E2 LA i i i -j Audrey NewelI If you've thUgh k OUjlVl nid woutd lb oto the OMdum aalng pdce for Yoe receot home, this le est tinte tai do IL ht naw, mortgag rates are extremely aind that kept buyer kIt hlgh. Sa cail me todýy ta get DleWN ta buainees. And wiIIll sell your home for afl Its warth. Mj)Hfek Adut Cqmmunity One Bedroom Hom~e as low as $64,900 Two Bedroôm. Two Bathrnnm Associate Broker elmk l..I .~.l A«fl à ond. kror. 4 OUg oh res gouffm.1 kgc~Sr, I/ poàI. E« M fi-dfi-BdgN --"9-: IlIy linshéodbaemet. antative & oromr. onA IINr_ A flD.W you0010 homerro pIlSc, Clos. Io Ichocs. - -UOý ilLý - For moro informaion mmW àuk NacSMCAckos LumriebmUS .IIIIIIIIIE.IpIIr.ItIr.ruIIIu.,I.10uIIIIIIm 0141* aim it fc rie. 2 Il er,, boy wN*ij.*ON"41Y N Millcreek e~ (519) 763-1048 Aofnul fe..t - .~ I