Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 27 Sep 1996, p. 9

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- ~ - m NEWS AND INFORMATION FROM MILTON DISTRICT HOSPITAL THE ONGOING RESPONSIBILITIES 0F THE FOUNDATION Since its inceptitîn in 1980 aur Fountiatian has been sety successful. TIse firsi fèe years ai fuandraistng were dedicaieti ta the Hospital expansion anti renasatiali wbmch was campleteti in 1987. Since tben we have raiseti tier 1.6 milltan dollars for ller purcbase af equtp- ment, facility implovemnents anti sponsorsisip ai educa- tional programns for Haspital staff anti tbe community. Purcbastng tew anti replacement equipmtient is an ongo- ing ant i ncreasing neeli. Wiib your iselp tbe MDH Faundatian wiIl continue ta, fulfil iis mandate. THANKS - ta IDA wbi cb helti a funtiraiser for the Fountiation anti raiseti $500. - ta Rockwell Internaioînal anti Miltomn Olds.mrs Hockey Club foîr tiseir ongaing generisiy PLANNING A FOUNDATION FUNDRAISER? if you would lîke lu bolti a funtiraiser on bebaîf oi thse MDH Fauntiton jusi let us knaw. We'll be happy ta atisertise it an tis page as welI as an t Haspital sign. YOU'RE INVITED TO THE OKTOBERFEST BREAKFAST tus Friday, OLtaber 111th. 6:30 am. ta 9:30 arn. mn thse caiftetia aI MDH. lige foaod wîll be delielous! AIl for t rock boitan P'nce ai $400 per persaon. Pracetii Fauntiion. since summer is oser is iinc for us allg t e- Iiwus and gel involscd in Our communmy. Milton Distict Hospital Auxilmary praites an excellent apporiunity for anyone seckmng il) serve~ the coin- - munîiy in a nraningiCul way An imndependeni vol- u nicer organiz.aiion, the MDH Auxiliary bas hemt A fsw of thé magny le in existence for over 37 The BBQ& raieud $16E years. , erving oui Hospital mn thrce main ways: fundramsing to purchase Hoispital equtpment; siilunieer services ta patients anti publie relations. Auniliary members participate mn fundrais- Ing. volunteer for mn-hospilal services which sary frmu baby photîîjallmi. Chronic Care patient ser- vice, seing anti mending, tea-wagon iii patients and visiuîrs, assistmng mn Emergency, care ofi bospital plants and flowerý, and a beautituIly siimckcti gifi sbop. îffering staff anti visitarç a wimnderlul selecion ofi gifs. sundries and band-knitted babywcar. 11e Salon- in-the-Haspital offers bairtiressing. manicure anti pedicure ta patients, staff. and gemieral public. heAuxilmary alsmi bas a very active Jr. Vuilunteer program. 'Me yîîung people ageti 14-18 years mmfd work primarily witb cbranic care patients. Auxmliary - mmiers conduct bingoî ai Bingo Comuntry onl the 2nd and 4tb Mondaystof tbe monili. Cîmnducled tours ofi tbe Hospital am igu aloffereti. In addition ta aIl ibese services Auxiliary inembers; arganîze fundraisers ai y'arious intervals duningtbc year. 'bis yeae tbe armnu aI Strawlierry Fair nctted a profil of miser $l1fe.000 BLOOD TRANSFUSION NO0TIFICATION PROGRAM MDH bas campleted ils lioififcation progYam for patients who receiveti blood i ansfustans beiween 1978 andi 1990. ibese patieng were adiged aof the poiential for HIV infecttan priai tai 1985 and also Hepattis C. We wcre able! ta cabtaci 65rm oi tbese recipieiis by rtgisicreti mail. Tlhe results of tests conm- duetei htem indicateti no aime tested poîsitive for HIV and tisere %vere lisme positIve tests firQepatiis C. .'Esen thaugh we have completed tbierogram, tbe public is encourageti ta contact time Hospail witb any questions or if timere is a neeti for counselltng. EMERGENCY NURSES DAY Milton Disirli Hospital anti Ile Trauma/Amibulataly carc teain ràke prîde mn acknowlcdging Emergency Spooe by RO Cunie M- 0 T1he Auxilmaty turmect oser $(mO.(8)t go tbe bmispmtal mn Juneai thse Hospital annulil meeting. Forhljabes services, fundraisers anti âctîvltits ta cimnliue, we reqatre'?blunieers' -Anyonc interested- mn getting insolveti wilis ibiswowaeible associton sisoulti caîl lise Hospital swttchboard 878-23183 and icase ibeir name for Mms Rita Warti, Direcmîr af Volunteers, Remecmber ihe Hospitl mv tbe lifelîne of tbe cammunmty. By belping the Hospital you are hýlping thse wisale commnunity: UPCOMING EVENTS Christmas gale and craft ceet on November 22nti anti 23rd, 1996. Christmas Wrapping - Auxilmary mrembers wmll bc doing Christmas wrppflg *ai the Mail mn baember -plant Io olUPicer - YOU will bc aanazed ai boum much pleasure you clin generate in tbe .cour2ofhelping odseri Gel involseti. Happy 'Aslunioertngl Nurses Day on Wednesday. Ociober 9, 199& Our Emergency/Ambulatiiry Cure Depariment cmplimys 9 fulI ime anti 10 pari-uie Regisemeti Nurses aIl tif wbom passes% spatial skills anti expetise requireti ta responti ta amy type tif engergettey situation. DID YOU KNOW? * a aeachaire as Ioi low yo om tats per- atmng riirm <walk or ride) ant gbiprotia be long- ngs caine witb you (glasses anti/tr book, etc. - wisy yau arc requesteti ta arrise carly for your surget, - baw eisanging tecisnalagy is making day stirgeey mare fecasilule. Ta fitît oui mare. waich for lle annruneemnent mn nei môiiflutha "Monitor'. MILTON DISTRICT HOSPITAL Help us bringquality Health Care to our Community. T I I. 's i i rý)

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