AUt O AUCTION SALE SAT., SEPEMBE2 2110 AM co ATXME'O AUCTIOIi FAIM 311MLN,3M M1 NOATtUAI OF ILTON Tractors. angines, horse draun equipment. faimn equipment. OI4ERWUO à GORDON IIUM -- AUCTiONESA (S <8>78-4871110 6 osor tae , SLOIST on Wialon Chiurchtll babaw Noovi,aui Udg.Lm Apea. MrW*ct* logar l t aa.,112 ln. out Aawainf 874-4730. Anyona with informnation regardlingt thé disappearance o) cash anid îewellauy front a house party onl McNehb Cris., Moion, on Fniday, Sept. 20. Plaise oeil 878-7018 or Crima Stoppera 1-800- 222-TIPS. If not retumed by Frtday, Sept 27 e lief of namea of those who allandad will be given loi the local authoni. 00. os t m livemn o d Mi Uea»U u of MinS. myCIKae et' 878-2341 déiior 8,124 RIDE WANT!0, Imon 20 Slaoad our FiN Lmr la Milan Go Skiai ber 6S3 AMd Vain. MWWMdy la Fridati. VUS dma ra coat. 054-314. DRY m[wed hiedwood (Mapla, Oak a Yalow BIrds) aproxbnaly le i lenUis. PIA- UP or daivard. Cul JeCr Oet a 878-4024. FIREWOOO, Harded AI quantifis avaal. Spacial on à bush corde. 9064875-1603 FInEWOOo, 9qohy .aaacod lurduod. Ir. Ir unoit u orM dslivy. Taylor Nutuio 876- 4100. CLEARANICE SALEI Neu à ut"d kayaks, -,m -ele boula. Canca Cm"ei Q*loor hep on Winuabri Claucid ld., t block N of llwy. 07, Humai. (M0) 046-5000. FIROT qudt Yac omm cane $6.0ilq yard. For ai ymir carpat oiaada Cd l3. 25 m-a of axpanlaencet FRIDCE, sépimp aid buffet, tabla à S chairt, aiactric coa & sblaci, aid uaahatad aid aid aitidsi. 90647-8004. WOODS DoNniffilar 40 Gad. roast guerd. $150. 1-416-417-4134. i..E IN MUSIC LISSONS in your home. Many - meftalRfl. ai aaaaaala. Immu andi hermoMry by biigrual experoraoid hialucla. ADIU AL L FAU CM"AI SALE 3M1 KMNSWAY PLACE, *ATUAOAY. SEP. SI -O AU 4 Fi. SUNDAY, SEP. » - 10 A.U. - 4 PJ. 'maiy Civial anes Garage Sale brougit to you by- *The Place Where Fresh le the Tastlk 389 Main St. E. 875-3212 50 Market Drive - 876-4142 fURNITURE LAWN SALE SAT., SEPT. 2- 9 AUTO 3PM 11998 Wlnaton Churchill Blvd. (1-112 mfflea*. of 'Matrlieviîer Rd.) r.EoRGETOwN Newf4* to FIntlao HaidCate Fumil ural China cabinIM, hWtcll & buttet, halveat tabie. wardrobes. dressem.s, t tables, corner cabi- nets, sota tabiles, deacon banchas. blankel box, dry sinks. TV vidéo cabinets. boohicases, qit racks, desks. cotffse & end tables, magazine racks and magbjine tables, iBm cupboard, wasfrstand, plant stand, hall-moon tabe. Mach. miuh aid iuctl. mscli rmia .BRMNOA TMCK ANDTAKEff!WffHIYOUJ GARAGE SALE Ilk SAT. SEPT. 287H. 7:30 AM - 12:30 PM 70 MAE COURT, CAMPSELLVILLE. 90 11 An Onu sERAlNAI HWy0. Sept 02 thIfo ADmaon 5.0 4a poo 250aDeaers OSaie lat flae 8"rU Youami s dor Rioepronutirns adblaam ul"l gr401ea, gamin bab0 et et MM NEWCCRIPG CUUSUS TOMATOIàSou No mda hew P oS auallabl@"M kg. dl. I",+y 7,lla ueai oi Ao-M R. PlI d11IS1 Thesa usa a i Co".O Ce Poattes Rlal A HAMU OOS PLAC sEPTi voeu. ourdaià Putmna ~~1 PLnARi E 4 Prsta Rides Playground *am auau Animal Corral CARMu M&1. cd mbd maure d"%-Y o 'pèlx up. $W4-879. CACENG 9QRý M- , sud grv am,. shribs. eraroial annels, . fier gardai auWçIai rayW NuNa"o.B87".100. 