* n~ r» . <> * -~0 P s. - e ~t ~ * O> 't. 'n. ~EYO' 4 t s £a ROOII BALAI ASSOCIATION The 199 Eo"woid lita t0 Ilsantthe tSlowing organizabari an uW oitI Supou Ôflg "u pea soason. A Coi"als VA Mbos slw Ahn* L" & sais Niot e huitC U&U. SOS npga SSio4alt San CuT ia SR11,11 0 tanw Calas Flasn Naflas fltfait* MLM 5.11g- acs tity Funlla.a DataEnolara Akso The Toman Ci tab. Wone Fli Dap o a% CRaMn Champion The UmpirnO, Gadin,. Scotaupee, PWufl and fat ut lot m( "st Spouial thantis to Lenm 09I et1 Catiuce Affir for fir doniaiof tod fW Chsmanntç Day Watch fOr deld &bout ragla rtion fo he 1997 season. El PICK4 à> P i C Sinooth sailing Conttrtued froA sSAILOA page 19 secuoe seond oe ie w&%aloiof tîgisi air su we inqgtsg as fast as usual. We nortnallk keep racing when it nains baul une 6f thrdays <heme was'lîght- nîng su we bal fil daamp osar huais su me wouldn't gel lapped." hot recalled Since bier second place finish at the nhtionals. Taylor bas woîn ihe Si. Lawerence Valley Yacht Racisg. Association (SLVYRA> regatia and taken secoru4place hons ai tho Hûusn latlie Day Reganta inQdbc. She &lsu enjiîyed viciîines ai <ho Lake Skiff Saîlînt, Associaition Champosihips and the Quehoec Youîh Champtionships. In laie July %bha id the distinction ut hoing <ho top tomtle cimmpetitor and <bird user ail finîsher ai the Saîl East Championships tn Danorontis. Nova Scigia. Saitint,. Taylor esptatnied. takes a tu îf "mental slrengih" as well as physicat prisses' Races ure aiysshire front ihree to lise nauitcal miles and changtng mmnd conditiois tan offten play hasuoc wtb itiie's ganie plan. so the abittty to, adust is alssays a saîlor's Most effectivse weapon. "Yu îssZune wmmd shiù and yos cao eanaty ose a race. Mental .strengih is @spe- cîally important whLn ibere*s nîti miacl wind and tho rate takes longer." sho saud. Taylior has heen saîtîng foîr fise teats and racînig ciîmpeliîisey for the pasi thre Whîle shoe has enjoyed sustantial saccess, hou induction niti <ho sport dîdn't hppei on ibe hest ail cîcrrmsiances. "My grandifather passed! amay and me itgienied his huai ai a yacht club in Montreat. 1 starsed takîng tessons and îmmedtately enjoyed the sport Being a lilegad helps as melt. 'mhen your hxaa lips user you saîmeumrres hase tu chase it doms." TaylIor nom spends uuo of hor sumîner in Muontreal. "My long-terras goal s% til aysalîfy for the Olympîcs.l'1 do the touals for 2M)0 but 2004 is thon lIlI probehy ready.*'Taylor sud. - 1 NO aIKN MC& OT aND 14seilible Ille Troops for ail F't-t-iiiiig oi