PASTON AUTÔ- SALES. ,guifty Pve-Owned Vabiclles ra f,, " WEEidroFtz "4Grand'Prix Steele Ave. lion, ON L9T 1XO (goS) 875-351S Fa«: (905) 875-4M1 r Highway heipsg s Saler roade are th& edithe dois and sticka out f ram Highway Meip Prograre %6at aide, af Oie vehicie. waa reçont y, louncheil by Oie Highway He0 Si"n are Ont Au.oc4CNet et Pokq.g sold ona non-profil basi nie programr focusm retaileril Whoa have Part assiating stranded motoriste; with Oie police ta maket by giving them s methoil of availal fa ail. * gatting assistance without The programhaa beenn having toi lave their vaflicle to financially possible b>, gel holp from &fanwgers provincial sponsor; Agi This is done thougu s bnigit lnsura9ce, Cantal, Oie O rail plastic signi that aays 'Trucking Association, an -CALL POLICE* and haaks the Canadien Automnc rthe tp oi a close d arn- Assaaation (CAA>. the sby ffernd lade four MIt tanao db bile I. eTI IC A.I *> A/C Rapa i ra (Lcensed in spection station) -DiagnstricRis i i 'iS 21 mi j RdyIsTAÇWK AUt Truck,& Car M-11 Repaira AB$ Brake Repaira A ý9 '17,995 7" ý ý 'Iri Grand Pdx ofhers enIuMeed tracton sySts .oglnued fre. pes3 à h ftia '*piof g and tUckdng but thora weren' ariy chu"af normally aspirated are in a GT. Whal 1 peraonotly by, araod idorpihlesqueaks oeqi thaugh part cf 12.ltJlbO km (23 mpg> City, ncoed gid anxo=Wte mowi n ro"~ in Gu ca t 1h. test wus on gravei road. 7.3LY1Oo km (39 n«)g hlgh wasng«bvain he frout looiJwhoeamylstdréve YOu wiIl have*to slow right wayi. Theonew Grand Prix sesats. t'vo had.p problerre in look place. Jhe Grand Prix dlown for rumble at ripe and shoulil b. in s*owroiros In oldor GM sedans flot banq employa afqmething cailed speed bumps though. The this areo byAuguàt &Nie toi get far enough pway Magnateer, a new tormi of reward * from . the In suniafsh dis saco f ram tie afeedng whee la be Yalao-effort ste.ring stan- sOwneMii " oin" One < g"Oe a d;f eif car fhon hm' coW.ol.OfWfia wawed dard on th@ GT. ht uses ee aweeping auperhighway "an beore PAs acar bulk tor mie wuea O inver Information. "raa tsm toia sctue steor- w here ie Mawmalee drives, 9 i Éle v.r We Ce"ar in the istrument panef mg effort th'rn sufc c n ind to s. how tl fares thaf includes a unique fire (ETS> oobîe spr li. troad 1th sueracwel Atn against, of ail thinga, the preesw mnitéor Ifiat fiaI oniy ig and fuel cil, 'offM ai ns- Oio0 eseenwte.AIPontiac Bonnevi SSE a car tells the. driver when o tire mission upehifts toi limit wheel 'L- 199 teer i t slki ta os-i ue in O alere t loe pessre ut e Wboter racionon àete, bt te torque of htdstesamIrgN steta 0 lce resurebutSpa fo belertratio on*'-the engioe lofa you make for more maris>. f woid per. wNhiieît is. peOiVsudaOea moves f ike Jacques sonat>, like t0 put the GTP The four disc brakas on On fhe road, thua suapn- Villeneuve, 11. Clauling int sedan Up agairial Taurus the GT reer more than up f0 sion. s very tight but supple the parking spot that lust SHOfoaidey «two. opered u- .Whalevor the case, when Na pricahave been seat the 1997 Grand Prix doea this wrttiig but between $25- arrive in showrooms, il wif 1 $30000 for the SE: and GT begin uoheuIng a new kid cf Lmak fur cur wege hinted ai. Transport Pontiac for whdfGM hope. la *DAC" MDCndnumbers for the 3800 s niew knd of buyer. cminu somi