Pontiac Grand PrÏx for 1997 The Pontiac Grand Prix fSi 1997 le nappmact" f only a ignificant Car fo( Poitiac,- ils i h.d a chance f? drive lir 1997 ver- el=fcn for tire entire liqke of e-rai sZIn af théa Poniac Grand Prix recnty Motors. md tiecagsIi n enaekrs This thie tiret of the *Bandacqe carsags:ot n swvaW carstat w.l now be tailared ta thre per- Fisy, tirés a large car. Available fin aonaiity of eaeh of tire Generafs six dlvi- a sedan and coupe versions, if was aloi w. Cadliiac MI be tihe tlags".p 9uck -styled ariginely ~ squeand thenJlre tihe powerirouse fine, Satum for trope four-door waa ev=edta tirai. ta tact, wbe lire Japenoe but waal mnecheuricaf a ira bard ta tell a seda Ircathe oup4e at mnade In Northr Anerica. Thon we have a distance because thre Wris are wo sirni- Cirewroeht embh I b. sensib6e fanriy far. car afl&Ponhlpc wicb vAf b., to Use Thoa Mll b. firme angmnes offered. tiroirwn slogan, 'btt for drivers! Standard lare le s 3.1 -re (3100) VO pro- FoNowiag tire Potiuac Grand Prix Iater ducing 160 ftp and 185IM af bique; a til year w.R be tire Buicir Century, thre 3.84fr VO (3800 Seane if) elti 196 irp Cirevrafet Mafibu, end tire Didamobile and 230 lt/b of torque: and tire aame Intrigue. Tiray w.l sirare far fewer corn- engins c@Mte fin SC for Supercirarged hm nparts trsn inthe pet. Asn exar- fiat puts eut 240 rp and 280 ftlbbof pie, tire veiricies tbey replace were torque. Thre aaty tranernisaica available esaertiii identical under lire sida eli an tris lroni-weiedui"ve vfrcie ie GM's anly carrtcris fa8,190e. four-speed aiMmatc. fa tire mid-size tamif y segment for Coupea aid »dans are offered nS eicanple, Cirevrolet prsvleusiy fied tire and GT triar "ee, tire 3100 engins l Lumnina and Pontiac Ils Grand Prix standard an tire SE, lire 3000 in lire GT aga"os tire oppoaition. Prebler eu ttre and opb"na an t SE. Tire GT sedlan were clones in tdrms of intefior size, and coupe are aisa avaliabie elti tire ameN, aid leqi. Ergo tlrey weme carpef- GTP package wiricir includea tire SC ~ig againal tirenelves. engine. i imagine moat GTPs crf i b. Nat wo witir the Brandacape cars, If ordered in two-dor larmat. you cent comiy ride, go cir 1fr. nec Anotirer signifîcant change is tire Lumnina. il yau want faut handiing aad mava te col over gas sirocls ai al leur crisp. steeringengirre respoase, lry tire canm,~ hii dam away iir dur trans- nsw Grand Prix. Bettam Une is tire 'verse leal sprtng af tire pravieu Grand maney sU goes ta GM instead of a carn- Prix. In addition, tire whrnla are meved petila. outward, a refum ta tira ctasalc Pontiac: Tire concept baind Brarudocape la clidd track' stance. Wheeibase in tis cresting ciraracter unique ta each divi- car le 3-ir0rhes longer Iran lb. previeu aioa; esantuuliy tire samne plan s back modal, another facter aiding handling in the 1940& ai 1960& that wQrlced wo aid rie. wsl. To use GlWs owrrdeacripfion. itre AI af mny drlvxrg in Iris car cas dons now target buyers edr 'a nile siref not a - continued on pagle 4 (includes wash, engins shampoo exteor wax land polish witli interior shamo ad epoin gu,*Ep.~ Tuas ~-ir"