241. FEUWY partne, &Pm"a 1. 2 3 iio qamneU. OUM bem gele.1111111 In Sogq T'o visa. 333-0848 12 -8 p.m. LAG, 1 tud-on, basement iparieint it - plêaioi inckuid, freplace. I auo. ioule of leillan, o pie. ýFlmLîIAi, ro.reicis. 1700. nielAMlli wwcadd 876-4272. M.IJ TOSIA -aME U M, MTOOl "Wb, rill isijom, & epplau., sielle 005470-1240 Appl le RieNs. Mangr A MUM VWINY kaeg Rooe in te ountry. $SIONomnle kcdadee xoMes nati Hiy 401. FUBIIINI M0M -e Way, u» ci. hhg MMe a laandy. fiéi intesbe. No atte mmli a CCom 30M Word Prooeee ci Aomoe-- cd swm. for peiar.$W6. 1 PIiI» 24 in 'n oiss, lv T onses, $0. 878-8151811. N~ 1 CAMIT hm ,c mob àas pipai. able #ir é1xapl gpa.i SU6 878-0173.. 0C)MPClND amW _un hand"n. ms. Muser usied, S100 Cie <51) 063-238. DOAFTWO TAKS36 i.X72 ie 0hin, fad- usai le àeglis tifuls, $100. Cdl <519) 863-2m.0 Ummfl MM éwo.iar $i 182. safor .U 14054711-M.6 FRIE. GWon Lait. 2 y.am oei, nouid a nia home. lIndoor hamti l hdudid. Youl ne"d potentiel P"ie Cod 878-0618. IRL'a 10 sp.id bike, $30. Ousen site webi4 $100. Moai. 878.7484. MOIPOINT CROWA V, 800 wat. $60. Phlons 878-000e NUIs Baser 1,000 sees, sie Il, e- bonii conition. 010. 006-54-2897. NEW AD mmiloul. SU. Soam on Mmr for $0000 péua tus. Roily mamies. Lywnd, 87-037 NIW.MobMl TypiT liIn h box. ohion. A mod»04. Cd l'uni.a 87-055. ONE large Iers fer us, grau condio, $75. KSOvi., 884-083 or 1-0054U84100. MULE1 BED box tivte epnoad mmii. In gami , Menln SXI. 85e3203. IMAIL ildda pare. $M. Moi pids, 0.i mmalN mell, $10. 875- lm. TM0 a s bergi oMo matelong podestat *u à faucille - Ie na. $100 -Aj. Pho ilana 878 TRAOICALV HPF bdw*e bic. Iot lot ashow, 11oo0%.gide. rid $40. Nion 1-416-37-1670. Happy 5Oth Bnrthday Eric from iail of the. Magic-Heads at the Express