~DateIine' I . urgi DATIEUNE on pop 13 kids wilh physical disabilities. flhe çvent lakes place front 7 tu 1030 p.m. ,~For miore infonnation, cai 875-2255. filhe liaion b4nch of the Canadian aMental Healîli Association prescrnts l's My Anger: Quieting u Strmn and Rubfvlfi Concs frne 7 to 9 Jp.m. The six-week series rues uni INoveniher 11. To regiger or for more iformniîon, cai Suian Phair ai 845- Thec Canadian Mental Healit Association, Halton Region brmneh, holds a lecture acries and support group entitlcd Menaglg 4nhlety aMd PhoMas. flic grup fins for.-ix wecks; uitil November 18 Wt 460 Biant St. in Burlinglon front 7 to 9 p.m. flhe costi s $60. To register. cati Susan Phair ai 845-5044. Thue Drea.tfeedlng Info Fair takes place ai thse Hation Regionat Centre, 1151 Bronte Rd., inOakvijll 8 7:30 p.s. The guest speaker is Dr. lack Newman. peistuicia and cirector of Toronl Breutfeeding Chonies. Hosind by the Halton Breaatfcedini tConnection, the event includes refreshmnents. For more information, cati 825-6060, ext. 7837. Tuedy Oct 1 The Milton Cljildren and Yotl? Centre, 917 Nipissing Rd., presents Luhur, Mont front 1 ta 3 p.m. Aduits ire invited to drap off their ore- schoolers (infants ta five-year-olds) Switch lu efficient, affordable natural gas now and you'II smile wheii your winter heating hbis are cul hy up lu 64%* versus JasI winlor. Sign-up now and swil.h A~h our f0 money clown, M~ payments 'tli April '971offer. Plus, once you have naturel gas in your home you'Il enjoy the freedom ta choose naturel gas prôducîs Ihat will make your home more efficient, convenient and comfortable. And when you switch hi' Oct. 5, '96 you'II Save: $200~~ off ahigh-iifficiency furnace $0* off a mid-efficiency funace $1 0 extra bonus for in'%ig an air conditioner ai saine Urne -It's easy to switch, cati 335-7310 or 1-800-263-9970 today! for Md m tvepa. circe ime see ant Sangs flhc cout s $3.50ier clali. The Victocan Order of Nurses hoids a foot cure clinle aithlIe Harmony Court apartmnîns. 111 Ontario St., from 1:30 te 4 p.m. The coul ts $15. Foc furtuer infoniuation or an appoint. ment cai 827-8800. Fool care clinisc areby appoinînuent only. flic Milton braueh of Uic Canadian Cancer Sociciy holds an Information n*gt ai Hugit Foutr Hall as 7:30 p.n. Dr. Janicc Gicsbrecht of the Hamnikon i Regional Cancer Trentment Centre diacusses alternative therapica for breasi cancer. For information. cati 876-4539. TIte, Dihh Retllng Advls.ry Gmia ivitrs parents teoits meeting as the Main Streçt scconday seho wI 7:30 p.m. for ie formation or th1e ne%ý_. School counicil. Nominationt foris arc available ai lthe nsccting.to. Sunr the pmocess. The Mille. Tomutues mreets at *aeoDATEUriEonp.g.17* ILM orthoties 'Your Coffpil. Fookare Ce«tre q'Ready Made Insoles Cu.Tions Made Ornhortcs Orthopedic S/toe Modiftions 3006 DentY Rd., W. Suite 106, ilo hIcarn Tax anid 8mai B1no Wscid.y Occtcbsr 2 How to ç« t he MM$ tom ftur busiess. Twne: '7:00 p.m. to 10M0 p.m. Locabon: HaRon RegWnià Cerdre GWudV/hDkMA Room 1-5 Bot Rd . . akvil r -4PwwmQ 2- bbiotn %it oci aaOPbEN 1>UnionGas energy for you 4 1-00-68-5036 .*UUfttIIUMI ,oeqapmuyusi LWSflVAWA . --M- îlIIý