5 FamEulp KUBOTA 1060 4WO (300 hfi). blapaa -Vid~a liarus 54 se id moua- Or Luelies 2 amP ica. $13.«,0 Fm. i-416-47-413 Lam naa mi prn umber. UPro024 sou haie as Poteat kadig Stéa. 8mi èlramli, OM MoM, d", -rMb a"d. Moillet. 518-2-SOM.ý 0008, Conlmidon cirl amsas. Next sa- aert &MMl Cle. Mok 7 useaai. 90.50cf Guelphi. cao u o for raglmo Oseilles. DECORATIVI PLASTERUG. Insariors and pnimouéfliig. c"omm, reaîcoation, uork, inaçiam and saont o ua out l~deign. For ai typa cg plfiar wark kmront b eluco. SCRAP removal - WillIlc up serap, otd appiace. et. Fraat 8774@M. UMMN Gaz Fée Promotion. ForIm Clai-Qi Low peymaora saatinq Pebruary 1997. $110- 1847. BA8EMENT FLOOOED AGAIN? For a Peomanent solution use "EcToeLE)X LIFfl1ME97 A EE Cali Yoour Authooz$dAPPOfCia. coNcnITrE SOLUTIONS (416) 253-782 . MOT=C TO ADVERMU - ,rha Cneral Hmai RWM Code preh.ll ds. cremealion bouae of Ne, ses, ma&1la aMI. ai, aad -oojonle.aOuy. or -c Of origin. in conçbie uih Iia coda Mil naapa p r f atae Su ight l0 MtWi noaaay dftargle lvn slrg caW. Axis Logistics lnc. s WAREHOUSE POSITIONS Axle Logeica kic, a robigemutd aiou i tn *=, h medle opanfings for PaM fimu anrpy*t. The achaôule consista of approsknealy 24 haouta par ueik . m d" kw"dudnWin. Mtq. , -v tok The aucoamk canddfl dl bu sMi la MR; am m#t stoivalied ai abila cork uit MWa mai àupaviion Iablae aid çvalabl la amit day. atimoon aid neh a"i. libmraa pasona cmi fax fair restante. lux 9 7& , or maiti -D AMasSe.: Mama Raeuree Asie Leglaue km,. 1molto% O. LUT ou E AZ DIIIVEAS qui wkh an ah a id ,t*imiiumt 2 yaa U.3. expérience. Laa mda OoMPAN6oNIiOUSMUSPEA (meara) for sonli' Rulrna 1 iad 906442-41. HAll Saa el Smrnt = 25+ qSBudIdW paa aeculy ollea. Fira a CPR rap Apoy4 I paason: 1211Sao ui Cab. No dipti.. 01à Plamat ""L WAUMW dayI - t al miuor mt uNi ..,e tmm§a 78-COL 145 enerai Hin Wanta wOsate FOm Ruflas ub *ma oUa.. Millin, Aclon. oogatu= t hâve CWt 1 MMEDIATE,OPENINOSI Datae Entry - Word Processlng - Boolkeeplng Hlp urgently needed. Great incomne, workownhours (FTIPT) -1 Modem Requoired. Cail 1-800-831-6981, »W lisva a Job For Youli MAUMNS OIU MACul oPnATon liseaa gondiida ta ba ifit ofn ternir 2Macn a filur Sion Pm la i d trE m i t n n e FUt Ileat 2-S E aRSO Tob axpric ad basic. wetdiflcWg d ariatng. wekng Snowledge ot 3afll pmuat be eurical, isriai ontol, ofan omp.unerlltarad 'wel routed b al Apcatio f01 ormé an Sdy beOoik ur- Mmons ta: Phsvel santshd manactre o Laefarge Canmitato Mauterion We ar aw hi fil lim Plant poiin oAtionAplicanta mue etrann ie hala tntiva. maintenapnceon perstout Bluem Jbexp nc and basi 5th in andee No Picli . cellen pnoleseo Induatital oeracol linuscwn finirb So@ Maolrgicakgnd a assedur ingbuetrlasol/Compéutitvlonii *pabkae ainaluden plpt pl wt réFume or latbr Inatd bray x c Larg 0 0 .CN L7G41 M06 5 742 * F X< O 7 4